
  • 网络Traffic law;Highway Traffic Act
  1. 交通法要到年底才生效。

    The traffic laws don 't take effect until the end of the year

  2. 一些骑自行车的人认为他们可以不遵守交通法,这是不正确的。

    Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them , but this is not true .

  3. 其次,轨道交通法立法模式的理论分析。

    Next , theory analysis on the model track traffic legislation .

  4. 新的道路交通法对事故车辆鉴定做了专门规定。

    The new road traffic accident vehicle law has made special provisions .

  5. 最后,轨道交通法的构想&代结语。

    At last , conception of the Law track traffic & epilogue .

  6. 新交通法下星期生效。

    The new traffic law will take effect next week .

  7. 酒后驾车违反公路交通法。

    Drunk driving violates the highway traffic law .

  8. 晚上值航行班时,严格遵守日本沿岸海上安全交通法。

    When watching at night , strictly obey the Maritime Traffic Safety Laws of Japanese Coast .

  9. 法国城市交通法

    French Urban Transport Law

  10. 最后,介绍了我国道路交通法的发展历程。

    Finally , there is an introduction to the development process of the road traffic law in China .

  11. 包括轨道交通法的经济法属性、轨道交通发展状况、轨道交通体制改革和轨道交通本身属性。

    That including the Law economical attribute , development condition , system reform , and the attribute of itself .

  12. 与上述问题性质类似的还有:是否应该制定更加严格的交通法,而非应用更加安全的技术呢?

    So is the answer tougher traffic laws , rather than more safety engineering ? That 's a difficult one .

  13. 如果司机完全无视交通法,法律实施部门不能采取有效的实施程序,交通法就没有一点儿作用。

    Traffic laws are of little use if drivers simply ignore them and law enforcement departments fail to adopt effective enforcement programs .

  14. 司机已投保,但根据1988年公路交通法的规定,仅适用于“公路”上所发生的伤害。

    The driver was insured , as required by the Road Traffic Act1988 , for injury caused while on a " road " .

  15. 当地任何一种怪癖或者习俗(比如该国另类的水路交通法),他只要感兴趣,不管怎样都要查个究竟。

    Whenever a local foible or tradition grabbed his interest , such as the country 's idiosyncratic waterway laws , he would research it exhaustively .

  16. 并重点介绍了美国所形成的清晰的路权层级,以及日本通过及时修订道路交通法并体现交通政策。

    The chapter highlights the formation of clear hierarchy of the right-of-way in the United States and the timely amendment of the road traffic law in Japan .

  17. 对于轨道交通法如何构建,目前还没有形成一致的意见,分别有按铁路法城市轨道交通法分别立法、和统一立法的不同意见。

    But there is little agreement in how to construct it , respective legislation and uniform legislation is the main dispute according to the Law rail transit of city .

  18. 而路权原则也是道路交通法的主要内容,通过对国内外道路交通法的发展历程,也可以看出路权原则不断发展、丰富的过程。

    The principle of the right-of-way is the main content of the road traffic law , whose development shows the continuous development and enrichment of the principle of the right-of-way .

  19. 墨西哥市议员汤姆斯提议修改交通法,要在工作地点和交通要道,增设安全交踏车停放处。

    Mexico City assemblyman , Tomas pliego , has proposed changes to the transportation law which would see the installation of secure parking places for bicycles at workplaces and transport points .

  20. 此外,市政府将与国内保险业密切合作,向骑车人介绍保险产品和修改与自行车有关的交通法。

    In addition , the city government will introduce insurance products for bicycle riders under close cooperation with the domestic insurance industry as well as revise Transportation Law involving a bicycle .

  21. 在欢度节日期间布兰诺警察局提醒大家,系好安全带丶在清醒的时候驾车丶遵守限速和交通法。

    As we celebrate this holiday season , the Plano Police Department would like to remind everyone that they should buckle up , drive sober , and obey our speed limits and traffic laws .

  22. 在此基础上,又对路权的取得、路权的变更以及路权的范围等路权的基本概念进行了界定。第二章对国内外道路交通法的发展历程进行了回顾。

    On this basis , the first chapter defines the acquisition , change and scope of the right-of-way . Chapter ⅱ looks back on the domestic and international development process of the road traffic law .

  23. 然后,通过路权原则的重要载体&道路交通法的发展历程,提炼总结出路权的基本原则以及保护措施。

    Then , based on an important carrier of the principle of right-of-way the development process of the road traffic law , the paper summarizes the basic principles of the right way and its protection measures .

  24. 听说过道路交通法的中学生比例为85.7%,在学校接受过交通法教育的中学生只有68.1%。认为交通安全应该由行人、机动车和非机动车共同负责的学生比例为69.5%。

    85.7 % students have heard the law about road traffic , 68.1 % students reported that they were instructed in their schools , only 69.5 % students agreed that traffic safety should be take charge by foot passengers , motor vehicles , and cycles ;

  25. 浅析新《道路交通安全法》的新特点

    Elementary Analysis on a New " Road Traffic Safety Law "

  26. 交通预测法在道路功能定位中的应用

    Application of traffic prognosis method in the definition of road function

  27. 新颁布的道路交通安全法述评

    A Commentary on Road Traffic Security Act of New Promulgation

  28. 论《道路交通安全法》第76条无过错责任之合理性

    On No-Fault Liability 's Reasonableness in Article 76 of Traffic Security Law

  29. 最短路&最大流交通分配法

    Traffic volume assignment method with maximum flow of minimum distance

  30. 《道路交通安全法》第76条之法律经济分析

    Legal Economic Analysis of Article 76 of The Road Traffic Safety Law