
yù qī lì yì
  • anticipated profit
  1. 在WTO规则的约束条件下,中央和地方制度创新的差异具有新特点,地方制度创新既有来自预期利益的推动力,又有来自财政、既得利益及政绩考核的压力。

    In the new institutional constraints of WTO rules , some new characteristics have appeared in the differences of central and local institutional innovation .

  2. 为了尽可能久地实现和维护MPC控制系统的预期利益,我们需要一个检测异常和诊断其根本原因的机制。

    In order to generate sustained benefit , we need a useful tool to implement and maintain MPC control system .

  3. 相反,制度和实践中存在众多干扰预期利益实现的障碍。

    By contrast , there are some obstacles in the system and the practice .

  4. 独立董事既是监督者,又是预期利益的实际受益者,其权利蕴涵公正、客观、独立三个价值评价。

    Independent directors is a supervisor , the actual beneficiaries of the anticipated benefits .

  5. 动态联盟中对盟友选择的合适与否是联盟能否获得成功、企业能否得到预期利益的关键因素。

    Selecting the partner is a key factor to the success of the dynamic alliance .

  6. 求解有限责任公司股东预期利益实现的制度困境

    Resolving the Institutional Puzzledom of Realizing the Expectation of the Shareholder in the Limited Liability Corporation

  7. 本质上说,项目的价值是预期利益的需求选择价值。

    Essentially , the value of the project is the call option value of the expected benefits .

  8. 这不足以成为反对的理由要是预期利益非常大的话。

    This is not a good enough reason to hold back if the expected benefits are significant .

  9. 农民加入合作经济组织的行为除受预期利益的激励外,还受到农民个人素质特征和村庄特征的影响。

    Farmer cooperative behavior is also subject to the quality characteristics of individual farmers and village characteristics .

  10. 商业预期利益是建立在对其付出所得的回报的限制上的。

    The expected business benefit establishes constraints on what the business is willing to spend to obtain those benefits .

  11. 有限责任公司法律制度的供给,其实施的功效正在于有限责任公司为投资者所选用,以实现投资者的预期利益。

    The virtue of the the legal system supply just lies in the choice of the investor to realize his anticipation interest .

  12. 数据统计结果表明:股东、管理者、员工是企业核心利益相关者,政府、债权人和消费者是企业预期利益相关者。

    The core stakeholders include shareholders , managers and employees . The expect stakeholders include government sectors , creditors , and consumers .

  13. 公司僵局不仅使所有股东的预期利益可能遭受不可避免的损失,而且,也抑制了有限责任公司为社会创造财富的可能。

    The deadlock not only makes the anticipation interest facing unavoidable loss , but also restrains the corporation creat wealth for the society .

  14. 员工持股计划的机理和制度生命在于它能使在一个企业工作达到一定年限的员工获得一种可得的预期利益,能够密切企业与员工的关系,调动员工的积极性。

    An employee who has served for the company for several years can get some kind of expected interests through Esop , which is helpful for moving employee .

  15. 同时,行政机关的违法行为可能牵连侵害了承继原告的权利,或者由于原始原告的死亡,而使承继原告因其死亡而得到的预期利益受损。

    Meanwhile , illegal behaviors of administrative parties may invade the rights of succeeding plaintiff and the rights of succeeding plaintiff may be invaded when original plaintiff dies .

  16. 因此,在微观上,为保护股东的预期利益,我国的有限责任公司法律制度必须完善有限责任公司利润分配制度和公司僵局的救济制度。

    Therefore , from the anticipation interest perspective , our Limited Liability Corporation legal system must perfect the the dividend distributing system and the remedy system of deadlock .

  17. 利润分配压制使被压制股东的预期利益落空,由于股权转让的限制,股东难以充分有效的退出公司,其在公司的投资和收益被锁定。

    Dividend oppression makes the anticipation interest of the oppressed shareholder frustrated , he is difficult to retreat from the corporation , his investment and income in the corporation is locked-up for the restriction of the share .

  18. 可见,投资者惟有对上市公司的营业信息有较为全面和客观的了解才能有效行使其权利,才能防止损害投资者利益的行为发生以及事后的及时救济,从而保障自己预期利益的实现。

    Therefore only when the investors have full and objective understanding of the trading information can they perform their right effectively , avoid the occurrence of spoiling investors ' interests or give timely remedial measures if occurs so as to guarantee the expected benefits .

  19. 本部分结合案例对我国离婚案件财产分割中容易出现争议的五种财产类型:知识产权的可预期利益、按揭房屋、人力资本及其预期利益、夫妻股权、婚前财产收益进行了分析。

    In this section , we analyzed five property types which are easier to have controversy in divorce cases : expected benefits intellectual property rights , mortgage housing , human capital and its expected benefits , husband and wife share , earnings pre-marital property .

  20. 因此,法律制度的构建必须充分的维护有限责任公司股东的预期利益,从而使有限责任公司作为一种独立的企业法律形态在企业组织形式生态中发挥重要的功能。

    Therefore , the building of the legal system must sufficiently maintain the anticipation interest of the stockholder of Limited Liability Corporation ; thereby , Limited Liability Corporation exerts its important function as an independent enterprise legal form in the ecology of the enterprise organizational forms .

  21. 夫妻离婚时,知识产权的可期待利益、因夫妻一方作出牺牲而导致的人力资本的变化及其所产生的预期利益应作为夫妻共同财产在夫妻之间进行公平的分割。

    When the couples divorce , the expectable interest of knowledge and property right , the change of human capital caused by one side 's sacrifice and the proleptic interest resulting from it should be regarded as the couple 's common property and divided fairly between the couple .

  22. 预期的利益和成果是不清楚的。

    It was not clear what the expected benefits and outcomes were .

  23. 所谓绩效管理,就是组织为了达到既定目标,通过持续开放的沟通,形成组织目标所预期的利益和产出,推动员工的行为沿着组织目标方向前进。

    Performance management is to push employees to advance towards organizational goal by persistent communication to form expected benefit and output of the organizational goal .

  24. 有些专家说研究一个完全新型的避孕药的费用大于预期的利益,医药公司提供的研究经费已经基本耗尽。

    Several experts said that the cost of developing an entirely new contraceptive method outweighed prospective profits , and that research financing from pharmaceutical companies had dried up .

  25. 折旧方法及可使用年期均会定期检讨,以确保该等方法及折旧率与物业、机器及设备之预期经济利益模式一致。

    The depreciation methods and estimated useful lives are reviewed periodically to ensure that the methods and rates of depreciation are consistent with the expected pattern of economic benefits from properties , machinery and equipment .

  26. 但是,大批企业跟风似的进入到体育赞助当中势必会有些盲目性,他们不顾自身特点,并未给企业带来预期的利益。

    But , the large quantity business enterprise follow breeze enter the athletics sponsor in the middle certanly will would some blindness , they regardless of the oneself characteristics , did not bring anticipant benefits for business enterprise .

  27. 著者借助公共信托的理念,认为应该将这种预期增值利益返还于社会,由政府按照信托模式管理和运作这笔资金,并最终以公益目的或公益用途方式返还于社会。

    That such expected value-added benefits should be returned to the society and the trust funds is settled in accordance with the mode of management and operation by the Government , And eventually to return to society by public use means or public purpose .

  28. 现行的项目是否产生了预期的商业利益并且支持组合的整体商业战略?

    Are the active projects producing expected business benefits and supporting the portfolio 's overall business strategy ?

  29. 目前学术界和司法实践中对预期可得利益损失的赔偿颇有争议。

    There are argumentations nowadays existed in the academe and the judicial practices towards the damages of the expected interests .

  30. 许多家庭不仅有了可观的有形财产,还拥有了许多无形资产,如股权,著作权,专利以及一些预期的经济利益。

    Many families have not only considerable tangible assets , but also intangible assets such as stockings , copyrights , and expected interests .