
  • 网络Complete aphasia;global aphasia;Global Aphasia,GA
  1. 磁共振弥散加权像所示皮质病灶部位与失语类型的关系:3例完全性失语患者均出现了颞叶后部的损害,2例出现了额叶前部和顶叶下部的病灶。

    Relation between cortical lesions and aphasia revealed by DWI : 3 patients with global aphasia appeared posterior-temporal lesion , 2 ones appeared anterior-frontal and inferior parietal lesion .

  2. 综合性语言治疗对完全性失语患者的疗效评估

    Evaluation of global aphasia with comprehensive speech therapy

  3. 感觉性失语、运动性失语、完全性失语三组被试可逆被动句听理解成绩之间无差异。

    There was no difference among four-type of the passive voice sentences in aphasia group .

  4. 完全性失语是失语症中最严重的类型。患者仅能说出极少可辨别的词,极少或根本不理解别人的话。

    Mixed non-fluent aphasia is applied to patients who have sparse and effortful speech , resembling severe Broca 's aphasia .

  5. 其余11例采用开颅血肿清除术,术后9例恢复平稳,另2例遗有轻偏瘫和不完全性运动失语。

    There were still 11 cases who had craniotomy , among which 9 cases recovered smoothly and 2 cases existed hemiparesis and partial motor aphasia .