
  • 网络Information commercialization
  1. 电子商务与档案信息商品化刍议

    Discussion on E-business and Commercialization of Archives Information

  2. 阐述了未来档案信息商品化的主要趋势,介绍了档案信息商品化与电子商务的分类,提出了实现档案信息商品化的条件以及实现档案信息商品化的意义。

    This paper expounds the main trend of the commercialization of future archives information , introduces the classification of E-business , and puts forward the conditions and significance of realizing the commercialization of archives information .

  3. 档案信息资源商品化刍议

    Discussion on the Commercialization of the Archives Information Resources

  4. 信息产品商品化研究

    Research on the Commercialization of the Information Products

  5. 市场外购方式的形成必将产生上市公司会计信息的商品化生产,这种外购方式为上市公司会计信息的商品化生产提供了必然性分析。

    The formation of market outsourcing will inevitably lead to the commercialized production of accounting information of listed companies .

  6. 信息的商品化带来了信息商品营销业的飞速发展,本文就信息商品营销中的渠道问题谈谈个人的分析见解,试图对现实的信息商品营销实践提供参考。

    The commercialized information brings the industry of information merchandise marketing to develop . This text gives the author 's personal analysis on the information merchandise outlet in the marketing problem , in order to offering the realistic information merchandise marketing some consults .

  7. 论述了信息产品商品化的必要性和可行性,从信息商品价格、特性、市场的培育和发展等方面作了一些探讨,以期推进信息商品化的进程。

    This paper discusses on the necessity and feasibility of the commercialization of the information products , probes into the price and features of the information products and the cultivation and development of the market for promoting the progress of the commercialization of the information products .

  8. 本文以信息资源商品化及其质量与信息服务企业的市场培育关系,分析图们江流域朝鲜民族地区培育信息服务市场面临的基本社会环境及发展信息服务市场应重视的若干问题。

    This paper firstly states the relations between the commercialization of information resource and the market foster of enterprises which serve with information , then analyzes the social environment and essential conditions confronted by such enterprises in serve market of information in the Korean national region of Tumen valley .

  9. 信息传递的网络化、宽带化与高速化;信息经营的商品化、国际化与效益化;

    Network treatment of information transfers to be in wide screen and in high speed commercialization , internationalism and benefication of informational management ;

  10. 自愿性信息披露是在原有强制性信息披露的基础上为了增加市场有效性而进行补充披露,它与会计信息商品化相对,且比会计信息商品化更具可行性。

    The voluntary disclosure of business information supplements original mandatory disclosure of business information in order to increase market validity . The voluntary disclosure of business information opposes the commercialized accounting information , and the former is more feasible than the later .