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  1. 牛油果含有钾,能降血压并降低中风的风险。

    Avocado contains potassium , which is associated with reduced blood pressure and a lower risk of stroke .

  2. “牛油果手”指的是由于不恰当地使用刀具切牛油果、削片、或者去核导致的严重手部受伤。

    Avocado hand refers to a serious hand injury caused by improperly2 using a knife to cut , slice , or remove the pit of an avocado .

  3. 含有荷荷巴油及牛油果油之丰富滋润成分

    Contains rich emollients found in jojoba oil and avocado oil .

  4. 富含健康油脂的牛油果如今更受欢迎了。但除了上涨的价格,喜欢吃牛油果的人们也许还要担心另一件事。

    The fleshy fruit rich in healthy fats is more popular than ever , but in addition to surging prices , avocado fans may have one more thing to worry about .

  5. “牛油果手”非常普遍。英国整形重塑和美容协会想要提醒人们这一安全风险。一位医生建议说应该给牛油果贴上安全标签。

    It seems that avocado hand is so commonplace , the British Association of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic3 Surgeons wants to warn people about the safety risk , with one doctor suggesting a safety label to be placed on avocados .

  6. 池花籽油和牛油果油都富含超级滋润的脂肪酸和维生素E。

    Meadowfoam seed oil and avocado oil are rich in super moisturizing fatty acids and vitamin E.

  7. 茱莉亚·柴尔德(JuliaChild)的甥女菲拉德尔菲亚·卡辛斯(PhiladelphiaCousins)现居科罗拉多,她发现自己买不到加州产的牛油果了。

    Philadelphia Cousins , Julia Child 's niece , can 't seem to find a California avocado in Colorado , where she lives .

  8. 这是大家都喜欢的水果,不仅仅是放在荷包蛋吐司上尝起来美味,同时它也富含维他命E,维他命E可有效防止胶原蛋白受到损害,牛油果可使皮肤更好,能使人更开心,也能使心脏更健康、视力更好。

    Everyone 's favourite fruit does more than just taste incredible smashed on toast with a poached egg ; an excellent source of vitamin E , which does a fantastic job of preventing damage to collagen , avocadoes make for better skin and a happier , healthier heart and eyesight , too .

  9. 当地的基督复临安息日会(Seventh-dayAdventists)教友普遍要比一般的美国人更长寿,这要多谢他们以素食为主的饮食,其中含有大量的坚果、豆类、燕麦、全麦面包和牛油果。

    and Loma Linda , Calif. , where Seventh-day Adventists have a tendency to outlive their fellow Americans , thanks to a mostly vegetarian diet that is heavy on nuts , beans , oatmeal , 100 percent whole-grain bread and avocados .

  10. 丰富的混合牛油果油和可可油。

    The occurrence , composition and properties of shea butter .

  11. 多吃牛油果,腰果酱并尽可能少地摄入糖份。

    Eat lots of avocados , cashew butter and very little sugar .

  12. 生菜,番茄,牛油果,芝士,火鸡肉,鸡肉。

    Lettuce mix , tomato , avocado , cheese , turkey , chicken .

  13. 牛油果:你感到吃惊,真的嘛?

    Avocado : Are you surprised , really ?

  14. 你什么时候起不喜欢吃牛油果的?

    Since when do you not like avocado ?

  15. 洋甘菊提取物,天然油和牛油果油滋润和滋养肌肤。

    Chamomile extract , natural oils and Shea Butter moisturize and nourish the skin .

  16. 除非你直接吃牛油果蘸芝士

    Unless we 're talking cheese and guac ,

  17. 尽管如此,每一个牛油果包含322卡热量和29g脂肪。

    That said , each one also contains 322 calories and 29 grams of fat .

  18. 另一片吐司上也抹上蛋黄酱,然后是牛油果。

    Little bit of mayo on your second piece of toast and then the avocado .

  19. 此外,还含有纤维,有降低胆固醇功能的植物甾醇类。牛油果确实是一种高营养价值食品。

    Add to that fiber and cholesterol-lowering plant sterols , and you have one nutrient-dense food .

  20. 牛油果脂在化妆品中的应用

    Application of shea butter in cosmetics

  21. 想要吃些代替牛油果的食物的话,可以尝试吃些柚子片,芹菜杆或是蒸熟的蔬菜。

    As an alternative , go for some grapefruit slices , celery sticks , or steamed veggies .

  22. 牛油果对心脏、头发、皮肤、消化等非常有益。

    Avocados are great for your heart ( and hair , skin , digestion , and more ) .

  23. 从哪里获得:坚果,种子和牛油果等都含有对心脏有利的单不饱和脂肪和多不饱和脂肪。

    Where To Get It : Nuts , seeds , and avocados are rich in heart-healthy mono-and polyunsaturated fats .

  24. 主要成分:山茶花粉、牛油果、太阳花、芦荟精华油、弹力素、玫瑰油等。

    Main ingredients : camellia powder , Avocado , heronsbill , aloe essence , elastin , rose oil and etc.

  25. 他们的一个最流行的自然护肤产品,湿疹是牛油果油脸部和身体乳。

    One of their most popular natural Skin care products for eczema is the Shea Butter Face and Body Lotion .

  26. 同时介绍了牛油果脂在化妆品及食品行业中的应用前景。

    The market prospect of shea butter in cosmetic ( industry ) as well as food processing industry was briefed .

  27. 误食牛油果的皮和核会令宠物鸟心脏痛楚,最引发终心脏衰竭。

    The skin and pit of avocados have been known to cause cardiac distress and eventually heart failure in pet birds .

  28. 酸橘汁腌辣大眼金枪鱼里含有蓬松的藜麦、卤蛋黄、牛油果、山药和日本香松调料;

    a spicy bigeye tuna ceviche with puffed quinoa , soy-cured egg yolk , avocado , mountain yam and furikake seasoning ;

  29. 推荐食物:牛油果可以从内而外滋润肌肤,呈现柔和肤色。

    Food for thought : Avocados help moisturise your skin from the inside out giving you a doughy , supple complexion .

  30. 美国农业部表示,每年将有价值1000万美元的牛油果进入中国市场。

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture says access to the Chinese market will be worth 10 million U.S. dollars per year .