
  1. 同时,DR的谐振频率温度系数可正可负,这可以大大提高DRO的频率温漂性能。

    At the same time the temperature coefficient of a DR could be positive or negative , and this may be used to compensate for the frequency drift due to temperature shift .

  2. 我意思是弧长可正可负。

    I mean , arc length could be positive or negative .

  3. 1997年布兰德斯在卡内基学院主导的实验,正可说明这个想法。

    EXPERIMENTS LED by Carnegie researcher Brandes in 1997 illustrate this idea .

  4. 适应性软体式无线设计出现后,正可解决这些硬体上的障碍。

    Such hardware-related inflexibility is now being addressed by adaptive , software-based wireless designs .

  5. 哦,好的一杯威士忌正可浇愁。

    Oh , yes please & a glass of whisky would be a life-saver .

  6. 危机与希望并存,现代中国新文明正可肇基于此。

    Crisis and hopes coexist , on both of which modern Chinese new civilization will be rebuilt .

  7. 我们这样做,是因为我们意识到我们正可代表每个人内心深处的感受。

    We do so in the awareness that we are representing the deepest sentiment of every human being .

  8. 该模型所包含的股票收益分布的挠度可正可负,尾部可宽可窄,还可以是混合的。

    The model allows for stock return distribution which are positively or negatively skewed and have fatter or thinner .

  9. 成功学诞生于美国,但中国成语中所蕴含的人生精神正可作出成功学的解释。

    The theory of success , born in America , can be interpreted with the spirit of life contained in Chinese idioms .

  10. 但是,如果初始的专利保护已经很强,则继续增强专利保护对社会福利的影响可正可负,其判断依赖于更多的具体因素。

    However , in a strong patent system , its welfare effect may be positive or negative , which depends on more factors .

  11. 用麦克斯韦方程的解,对二阶介电常数在可正可负时,进行理论推导。

    Using the solution of Maxwell 's equations , taking theoretical derivation , the second order dielectric constant can be negative or greater than zero .

  12. 得到了一(0,∞)上的正可测无穷远(无穷近)慢变化函数的一个解析表达式。

    In this paper , a analytic expression for a positive measurable and slowly varied at infinite ( at zero ) function defined on ( 0 ,∞) is obtained .

  13. “穷人经济学”的“亲民”的治国方略正可打造“亲民”的中国高职教育。

    The " hospitable to people " strategy of managing state affairs in " economics for poor people " can result in " hospitable to people " higher vocational education in China ;

  14. 天生成孤癖人皆罕.对于那些追求孤独和隐私这类怪癖的人们来说,纽约正可赐他们所需。

    Yet so eccentric that all marvel at her . On any person who desires such queer prizes , New York will bestow the gift of loneliness and the gift of privacy .

  15. 正可“穿”在身上的汽车丰田公司设计出能“穿”在身上、可以随意改变形状的汽车,动画片中的变形机器人如今不再是幻想。

    Toyota has designed cars which can be wore on , and their shapes can be changed freely ! So the animate " car robot " will no longer just be a dream .

  16. 作为企业经营的国外传媒,早已形成一套成熟而完善的人力资源管理体系,其优秀的管理策略正可作为今天企业化经营的中国传媒借鉴的对象。

    The foreign media , as the enterprise manages , have already formed a set of ripe and perfect manpower resources management systems , their outstanding management tactics can be used for China media as running an enterprise today .

  17. 只有理清延安文艺的来龙去脉,才能真正解释延安文艺的精神实质,而对《新中华报》与延安文艺的关联性研究,正可有利于延安文艺研究的拓展和深化。

    Only clarify the circumstances surrounding of Yan ' an literary arts can really explain the spiritual essence of it , while the " New Chinese Newspaper " and Yan ' an literary arts association study is available for the broadening and deepening of Yan ' an literary arts .

  18. 现代高性能战斗机产生的高G值持续性正加速度可导致脑缺血、缺氧,继而引起脑功能障碍。

    High sustained + Gz acceleration produced by modern high performance aircrafts can induce brain damage because of ischemia and hypoxia .

  19. SVC无功补偿具有快速、动态、平滑、连续、可正、可负的补偿特性。

    SVC has fast , dynamic , smooth and continuous compensation characteristics of It also can generate positive and negative reactive power .

  20. 助表面活性剂正丁醇可作为缓蚀调节剂,其加入可控制金属镍在HCl水溶液中的腐蚀速率。

    The cosurfactant butanol can be used as inhibiting adjuster , and can control and change the corrosive rate of Ni in HCl ( aq ) solution .

  21. 得到了如下结果和结论:(1)利用正己烷可提取出PVB膜片中的增塑剂;增塑剂为三甘醇二异辛酸酯。

    Results and conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The plasticizer of the PVB film can be extracted in the help of n-hexane .

  22. 但延长窗口期不会解决根本性问题bfoe一篮子原油产品背后的油田已处于成熟期,产量正不可挽救地日渐下滑。

    But lengthening the window would not resolve the underlying problem oilfields behind the bfoe basket are mature and output is irremediably declining .

  23. 在摇瓶培养过程中,发酵初期加入正丙醇可使红霉素的效价提高49.31%,正丙醇提高了丙酸激酶的比活力,表现出对该酶诱导作用,而对丙酰CoA合成酶比活力无影响。

    Addition of propanol during erythromycin fermentation with in shake flask improved the titer by 49.3 % . Propanol was found to increase the specific activity of propionate kinase , but it had no ( influence ) on the specific activity of propionyl-CoA synthetase .

  24. 超磁致伸缩材料(简称GMM)是一种具有双向可逆换能效应的新型功能材料,利用其正效应可制作执行器(GMA),利用其逆效应可制作传感器。

    Giant Magnetostrictive Material ( GMM ) is a new functional material which has bi-directional transduction effects , it can be made into Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator ( GMA ) by using the direct effect , also can be made into kinds of sensors by using the converse effect .

  25. 科学家们正研制可储存100万个词的芯片。

    Scientists are working on chips which will hold a million words .

  26. 我估计目前她正没事可干。

    I fancy she 's out of a job just at present .

  27. 项目前期工作:正进行可研工作。

    The work for pre-project : the feasible jobs are being carried out .

  28. 正是可转让性使得提单成为物权凭证,而物权凭证的功能则强化了提单的可转让性。

    It is the transferability that makes bills of lading become documents of title .

  29. 本算法应用的唯一前提是相应的正问题可解。

    The only premise of its application is that the corresponding positive problem should be solvable .

  30. 正是可组合性允许由相同的服务集合构建不同的业务解决方案。

    It is composability that allows to build different business solutions from the same set of services .