
  1. 随着中国加入WTO及承诺的逐步履行,国内零售市场正出现前所未有的激烈竞争态势。

    As China government gradually fulfill their commitments promised before joining WTO , the competition in China Retailing industry became more and more intensely .

  2. 而且目前科技公司的股价正出现一轮普遍下跌:腾讯、推特和Facebook的股价过去一个月都下跌了20%左右。

    It is also caught in a broader tech downspout : Tencent , Twitter and Facebook are all down around 20 % over the past month .

  3. 专业招聘机构万宝盛华(Manpower)在26个国家进行的一项调查显示,全球许多地区正出现专业人才短缺问题,迫使雇主们支付更高的工资。

    Talent shortages among professional workers are emerging around much of the globe , forcing employers to pay higher salaries , according to a survey across 26 countries by the recruitment specialists Manpower .

  4. 下一个棘手的问题也可能是现在正出现在您脑海中的问题是我们如何以非ASCII字体的形式来输入文本。

    The next knotty question and the one probably on your mind at the moment is how you input text in non-ASCII fonts .

  5. 曾预见到1997年亚洲金融危机的经济学家吉姆沃克(JimWalker)预测,人民币在未来一年里将贬值5%,因为中国企业的财务状况正出现戏剧性恶化。

    Jim Walker , an economist who predicted the 1997 Asian financial crisis , forecasts a 5 per cent depreciation over the next year because corporate financials in China are deteriorating dramatically .

  6. 市场参与者表示,在债务抵押债券(CDO)市场正出现清算潮。CDO是指由抵押贷款、企业贷款和其它债务支付支持的复杂证券。

    Market participants say the unwinding is occurring in the market for collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ), complex securities backed by the payments on mortgages , corporate loans and other debt .

  7. 美国贸易代表苏珊施瓦布(susanschwab)在华盛顿对记者表示,她感到谈判正出现一种“动力”,并认为“极有可能在下周”达成协议。

    Susan Schwab , US trade representative , told reporters in Washington that she felt a " sense of momentum " going into the talks and said a deal was " eminently do-able next week " .

  8. 伦敦凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)研究日本的经济学家大卫•雷(DavidRea)表示:“由于经济数据仍然令人失望,日本央行无法继续坚称日本复苏有所放缓。他们早晚可能被迫承认,情况正出现逆转。”

    David Rea , Japan economist at Capital Economicsin London , said : " As data continue to disappoint , the BoJ can 't keep maintaining the line that the recovery has slowed . Sooner or later they may have to recognise that things are going into reverse . "

  9. 凯雷日本(CarlyleJapan)联席主管安达保(TamotsuAdachi)表示,市场情绪正出现“戏剧性”好转。凯雷计划下周将其投资组合中的IT服务供应商Broadleaf上市,交易规模将达200亿日元。

    Sentiment is improving " dramatically , " said Tamotsu Adachi , co-head of Carlyle Japan , which expects to float one of its portfolio groups - Broadleaf , an IT services provider - in a Y20bn deal next week .

  10. 这最圆的月亮正出现在传统节日&中秋节。

    It falls on the traditional holiday & the Mid-Autumn Festival .

  11. 美国经济也正出现类似的情况。

    A similar watch over the economy is now under way .

  12. 然而,两国现在正出现巨大的政策分歧。

    Yet a big policy divergence is on the way .

  13. 他指出房地产市场正出现复苏的迹象。

    He claimed the housing market was showing signs of a revival .

  14. 拉动出库复苏的第一缕曙光正出现。

    The first glimmers of an export-led revival are apparent .

  15. 与此同时,中国南方正出现更多工人不安定迹象。

    It comes amid further signs of worker unrest in southern China .

  16. 对他的辞职正出现种种解释。

    Various explanations for his resignation are being floated .

  17. 彭尼表示,如今,市场正出现“反弹”。

    Now a " reverse bounce " is happening , Mr Penny says .

  18. 另一名投资者表示:我们的客户正出现恐慌。

    Another investor adds : Our clients are panicking .

  19. 此外,超负荷的银团贷款市场也正出现裂痕。

    And the overburdened syndication market is starting to burst at the seams .

  20. 而如今,这一趋势正出现逆转。

    That trend is now going into reverse .

  21. 正出现的和已逝的美景中间。

    The beauty coming and the beauty gone .

  22. 我们发现,特写创作正出现萎缩。

    We 've seen the feature world shrinking .

  23. 但他补充道,欧洲正出现需求转弱的迹象。

    But he added that demand in Europe was now showing signs of tailing off .

  24. 他们早晚可能被迫承认,情况正出现逆转。

    Sooner or later they may have to recognise that things are going into reverse .

  25. 活动数据似乎表明,中国经济正出现过热。

    Activity data suggested an overheating economy .

  26. 所以,爱尔兰酒吧很受欢迎,它们正出现于世界各地。

    So Irish pubs are becoming popular , and they are appearing everywhere in the world .

  27. 但是,医疗和教育开支继续激增,雇员养老金计划的偿付能力正出现问题。

    But healthcare and higher education costs continue to soar and employee pension plans are nearing insolvency .

  28. 最新数据显示,自2004年以来,交易活动正出现其所谓的“空前增长”。

    The latest figures show what it calls an " unprecedented rise " in activity since 2004 .

  29. 在其它经济领域出现的信息数字化也正出现在银行业。

    The digitisation of information seen in other parts of the economy is being seen in banking too .

  30. 如今,一个不祥的念头正出现在这些对这位新总统投注了如此多希望的外国人的脑海中。

    Now a nasty thought is occurring to the foreigners who invested so much hope in the new president .