
  • 网络contract formation
  1. 电子合同订立中还出现了一些特殊的主体,网络服务提供者即ISP,它的法律地位类似与传统合同订立中邮局所起的功能;

    As the special principal party of the E-contract , the legal status of ISP is similar to the function of the post office in traditional contracting .

  2. 论保险合同订立时的信息披露义务

    Discuss " Information Disclosure Obligation " in Concluding an Insurance Contract

  3. 从实践看,许多争议都是在劳动合同订立时隐藏下来的。

    In practice , there are many arguments during the concluding contract .

  4. 公共采购合同订立程序的归结与思考

    Thinking and Development of the Signing of Public Procurement Contracts

  5. 论合同订立中的格式之战

    The " battle of forms " during conclusion of contract

  6. 缔约过失责任是合同订立过程中的责任。

    Research on the System of Culpa in Contrahendo ;

  7. 第一章主要讨论了劳动合同订立中的基本法律问题。

    The chapter one is about the basic theory about the labor contract .

  8. 您能否告诉我合同订立的具体日期吗?

    Could you be more specific on the date the contract was made ?

  9. 保险合同订立程序构成的法律解析

    A Legal Explanation on Insurance Contract Closing Procedure

  10. 教育合同订立问题研讨

    On the Problem of Concluding an Education Contract

  11. 请放心我们将按合同订立的条款发运货物。

    Please be assured that we will effect shipment according to the contracted terms .

  12. 第二部分初步探讨了国际电子商务合同订立过程中的核心问题。

    The second part includes preliminary research on the core issues of international E-business-contract .

  13. 论人身保险合同订立中保险人的答复义务

    The Insurer 's Duty to Speak When to Sign Personal Insurance With the Insurant

  14. 其它联邦机构在考量合同订立时可能将此警告信内容考虑在内。

    Other federal agencies may take this Warning Letter into account when considering the award of contracts .

  15. 飘浮检查分为买卖合同订立后的检查和买卖合同订立前的检查两种。

    Afloat inspection has two categories : afloat inspection before and after the conclusion of the contract .

  16. 首先,在财产保险合同订立时,合同双方都须承担告知义务。

    Above all , when property insurance contract concludes , contract both sides must be assumed tell obligation .

  17. 电子商务合同订立的意思表示包括电子要约和电子承诺。

    The declaration of will of an electronic contract combines the issues of electronic offer and electronic acceptance .

  18. 附条件承诺在合同订立中的效力&兼论《合同法》与《统一商法典》相关立法

    Conditional Acceptance Validity of Contracting & Concurrent discussion on relevant legislation of Contract Law and US Uniform Commercial Code

  19. 但我国劳动法就劳动合同订立的规定过于原则和概括,而缺乏现实操作性。

    But the provisions of concluding of labor contract in china is too principal and general in our labor law .

  20. 从与旅游合同订立有关的法律纠纷中,分析旅行社的经营管理问题。

    From the legal dispute of working out the traveling contract , analysis travel agency 's management and operation question .

  21. 传统合同订立的要约和承诺规则已很难适应一个非常冗长、繁杂的交易过程。

    Traditional contract rules of offer and acceptance have been difficult to adapt to a very lengthy and complex transaction process .

  22. 第六部分对网上两种格式合同订立过程中的信息披露、条款审查问题进行了研讨;

    The sixth part makes a study on clauses of information disclosure during the process of the making of two cyber format contracts .

  23. 第二部分介绍了电子合同订立所依赖的数据电讯制度、电子签名制度和电子认证制度;

    The second part introduces the data message system electronic signature system and electronic certification system on which the making of electronic contracts depend .

  24. 在合同订立时,卖方没有,且不可能合理地意识到该陈述。

    Aat the time the contract was made , he was not , and could not reasonably have been , aware of the statement .

  25. 保险合同订立程序的构成与其它合同一样,包括要约、承诺。

    The procedure breaks the law ; As other types of contracts , an insurance contract is composed of a bid and an offer .

  26. 第一百一十一条客票是航空旅客运输合同订立和运输合同条件的初步证据。

    Article 111 The passenger ticket shall constitute prima facie evidence of the conclusion and conditions of the contract of transport of passenger by air .

  27. 在财产保险合同订立后,按照法律规定,合同双方都承担着相应的义务和享受着权利或利益。

    After property insurance contract concludes , according to legal provision , contract both sides is being assumed corresponding obligation and enjoying the right or benefit .

  28. 另外,定金合同订立后,经常出现实际交付的定金数额与约定的数额不一致的情况。

    Additional , after deposit contract concludes , the circumstance with the abhorrent amount of the deposit number that often gives actual time pay and agreement .

  29. 因而,在合同订立、履行过程中稍有不慎,就可能给企业带来很大的损失。

    Thus , the conclusion of the contract , the slightest mistake in the course of implementation , makes a mistake can bring disaster to give enterprises .

  30. 文章第四部分,涉及了与合同订立紧密相关的电子合同形式、电子签名和电子认证制度等诸多内容。

    Part IV deals with those contents closely related with conclusion of contract , such as the forms of electronic contract , electronic signature and electronic authentication etc.