
  • 网络Selection theory;choice theory;selectionism
  1. 创新选择论;

    Innovation choice theory ;

  2. 从有限信息、公共物品的价格、官员的行为和社会选择论几个方面分析了政府行政运行成本过高的原因;

    It explains the reasons from the aspects of incomplete information , price of public goods , officials ' behavior and social choice theory .

  3. 从《翻译适应选择论》看林纾与魏易对UncleTom'sCabin的翻译

    A Probe into Lin Shu and Wei Yi 's Translating Uncle Tom 's Cabin in the Approach of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  4. 电子商务支付模式选择论不法原因给付

    THE SELECTION OF E-C PAYMENT WAYS On payment for illegal reasons

  5. 翻译适应选择论的哲学理据

    Theoretical Props of the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  6. 从《雨中的猫》的翻译看译者的角色&基于翻译适应选择论的分析

    Role of Translator in the Translation of Cat in the Rain

  7. 风机盘管的选择论浮动抵押

    Discussion on the Selection of Air Coil A Study of Floating Charge

  8. 种质选择论很有新意,极富辩证法思想。

    His germinal selection theory is pregnant with novelty and dialectic ideas .

  9. 《翻译适应选择论》简评

    A Short Review of An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  10. 小公共汽车我国民众的选择论短途客运的合理模式

    Minibuses-The Masses Choice of our Nation-on the Reasonable Mode of Short-distance Passenger Service

  11. 《内经》六气病机的选择论

    Theory of Selectivity of Six Qi Pathogenesis in Neijing

  12. 海洋经济滨海地区可持续发展的必然选择论盘锦发展海洋经济的思路与策略

    Marine economy-the certain selection of continuable development in littoral

  13. 从译文看译论&翻译适应选择论应用例析

    Understanding Translation as Adaptation and Selection Through Case Studies

  14. 从受传者的心理选择论健康传播致效的原则和策略

    Principles and Strategies of Health Communication Efficiency Based on the Psychological Preference of Receivers

  15. 关于决定论与自由选择论的思辨

    A Speculation On Determinism and Free Selectionism

  16. 编辑信息选择论

    On the Editing Theory of Information Selection

  17. 群体选择论的预先假定

    On the Presuppositions of Group Selectionism Choice

  18. 翻译适应选择论视角下的译者主体性研究

    A Study of Translator 's Subjectivity from the Theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  19. 金融监管模式选择论

    The Selection of Financial Regulation Mode

  20. 而翻译适应选择论的出现给翻译研究开辟了一个宏观角度。

    The appearance of approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection provides a macro-perspective translation theory .

  21. 我国银行存款保险费率计量模式的合理选择论赠品促销的策略、管理及其商业责任

    Reasonable choice of computation pattern on the premium of deposit insurance by referring to the foreign experiences

  22. 对翻译适应选择论的探讨和个案研究

    The " Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection " - An Examination and a Case Study

  23. 《简·爱》;翻译适应选择论;翻译生态环境;多维度转换;

    Jane Eyre ; An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection ; translational eco-environment ; multi-dimensional transformation ;

  24. 编辑政治选择论

    Political Choices of Editing

  25. 旅游选择论

    Studies of Tourism Choice

  26. 从翻译适应选择论看新闻报道中隐喻习语的翻译

    On the Translation of Metaphorical Idioms in News Report from the Perspective of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  27. 根据胡庚申的翻译适应选择论,翻译被定义为译者适应翻译生态环境的选择活动。

    According to Hu , translation is described as a translator 's adaptation and selection activities in a translational eco-environment .

  28. 翻译原则和翻译方法既是翻译理论必备的一项重要内容,又可以反过来作为检验该理论解释力的一个重要途径。本文阐述和例证了适应选择论的翻译原则和翻译方法。

    The translation principle and translation methods are presented and exemplified for the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection .

  29. 某商住楼变压器容量的选择论公立医院的竞争力和适当引入市场竞争机制的必要性

    Discussion of the Capacity of Transformer for the Building of Business and Residence Analysis on competing capacity of state-owned hospital

  30. 由于利他现象在自然界广泛存在,群体选择论认为利他主义的群体能够得到进化。

    However , altruism is widespread in nature . The theory of group selection holds that altruistic group would gain evolution .