
  • 网络Selective Distribution
  1. 建立分销网络模型,必须考虑成本、需求、配送时间、如何选择分销中心及确定向哪些需求点供货这四个要点。

    The mode of distribution network must consider four points which include cost , demand , distribution time , how to choose distribution center and supply to which demand points .

  2. 在此基础上论述了药品分销通路设计的四个原则:多层通路原则、选择分销原则、双赢原则、终端优化原则。

    On this basis , the paper discuses four principles of pharmaceutical marketing channel designation : multilayer channels principle , choice marketing principle , double-wins principle , and termination improvement principle .

  3. 本文通过对企业分销模式、分销渠道策略、分销渠道管理几个方面的再认识,介绍了企业如何合理选择分销渠道,并结合铝厂分销渠道模式探讨了今后企业分销渠道的发展方向。

    Having attained fur-ther understanding of distribution modes of enterprises and strategy of distribution channels , the author introduces enterprises concerned how to rationally select distribution channels and dis-cuss on orientation of development of distribution channels of enterprises in future in integra-tion with distribution channel modes of some aluminum smelter .

  4. 文章分析了西方具有代表性的有关分销渠道方面的观点,包括四个方面:分销渠道的形成机制,分销渠道的规模决策,分销渠道的组织类型选择以及分销渠道的管理内容。

    This paper analyses the representative views on the distribution , including channel formation mechanism , scale decision , organizational structure selection and management content .

  5. 在双层规划模型中,上层规划为分销中心选址模型,下层规划表示客户选择最佳分销中心订货模型。

    In the bi-level programming model , the upper layer was used to choose addresses for distribution centers , and the lower layer was used to reflect the optimal distribution center which clients tended to choose .

  6. 为了在竞争激烈的市场环境中获利并得到发展,营销商所面临的一个具体且基本的决策就是制定有效的分销渠道策略,做好分销渠道选择与分销渠道管理等工作。

    For earning profit and being developed in the highly competitive market environment , a concrete and fundamental decision-making been confronted with Marketing trader is to work out effective distribution channel tactics , to choose and manage distribution channel .

  7. 选择中国IT分销行业为背景,聘请专业调研公司以上门走访的方式收集了367个企业客户的样本数据,然后利用结构方程建模(SEM)软件EQS5.7b,对该模型作了检验。

    Based on Chinese IT distribution industry , with the help of a professional survey company , a sample data of 367 actual customers is collected . Then , the customer loyalty model is tested by means of the statistical analysis method of structure equation modeling ( SEM ) .

  8. 但由于分销渠道是由不同的利益主体组成,这就使汽车厂商在对分销渠道的结构决策、发展和选择分销商以及分销渠道政策制订这些问题上提出了较高的要求。

    But the existing distribution channel consists of different interest groups , which made it rather difficult and complicated to construct the auto distribution channel .

  9. 正是基于对企业客户服务运作相关问题的深入理解,本文选择制造-分销型企业作为典型背景,对企业客户服务运作进行了系统的研究。

    Just on the basis of the deep understanding to the relevant problem of enterprise 's customer service operation , the customer service operation was studied systematically on the background of a fabricate-distributing enterprise .

  10. 分销商选择问题是企业分销环节中重要的决策问题之一。

    Distributor selection problem is one of important decision making problems in the supply chain .

  11. 医药生产企业营销渠道建设的核心内容就是企业采用什么样的分销模式、选择哪些经销商参与分销,以利于更大限度的发挥渠道和渠道成员的功能和作用;

    The key contents of medicinal manufacturing enterprise marketing channel constructions is that which distribution modes and which distributors enterprise choose , in order to benefit the full play the function and use of channel and channel members ;

  12. 在此基础上,提出湖南中烟的国际市场营销战略目标,并对国际市场营销战略涉及的两个主要问题进行选择,即国际目标市场选择和市场分销渠道选择。

    On this basis , the strategic goal of Tobacco Hunan industry international market development is put forward in context . International marketing strategy involves two major issues , namely international target market selection and market distribution channels selection .