
  • 网络complete fracture
  1. 完全骨折是指骨头分成了好几块。

    A complete fracture is when the bone comes apart .

  2. 在骨折类型上,以不完全骨折如裂隙骨折、嵌插骨折等多见。

    The most common types of fracture were incomplete fracture , such as fissure and embedment .

  3. 对膝关节不完全骨折、骨挫伤及软骨骨折的显示,明显优于常规X线检查。

    MRI was superior to conventional radiography for occult fracture , bone contusion , cartilage and ligaments injury of the knee .

  4. 方法53只未发育成熟兔左肱骨下端内侧骨骺部形成不完全骨折。

    METHOD : The osteoepiphyses in the lower and inner side of the left humerus of53 immature rabbits were incompletely fractured .

  5. 记住,不照X光的话,你不能完全排除骨折的可能性——即使表面看上去没有任何骨折或肿胀。

    Remember , without an x-ray , you can 't completely rule out a fracture - even if nothing looks broken or swollen on the outside .

  6. 基于断骨模型自动配准的完全性骨折钢板预弯

    Plate prebending for complete fracture based on automatic registration of fractured bone model

  7. 骨折类型以完全性骨折多见,其中斜行骨折占43.55%、横形骨折占38.71%、粉碎性骨折占17.74%。

    The primary type was complete fracture , consisted of oblique type 43.55 % , transverse type 38.71 % and comminuted fracture 17.74 % .

  8. 结果11例中,X线检查共发现肋骨骨折34处,肩胛骨骨折1处,鼻骨骨折2处,掌骨不完全性骨折1处,左胫、腓骨骨折1处,耻骨骨折1处。

    Results In all of eleven patients with bone fractures , X-ray examination could detect thirty-four rib fracture , one scapula fracture , two nasal fracture , one metacarpal bone incomplete fracture and one left tibia-fibula fracture , one pubis fracture .

  9. 研究目的:疲劳性骨折是新兵、舞蹈演员、运动员训练常见现象,但由于其具有隐蔽不易觉察等特点,在发病后如不注意休息,继续运动将有可能进一步发展成为完全性骨折。

    Purposes : Fatigue fracture is a common phenomenon in recruits , dancers and athlete training , but since it has concealed and hardly noticeable characteristic , If do not pay attention to and have a rest , continue to exercise will likely further develop into completeness fractures .

  10. 骨头没有完全折断的骨折。

    Fracture that does not go across the entire width of the bone .

  11. 踝关节开放性完全脱位伴骨折的临床分型

    A new clinical classification for open complete dislocation with fracture of the ankle joint

  12. 结论本研究成功制作可重复性好的C3型桡骨远端骨折尸骨模型,生物力学测试提示在100N纵向负荷下,背侧钢板固定不能完全重建桡骨远端骨折的力学性能。

    Conclusion A standardized AO type C3 fracture of distal radius can be reproduced with good reproducibility of the setup and results of this model . The results suggest that dorsal plating can not totally restore the axial loading transmission pattern of normal radius with 100N axial load .

  13. 军训致股骨中下1/3完全性应力骨折的康复护理研究

    Nursing Care during Rehabilitation of Mid-distal 1 / 3 Femur Fracture Caused by Complete Stress in Military Training

  14. 12周大体观察见缺损完全愈合,骨密度完全一致,骨折线消失;

    Full healing of bone defect appeared by the end of the 12th week by general observation , and bone density was the same and fracture line disappeared .