
  • 网络Clearing house;information exchange center;message switch
  1. 这个中心将作为前核科学家的研究项目的信息交换中心。

    The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists .

  2. 建立服务于远程医疗系统的区域性的医疗信息交换中心

    To found local medical information exchange center for telemedicine system

  3. 虽然谷歌、微软和其他技术平台会根据全美失踪和受剥削儿童中心和其他信息交换中心提供的标识符数据库与上传的照片或电子邮件附件进行比对,但安全专家认为苹果的计划更具侵入性。

    While Google , Microsoft and other technology platforms check uploaded photos or emailed attachments against a database of identifiers provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other clearing houses , security experts faulted Apple 's plan as more invasive .

  4. 国家糖尿病信息交换中心(NDIC)

    National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse ( NDIC )

  5. 存储转发信息交换中心

    Store-and-forward message switching center

  6. 网关控制器作为整车控制网络的信息交换中心,其性能对整个网络有着重要影响,是多网络技术的核心。

    The gateway controller is the core of the vehicle control network as information exchange center ; its performance has an important influence on the network .

  7. 有区域中心模式,即城市建立信息交换中心,对于本地卡的跨行业务就直接在城市中心进行交换,异地跨行业务再转发到总中心进行集中清算;

    Regional-center pattern : information-exchange center is built in a city which is only charge of the inter-bank business affairs of local card and inter-bank business affair of out-of-town cards will be transferred to the headquarter information-exchange center .

  8. 根据2002年《帮助美国投票法案》成立,选举协助委员会主要作为选举信息全国交换中心和资源。

    Established by the Help America Vote Act of2002 , the Election Assistance Commission serves primarily as a national clearinghouse and resource for information on elections .

  9. 提出了VTS中心应当成为所在地区船舶动态综合通信网的信息汇集与交换中心,以及VTS通信网应当纳入全国水上通信网的观点。

    And it is presented that the VTS centre should become the centre of converging and exchanging information of comprehensive vessel movement communication network in the area concerned and VTS communication network should be linked with the national water communication network .

  10. 此算法通过统计传输节点的状态持续时间,搜索出最优感知门限。因为不需要信息的交换和中心控制,所以此算法的网络开销较小且易于实现。

    Based on the models and the optimal theory , the algorithm updates the PCS threshold by calculating the transmission duration time , in which the network overhead is much less because of no cost of information exchange and center control .

  11. 用户资料库、产品库、零部件库、文档对象库、材料库、五金库等构成设计中心的主题数据库,通过信息交换机制实现中心和合作伙伴之间的数据通信,实现家具行业信息共享与交换。

    The main database includes products , users , parts , document object , material , hardware and etc. Data communication between design center and cooperative partners is realized by information exchange system and it carries out the share and exchange of information of furniture enterprises .

  12. 支持细胞在生精细胞发育中,处于信息和物质交换的中心地位。

    The sertoli cell is the central point of exchange information and material .

  13. 采用基于健康信息的电子安全标准,用于卫生保健信息交换中心和特定的卫生保健提供者。

    Adopts standards for the security of electronically based health information , to be implemented by health plans , health care clearinghouses , and certain health care providers .