
niú wēn
  • rinderpest;cattle plague
牛瘟[niú wēn]
  1. 该名字在德语中的意思是“牛瘟或牛疫”。

    The name means " cattle plague " in German .

  2. 该文综合论述了中国近代家畜疾病尤其是传染病防治的科研活动,它们分别是:(1)牛瘟疫苗的制取及改进,牛瘟的防治工作;

    This paper mainly discusses the investigation and research on livestock diseases in modern China . It includes : ( 1 ) Preparation and improvement of cattle plague vaccine and prevention of cattle plague ;

  3. 但是联合国粮农组织(UnitedNationsFoodandAgricultureOrganization)宣布,他们已经终止了消除牛瘟病的农田行动。

    But the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has announced it is ending field operations against riderpest .

  4. 牛瘟PCR检测方法的建立

    Foundation of Rinderpest viruse of PCR Detection

  5. 1999年,WalterPlowright作为消除牛瘟病的英雄获得世界粮食将。

    In nineteen ninety-nine , Walter Plowright won the World Food Prize as a hero of the fight against rinderpest .

  6. JacquesDiouf:“近千年来,牛瘟影响着非洲,亚洲和欧洲,造成饥荒,引发数百万圈养和野生动物死亡。”

    JACQUES DIOUF : " Rinderpest affected Africa , Asia and Europe for millennia and caused widespread famine and decimated millions of animals , both domestic and wild . "

  7. 一剂这种疫苗就可以保护动物不感染牛瘟。

    A single dose of it could protect animals against rinderpest .

  8. 冻干兔化牛瘟病毒的研究

    Studies on the freeze-dried lapinized rinderpest virus the rainbow rabbit

  9. 牛瘟仅仅是宣布被消除的第二种疾病。

    Rinderpest is only the second disease ever declared to have been eliminated .

  10. 专家相信,牛瘟最初来自亚洲。

    Experts believe rinderpest first came from Asia .

  11. 世界上某些地区逃脱了牛瘟感染。

    Some areas of the world escaped rinderpest .

  12. 1994年,动物健康专家在全世界范围内开始了消除牛瘟的运动。

    In nineteen ninety-four , animal health experts started a worldwide campaign to end rinderpest .

  13. 这位英国研究人员在上世纪五六十年代在非洲致力于消除牛瘟病。

    The British researcher fought the disease in Africa in the nineteen fifties and sixties .

  14. 最后一次有记载的牛瘟爆发发生在2001年的肯尼亚。

    The last known outbreak of rinderpest took place in Kenya in two thousand one .

  15. 绵羊化兔化牛瘟病毒对绵羊的感染性及对牛的抗元性

    The infectivity of the OVINIZED-LAPINIZED rinderpest virus to sheep and its antigenicity to cattle and yaks

  16. 牛瘟可以通过空气和被含有病毒的动物粪便污染了的水来传播。

    Rinderpest can spread quickly through the air and in water containing waste from animals with the virus .

  17. 全球根除牛瘟计划依据根除牛瘟是可行的科学认识。

    The launching of GREP was founded on the scientific understanding that the eradication of rinderpest was feasible .

  18. 然而,千百年来,牛瘟导致牛和其他动物死亡,造成饥荒,给人类造成了极大的影响。

    Yet for thousands of years rinderpest has affected people by killing cattle and other animals and causing starvation .

  19. 这种方法此前曾被用于防控非洲和亚洲的牛瘟,以及南美洲的猪瘟。

    The method has previously been used to fight rinderpest in Africa and Asia and hog cholera in South America .

  20. 其中风险很高的有口蹄疫、牛瘟、蓝舌病等3种,为中国特别关注。

    Of the diseases those have the most risk getting more attention by China are foot-mouth disease , rinderpest and blue tongue .

  21. 会议调查了动物卫生状况,尤其是牛瘟、口蹄疫和媾疫。

    The Conference proceeded to examine the animal health situation , in particular in regard to rinderpest , foot and mouth disease and dourine .

  22. 随后,它促进采取行动,把牛瘟控制在受影响的生态系统中,根据流行病学和疫情侦察开展防治计划,消除传染宿主。

    Later , it promoted actions to contain rinderpest within the infected eco-systems , and to eliminate reservoirs of infection through epidemiologically and intelligence-based control programmes .

  23. 无论在哪里发生,牛瘟都是最可怕的动物疾病,严重影响牲畜、农村生计和粮食安全。

    Wherever it has occurred , the deadly animal disease has killed livestock and wildlife , and posed a significant threat to rural livelihoods and food security .

  24. 1920年,由于从印度往巴西运送瘤牛途经安特卫普港,在比利时意外引发牛瘟。

    In1920 , rinderpest occurred unexpectedly in Belgium , as a result of zebus , originating from India and destined for Brazil , transiting via the port of Antwerp .

  25. 19世纪的非洲,牛瘟造成八成受感染的牛死亡,整个畜群死亡,使人们损失了大量肉类和奶类,对经济造成重大损失。

    In Africa in the eighteen hundreds , rinderpest killed eight out of ten infected cattle . Whole herds died , leaving people without meat or milk and damaging economies .

  26. 根除不仅被证明是可行的,而且很可能已经实现,预计将在2010年之前发表关于全球无牛瘟的国际声明。这将是继人类天花之后,第二次在全世界范围内根除一种疾病。

    Eradication of rinderpest would make it the first animal disease ever to be eliminated , and only the second time that a disease has been eradicated worldwide , after smallpox in humans .