
  1. “艾奥瓦号”的船员一直都在为货物储存准备船只。

    The crew of the Iowa has been preparing the ship for storage .

  2. 基于顶点着色的铁路危险货物储存问题研究

    Study on Storage of Railway Dangerous Goods Based on Vertex Coloring

  3. 他们把货物储存在一个仓库里。

    They stored their goods in a warehouse .

  4. 未符合检验规定前,不得运出货物储存地点。

    No such cargo may be released from its storage place , unless it has passed the inspection .

  5. “仓单”指从事货物储存业务的人开出的收据。

    " Warehouse receipt " means a receipt issued by a person engaged in the business of storing goods for hire .

  6. 结合多年实践.对物流领域成件货物储存的新设施,自动化立体仓库进行了详细阐述。

    From now on with practice for many years set forth new facilities for storage of unit goods and high rack warehouse .

  7. 在有栅栏或受限的区域里设置国际,国内,高价值和危险货物储存区域。

    Establish a storage area for international , domestic , high-value and dangerous goods within a cages , fences or restricted areas .

  8. 这种包装便于货物的储存和分销。

    Such packing will facilitate storage and distribution of the goods .

  9. 贮存多种货物的储存系统中的最优调度问题

    The Optimum Scheduling Problem in the Inventory System for Storing Multiformed Commodities

  10. 叉车或堆垛机的选型将直接影响货物的储存密度。

    Forklift or crane , the selection will directly affect the storage density .

  11. 内部协调仓储、物流安排货物的储存及发运事宜。

    Internal coordination of warehousing , logistics arrangements for the storage and shipment of goods matters .

  12. 我们从供应商进货,我们要整理货物并储存好,直到商品发往零售店。

    We get merchandise from the supplier and it 's our job to organize it and store it until it goes to the retail outlets .

  13. 经营保税货物的储存、加工、装配、寄售业务,需经海关批准,并办理注册手续

    " The operation of the storage , processing and assembling and consignment sales of Bonded goods shall Be approved By and registered with the Customs . "

  14. 库存周期长意味着货物在仓库储存的时间更长,流转更慢。

    Higher days-on-hand means longer stays in the warehouse and slower movement .

  15. 这些货物我们有些储存,但很有限。

    We have a reserve of these goods , but it is rather limited .

  16. 入口、出口、货物装卸和储存区是否有外部泛光照明?

    Is there any outside flood lighting of entrances , exits , cargo handling and storage areas ?

  17. 根据项目协议,跟踪货物运输,储存和配送全过程。

    Tracking a freight by agreement , store up and distribution the entire proceeding according to the project .

  18. 主要包括信息系统的建立、采购组织结构调整、采购计划管理、采购供应商管理、货物的运输储存加工等内容,同时分析了进行采购管理的现实困难及对策。

    In this method , it mainly includes information system establishment , purchase organization structure modulation , purchase plan management , purchase provider management and goods transportation , stock and processing , also , it analyzes the real difficulties and policies while carrying out purchase management .

  19. 包装应能保护货物在搬运、储存和运输过程中免受损坏。

    Due to improper packing , the goods are terribly damaged .

  20. 这些货物怕潮,储存的时候别忘了放干燥剂。

    These goods are susceptible to water , remember to add a desiccant when you store them .

  21. 对出入境货物、集装箱及其储存、加工场所进行卫生监督。

    Undertaking sanitary supervision over the cargo and containers inbound or outbound and the relevant storehouses and processing sites .