
  1. 这是中国央行8个月来首次使用正回购操作来回收流动性。

    It was its first time using repos to drain liquidity from the money market in eight months .

  2. 交易员们表示,中国央行通常会在进行公开市场操作前一天评估银行需求,但这次它在没有预先警告的情况下就实施了正回购操作。

    The central bank typically gauges demand from banks the day before conducting open-market operations , but on this occasion it issued the repos without advance warning , traders said .

  3. 同时,中国央行利用其中一部分正回购协议的较长期限(长达3个月,而非通常的7天或28天),将资金锁定更长时间。

    Moreover , it used longer tenors for a portion as long as three months instead of the usual seven-day or 28-day duration to keep the money locked up for longer .

  4. 前项比例限制计算,基金、集合计划因参与证券借贷交易、正回购交易而持有的担保物、现金不得计入基金、集合计划总资产。

    In proportion restriction calculation of the preceding item , the guaranty and cash held due to the securities lending transactions and positive repurchase transactions of the funds or portfolios shall not be counted into the total assets .

  5. 然而,在努力控制新股东人数的过程中,facebook正行使其回购自己股票的优先购买权,往往将这一权利转让给投资公司tigerglobal等现有股东。

    But , in an effort to limit the number of new shareholders , Facebook is exercising its right of first refusal to buy back its own shares , often assigning that right to an existing investor such as tiger global , the investment firm .

  6. 从苹果最近加快回购速度来看,该公司可能已将股价的“底线”定在500美元,但正是由于回购行动,苹果的股价可能不会大幅高于540-560美元。

    We acknowledge that Apple may have put a ' floor ' in its stock at $ 500 given recent buyback acceleration , but the stock may not outperform from the mid $ 500s simply due to buybacks . '