
  • 网络Balanced Budget;budget balance
  1. 但他也努力工作以缩减消费并实现预算平衡。

    But he also worked hard to out spending and achieve a balanced budget .

  2. 法国政府30年多年来从未实现过预算平衡。

    The French government has not produced a balanced budget for more than 30 years .

  3. 他通过严格控制公共开支保持预算平衡。

    He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure .

  4. 比如,据国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance)称,油价必须在2015年之前一直保持在每桶110美元的价位,沙特政府才能维持预算平衡。

    A possible example : according to the Institute of international finance , the Saudi Arabian government can now only balance its budget with oil at $ 110 a barrel by 2015 .

  5. 正因为如此,意大利必须强调其与希腊的不同,强调其政策将可实现预算平衡,并使债务与gdp比率不断下降。

    That is why Italy must stress its difference from Greece , and that its policies will produce budget balance and a declining debt to GDP ratio .

  6. 不过Zoellick也说,对于其他大经济体来说,处理好国内的预算平衡很重要。

    But Mister Zoellick also said it was important for other big economies to deal with their own budget

  7. 证明了非营利组织团队在满足预算平衡或在某些制度约束的条件下Nash均衡结果的非有效性。

    It was proved that there is no Nash equilibrium of the game induced by allocation schemes under the conditions of budget balance and some regulatory constraints .

  8. 法国政府支出与国内生产总值(GDP)的比例已经达到56%,法国自上世纪70年代中期以来就没有实现过预算平衡,而且某些税种的税率是世界上最高的。

    This is a country where the state already consumes 56 per cent of gross domestic product , which has not balanced a budget since the mid-1970s , and which has some of the highest taxes in the world .

  9. 该计划意味着德国将于2015年达到预算平衡,比写入宪法的债务刹车(debt-brake)要求提早一年。

    The plan means Germany will reach budget balance in 2015 , a year earlier than required under the debt-brake written into its constitution .

  10. 可行的机制要在有效率的分配和预算平衡之间权衡。

    An available mechanism must trade-offs between efficient allocation and budget-balance .

  11. 其次,各州都必须遵守预算平衡规定。

    Second , states are subject to balanced-budget rules .

  12. 自2002年以来,它一直没有实现预算平衡。

    It has not balanced a budget since 2002 .

  13. 资本主义4.0限制政府开支,但它更偏好凯恩斯主义的经济刺激政策,而非力求达到预算平衡的节俭政策。

    Capitalism 4 controls government spending but prefers Keynesian stimulus to budget-balancing austerity .

  14. 未来阶段的长期目标应该是预算平衡。

    The long-term objective , in a later phase , should be a balanced budget .

  15. 几乎所有的州都要求预算平衡。

    Almost all states require balanced budgets .

  16. 最后,政府使预算平衡的努力以失败告终。

    At last , the government 's efforts to balance the budget ended in failure .

  17. 他做出了巨大的努力,还不忘提到有关预算平衡的愚蠢承诺。

    He makes a man-sized attempt and remembers to mention the idiotic commitment to balanced budgets .

  18. 因此,他们不得不将土地使用权廉价出售,以实现预算平衡。

    Thus they have been forced to sell off land use rights to balance their budgets .

  19. 日本政府计划,在不计偿付利息的情况下,到2020年实现预算平衡。

    The plan is to balance the budget , excluding interest payments on the debt , by 2020 .

  20. 我将最终推动政府实现预算平衡,并通过否决权执行这一纪律。

    I will make government finally live on a budget and enforce that discipline by the power of veto .

  21. 财政预算平衡;财政收支平衡:指一个政府的收入与支出(不仅仅是税收)之间的平衡。

    Fiscal Balance : A Balance Between the receipts and expenditures of a government ( not just taxes ) .

  22. 不过,打破预算平衡的神话会不会为政府大肆挥霍大开绿灯?

    But would not the puncturing of the balanced budget myth give the green light to vast government profligacy ?

  23. 设计糟糕的预算平衡规定,将让联邦政府陷入与各州政府一样的无助境地,造成灾难性的后果。

    Badly framed balanced-budget rules , making the federal government as helpless as the States , would be disastrous .

  24. 财政政策是由包括税收政策、支出政策、预算平衡政策等构成的完整政策体系。

    Financial policy is a complete policy system included by the tax policy , the balanced budget spending policy .

  25. 方案的目标是在未来三年省出300亿欧元,到2013年实现预算平衡。

    The aim is to save 30bn over the next three years and to balance the budget by 2013 .

  26. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)上周表示,如果原油价格大幅下挫,委内瑞拉预算平衡可能会迅速恶化。

    Standard & Poor 's said last week that Venezuela 's budget balance'could deteriorate quickly'if crude prices fall sharply .

  27. 这样一来,欧元区会陷入恶性循环,需要通过进一步的削减来恢复预算平衡。

    The eurozone would then be trapped in a vicious circle requiring further cuts to restore budgets to balance .

  28. 这是说:“谁要是说我们能够在不提高税收的情况下使预算平衡的话,那真是胡说八道。”

    " Anybody who says we can balance the budget without raising taxes is just talking through his hat . "

  29. 他们目前的计划似乎是打算将刺激与紧缩“神奇地”结合起来,在实现预算平衡的同时刺激增长。

    Their present plan seems to involve some magical mix of stimulus and austerity that restores both budgetary balance and growth .

  30. 在风险中性条件下,分析了有效的预算平衡契约是不存在的,并建立预算非平衡契约。

    Under risk neutral condition , an effective budget-balancing contract does not exit , and the paper constructed a non-budget-balancing contract .