
  • 网络Precautionary Motives;The Precautionary Motive;prevention motivation
  1. 市场对于现金的需求,首先是受到不确定性大幅上升的驱使&即凯恩斯(Keynes)理论中的预防动机。

    Demand for cash is driven first by a sharp rise in uncertainty – Keynes 's precautionary motive .

  2. 护龄、科室、针刺伤相关知识、预防动机、自我效能是护士针刺伤预防行为的影响因素。

    NSI protection behavior is affected by age , section , NSI related knowledge , prevention motivation , self-efficacy . 5 .

  3. 二是在更大程度上由于居民对未来预期不确定所强化的预防动机。

    Second , resident 's prevention motive strengthened by uncertain anticipation for the future is much more important in leading to this economic phenomenon .

  4. 在艾滋病预防动机水平上,对危险性的感知、社会关系的对预防行为的支持程度较低,自身对使用安全套的态度存在偏见。

    In regard to prevention motivation , their perception of risk and social support were in low level ; prejudice against condom use was prevalent .

  5. 快速增长的居民储蓄反映出居民对将来收入、支出不确定性的预防动机,也反映出社会保险的薄弱和不足。

    The rapid increase of household saving reflects individuals ' precaution motives for uncertainty of income and expenditures in the future and it also reflects the weakness and insufficiency of social insurance .

  6. VaR(风险值)模型分析说明,支出增长预期对未来消费变化的影响仅次于可支配收入因素,但要强于预防性动机对消费的影响。

    The VAR model illustrates that the expectation of expenditure is only second to disposable income on consumption , but is superior to the precautionary motive .

  7. 这就是Keynes(1936)提出的‘交易性动机’和‘预防性动机’。

    That is Keynes ( 1936 ) described as the transaction cost motive , the precautionary motive for holding cash .

  8. 融资约束、现金流风险与现金持有的预防性动机

    Financial Constraints , Cash Flow Volatility and Corporate Precautionary Cash Holdings

  9. 有一个就是预防性动机&就是在手头保持货币以应付计划外的支出或防止不测的情况。

    There is the precautionary motive-the need to keep money on hand to make unplanned expenditures or to meet uncertain situations .

  10. 这说明预期政策趋于紧缩时,企业融资将受到约束,资金使用成本上升,企业会出于预防性动机而增加现金持有量,因此企业的投资量将减少。

    This means that when tight time is expected to become , the manager will increase cash holdings for precautionary motive and decrease investment for financing constraints and raise of capital cost .

  11. 从而验证了西方经济学家关于人们的储蓄受到收入、利率的替代效应和收入效应、预防性动机等因素影响的理论。

    Thus , the conclusion is in line with the theories of western Economists that " people 's saving behavior is influenced by income , the replacing effect and income effect of interest rate , preventive motive " .

  12. 通过对三个回归模型结果的分析,笔者认为:我国居民储蓄存款的变化主要是居民可支配收入、利率、通货膨胀率以及预防性动机共同作用的结果。

    By the analyzes of the above three regressive results , the following result can be proved : the main changes in Chinese residents ' deposit saving are the common results of deposable income of residents , interest rates , inflation rates as well as precautionary motive .

  13. 经济发达地区城镇居民预防性储蓄动机研究&基于微观数据的实证分析

    Study for Precautionary Savings Motive of Urban Residents in the Developed Areas & The Empirical Study Based on Micro-data

  14. 最后对预防性储蓄动机强度呈现出的地区差异进行比较分析。

    Next the difference of the strength of precautionary savings motive exhibited among areas are compared and analyzed . Final part is the conclusion .

  15. 中国居民储蓄的超常增长近年来成为一个被普遍关注的问题,而居民储蓄动机更是成为人们关注的焦点。一个普遍的看法是,预防性储蓄动机在中国居民储蓄决策中起重要作用。

    The high growth rate of household saving in China and the motive of Chinese household saving have attracted great attention of academic community as well as policy-maker recently .

  16. 第六部分是根据四和五部分得出的检验结果,分析影响海南省农村居民的预防性储蓄动机强度的主要因素。

    According to the results of the fourth and fifth parts , the sixth part analyzes main factors which influence rural inhabitants ' preventative savings motivation strength in Hainan province .

  17. 接着选取《中国物价及城镇居民家庭收支调查统计年鉴》的数据对城镇不同收入阶层居民家庭的预防性储蓄动机强度进行了检验。

    Then the correlative data in China Price and Urban Residents household Income and Expenses Investigation Statistical Yearbook is used to estimate the precautionary saving motivation intensity in Chinese urban resident household of various income levers .

  18. 文章利用1978~2003年样本数据通过消费函数的变参数空间状态模型研究了经济转型期中国农村居民超敏感度消费行为,实证研究结果表明,农户存在着显著的预防性储蓄动机。

    The paper studies the oversensitive consumption behaviors of Chinese rural people based on the state space model using the sample during ( 1978 ~ 2003 . ) The results show that there exists obvious motivation of precautionary saving .

  19. 在实证分析中,本文通过用教育支出为工具变量度量风险,首先选取《中国统计年鉴》的相关数据对我国城镇居民家庭和农村居民家庭的预防性储蓄动机强度进行了检验;

    In the section of empirical analysis , the paper takes educational expenditure as instrumental variable ( IV ) to measure the risk , uses the correlative data in China Statistical Yearbook firstly to estimate the precautionary saving motivation intensity in Chinese urban resident household and rural residents household .

  20. 他们认为,这反映了美国企业预防性现金持有动机的存在。

    They concluded the existence of precautionary motive in cash holding .

  21. 本文借鉴西方预防性储蓄理论,结合上海城市化率很高这一特点,分析预防性储蓄动机收入和支出两种不确定性对上海城市居民消费行为的影响。

    The research of this paper is based on the theories of the precautionary savings . Considering the high urbanization of Shanghai , We attempt to find the influence income uncertainty and expenditure uncertainty brings to shanghai residents respectively .