
  • 【法】Japanese civil code
  1. 《德国民法典》采弱度效力说而为抗辩权发生主义,《日本民法典》转采强度效力说而成实体权消灭主义。

    " Germany Civil Law " adopts the theory of weak effect , so its model is producing of right of defense .

  2. 从比较法考察,德国民法典之前的法国和日本民法典,在物权变动上基本采纳意思主义。

    From a comparative law perspective , the French and Japanese civil codes basically adopt the principle of autonomy of the will in respect of change of property rights .

  3. 这一切始于数百年前,当时日本民法典规定了家族长者去世后家族财富的继承办法。

    It all started hundreds of years ago when Japan 's civil code dictated how a family 's wealth would be passed on after the death of the family elder .

  4. 《日本民法典》把优先权称为先取特权,将其规定于物权编第八章,分为一般先取特权、动产先取特权和不动产先取特权。

    Civil Code of Japan calls the priority as Privilege and places it in the eighth chapter of the part of property . In Japan privilege falls into three kinds : general privilege , realty special privilege and chattels special privilege .

  5. 法国、德国、日本民法典的相继修改,均体现出平常化和对自我决定的尊重的新理念,发展了欠缺行为能力成年人保护制度。

    The civil codes of France , Germany , and Japan have been amended one after another , in which the new concept of " normalization " and " respecting self-decision " are all embodied , and the system of protecting the adults lacking capacity has been developed .

  6. 日本明治民法典研究(一)

    Studies of Meiji Civil Code of Japan ( To Be Continued )

  7. 对西学东渐中居住权丧失的原因进行分析后认为,日本民国民法典没有规定居住权是因为当时缺少居住权功能发挥的社会环境。

    The reason that there is no habito in Japan civil code is lack of society surroundings .

  8. 日本明治旧民法典的编纂、论争及其延期实施的原因分析

    The Codification and Debate and the Reasons for Postponement of Implementation of the Old Civil Code of Meiji

  9. 日本明治时期民法典论争与我国清末礼法之争(二)

    Comparison of Debates between the Codification of Japan 's Meiji Civil Code and Those concerning Li-Fa at the end of China 's Qing Dynasty ( Continued )