
jiāo huàn jú
  • exchange
  1. 一种从本地交换局到中心交换局的电话电缆。

    A telephone cable from a local exchange to a central exchange .

  2. 威斯康星州首次安装社区自动交换局网络。

    Earliest community automatic exchange network installed in Wisconsin .

  3. 通信交换局(站)中、大型UPS的选型

    Correspondence Exchanges a Bureau ( Station ) in , Choose of Large UPS Type

  4. 国际长途如何拨号铁道部交换局路由管理

    How To Make An International Direct Dialing Routing Management in MOR Switch Certer

  5. 模拟市话交换局数字化发展策略的优化

    Optimal Digital Evolution Policies for Analog Urban Exchanges

  6. 铁道部交换局路由管理

    Routing Management in MOR Switch Certer

  7. 供电局设中心站,提供进交换局的话音和数据通道;

    The central station in Power Supply Bureau provided with voice and data channels to city telephone center .

  8. 本文主要讨论我国电信网中程控交换局时钟频率维护周期的确定问题。

    This article mainly addresses the maintenance period of clock frequency of SPC exchanges in China 's telecommunication network .

  9. 公用交换局总容量指的是可连接的最大主线数。

    The total capacity of public switching exchanges corresponds to the maximum number of main lines that can be connected .

  10. 单个交换局点忙时测试任务最多达到110个,测试全部完成,测试准确率达到了91%。

    Busy - hour test task for individual switch reaches 110 at the most and all performed , qualitative analysis accuracy reaches 91 % .

  11. 本建议提供了一种管理信息模型,该模型涉及包括交换局中“选路和数字分析”功能的管理问题。

    This Recommendation provides a management information model which covers the management aspects of the " routing and digit analysis " function in an exchange .

  12. 以载波机与交换机的4W+EM接线电路,详细地介绍了4W+EM作交换局连接时的接续程序,以及各种信令的控制方式。

    Regarded 4W + E & M wiring circuit of carrier and exchanger as example , the paper introduces the continuous program and controlling style of signal order .

  13. 在各类电话计费及管理系统中,由于有的交换局没有反极性信号,因而对用户电话的计费与管理无法实现实时控制。

    Among various kinds of telephone charging and administation systems , real time control cannot be realized in some exchanges due to the absence of polarity reversing signal .

  14. 在电话系统中,主要城市地区中心交换局间互连和低级交换中采用光纤的势头仍然迅速发展。

    In the telephone system , the use of fiber optics for interconnecting central offices within a metropolitan area and for lower levels in the switching hierarchy is still increasing rapidly .

  15. 本局用户线路是大量的,而交换局之间的中继线路是少量的,没有交换只能接通相对少量的电话。基于能量保护的最小跳数最大能值无线路由协议

    " Because relatively few telephones can provide contact without switching from a multitude of local lines to a much smaller number of trunks between exchanges ," Minimum Hops Maximum Energy Wireless Routing Protocol for Energy-protection

  16. 在调研以及跟踪S-1240程控交换机时钟频率的测试基础上得出有关时钟频率短期和长期频率偏移的数据,提出了我国电信网中程控交换局时钟频率的维护周期的参考依据。

    Some date have been obtained about long-term and short-term shifting rate of clock frequency based on investigating and tracing test on S-1240 SPC exchanges . And gives reference evidences of maintenance period of clock frequency of SPC exchanges .

  17. 本次IP承载网主要承载内容包括软交换端局的接入和软交换长途汇接局的话音和信令,移动分组网和移动分组业务的IP(包括3G),公众VPN业务和企业内部业务。

    The IP bearer network includes the main load side soft-switching exchange bureau access and long-distance tandem Bureau soft voice and signaling , mobile sub-network and mobile packet service IP ( including 3G ), the public VPN service and internal operations .

  18. GB3379-1982电话自动交换网局间直流信号方式

    Interoffice direct signalling system for telephone automatic switching network

  19. 信阳移动15期软交换端局扩容后,业务支撑能力将大为增强,承受住了2011年春节高话务量的冲击,网络运行安全平稳。

    The soft exchange xinyang mobile 15 period , the business expansion after the bureau will support ability to withstand the greatly . meantime , Spring Festival in 2011 , the impact of high traffic network operation safe and smooth .

  20. 提出端局网络建设基本方案,并给出端局网络组网拓扑图,此阶段关键技术在于把软交换置于端局位置。

    The network construction bureau put forward the basic program , and gives the network topology network bureau , this stage key technology is placed in the soft exchange bureau of the position .

  21. 文中对这两方面作一简要介绍,说明网络简化的目标和应考虑的实际问题,包括远端交换模块和转接局、网关局的合理配置,以及大容量交换系统的选用。

    A brief introduction is given in this article to the goal of network simplification and practical issues which need to be taken into ac-count , including the reasonable configuration of remote switching modules , transit exchanges and gateway ex-changes well as the Selection of large-scale switching systems .

  22. 基于软交换的电信业务服务质量的测评研究公众电报电路交换局

    The Investigation of Testing and Evaluation for Telegraphic QoS Based on Softswitch ; gentex exchange

  23. 交换的功能和业务正趋于集中在少量的大中型交换局结点上,同时尽量缩短双绞线铜缆的长度,在几公里范围内,用光纤接近终端用户也成为一种趋势。

    Switching functions and services are tending to be centralized in a small number of large and medium switching nodes , and approaching end users via optical fiber cables within a few kilometers is also becoming a trend while minimizing the length of the twisted copper wires .

  24. 为了克服不同交换单元之间负荷不平衡而导致的局部网络拥塞和资源浪费,提出了一种按照链路拥塞程度和呼叫话务量动态选择服务交换单元的局间业务平衡方案。

    Aimed at overcoming local network congestion and waste of resource induced by load imbalance between different switching elements , the method presented here for selecting serving core network dynamically for load balance between exchanges was based on the degree of link congestion and telephone traffic .