
  • 网络Choose a school;school choice;alternative school
  1. 教育券政策的实施尽管扩大了学生及其家长选择学校的机会,但研究表明社会经济背景较好的学生才是该政策的更大受益者。

    This policy has increased the opportunity of school choice of parents , but research shows that the students with better off family are the beneficiaries .

  2. AMBA收集并编辑的院校介绍,包括关于如何选择学校的建议;按专业划分MBA的课程表;远程教育等等。

    MBA schools directory compiled by the association of MBAs ( AMBA ), which includes advice on choosing a school ; tables of specialist schools ; open and distance learning degrees and the graduate outlook .

  3. 他替我选择学校,选择女朋友,选择职业。

    He picked my schools , my girlfriends , my career .

  4. 和诺阿在一起,选择学校…

    Between spending time with Noah , picking a school ...

  5. 目前为止,在我们的节目里,我们已经谈到了如何选择学校。

    So far in our series , we talked about choosing schools .

  6. 建议审慎选择学校。

    Advised caution in choosing a school .

  7. 最后,研究为未来关于学生选择学校的研究提出一些方向。

    Finally , this study offered several directions for the future researches on students ' choice of university .

  8. 学生在选择学校时主要关注学校的排名、知名度与地理位置。

    Students mainly focus on the ranking , popularity and location of the universities when they make a decision .

  9. 总的来说,本研究的回答提到了六个学生面临选择学校时的影响因素。

    In general , the respondents in this research study mentioned six obstacles which they faced when choosing universities .

  10. 迄今为止,我们谈论了如何选择学校以及有关诸如在线教育和文凭工厂之类的话题。

    So far we have talked about planning for school and about subjects like online education and diploma mills .

  11. 从选择学校、进行家庭辅导最终到参与学校教育教学过程都是特殊儿童家长参与学校教育的方式。

    They can participate by means of choosing schools , family tutoring , participating in the process of school education .

  12. 本课结束,你将能够依据你他们的手册选择学校。

    By the end of this lesson , you will be able to select a school based on their brochures .

  13. 所以家长选择学校,不仅仅要考虑离家近,还要考虑学校的教学质量。

    So parents to choose schools close to home should consider not only have to consider the quality of teaching in schools .

  14. 罗思发展了这套理论,而且应用到了实践当中,如分配医学学生到教学医院、孩子选择学校等。

    Mr Roth has developed this theory , but he has also put it into practice , allocating medical students to teaching hospitals and children to schools .

  15. 此外,学生选择学校的时候,可能更多关注的是教学的质量而不是公寓的质量,因此,公寓对于学生的吸引力恐怕并不会很大。

    Consequently , students will find it increasingly difficult to afford off-campus housing . Finally , attractive new dormitories would make prospective students more likely to enroll at Buckingham .

  16. 为什么父母这么急于为孩子选择学校呢?因为如果他们不这么匆忙,他们就要花更多钱。

    Why are parents in such a rush to get a school place for their children ? Because if they are not in a hurry , they 'll have to pay more .

  17. 完成自我评价,并且决定确实要去美国留学之后,下一步便是应该提供如何选择学校的意见。

    Having completed their self-appraisal and decided that they do wish to pursue the idea of studying in the United States , students should next be counseled about the selection of institutions .

  18. “选校”专题将有望使你接触到选择学校时的重要标准,同时也将给你带来评估这些信息所需的工具和背景。

    " The Search " will hopefully both expose you to the criteria that are important when choosing a college and also give you the tools and context that you need to evaluate that information .

  19. 当你选择学校的时候,问一问学校毕业生走向,你会发现许多学校比常青藤和名牌学校做得更好,即使你都没听说过它!

    As you search for colleges , ask about student outcomes ; you will find many colleges that outperform the Ivies and " name brands , " even though you may have never heard of them !

  20. 我是旅游酒店管理专业的毕业生陈戈娃,初中毕业后,面临选择学校的我,最后我选择来到了竞男。

    I am a tourist hotel management graduates Chen , Gewa , after graduating from junior high school , I am faced with the choice of schools and finally I chose to come to a competing male .

  21. 基于这种假设,影响考生决策的主要因素是高等教育投资的个人直接成本,拟选择学校所属行业的平均职工工资水平以及目标学校的综合实力和就业率等。

    This hypothesis suggests that the main factors affecting the examinees ' decisions are direct cost of higher education investment , average salary of the industry the target higher education institution , the integrated strength of the target institution and the rate of employment for its graduates .

  22. 正如I'mFirst的鲁宾诺夫所指出的那样,这有助于解释为什么这些学生最终选择的学校可能是最不适合他们的。

    That helps explain why , as I 'm First 's Rubinoff indicated , the schools to which these students end up resorting can end up being some of the poorest matches for them .

  23. 因为提前录取是有约束力的,所以学校可以招收合格的学生,招生委员会也可以选择对学校有特殊需求的学生,并能确保这些学生会到校。

    Early decision , since it 's binding , allows schools to fill their classes with qualified students ; it allows admissions committees to select the students that are in particular demand for their college and know those students will come .

  24. 但是,你选择的学校真的重要吗?

    But , does the school you choose actually matter ?

  25. 现在,当然了,这并不涵盖选择顶尖学校的所有方面,包括获得这些学校的学位是一项荣誉的象征,也许还能帮你更容易找到一份工作。

    Now , of course , this doesn ’ t cover every aspect of going to a top ranked school including the fact that having a degree from one of them can be a badge of honour , and may help you find a job more easily .

  26. 为我选择的学校付钱。

    Ready to buy me into the school of my choice .

  27. 既然你选择了学校,把它好好的完成!

    Since you have chosen school , put it Haohao De finished !

  28. 家长不能随心所欲地将孩子送进他们自己为孩子所选择的学校里去。

    Parents cannot always have the school of their choice for their children .

  29. 现在这个问题在选择寄宿学校和日制学校中得到了广泛的讨论。

    Nowadays the issue on choosing boarding schools or day schools is discussed widely .

  30. 这就是为什么有很多人选择重回学校。

    That 's the story for many who choose to go back to school .