
  • 网络Positive publicity;positive propaganda
  1. 周三,中国宣传部门的官员要求中国记者要坚持团结稳定鼓劲、以正面宣传为主。

    On Wednesday , propaganda officials told Chinese journalists to do more to'uphold unity and encourage stability'while'giving precedence to positive propaganda .

  2. 在报道过程中,应以正面宣传为主,把握好相关的政策、法律,以事实为依据,做到报道的内容客观、真实。

    In the course of news report , positive propaganda shawl prevail on basis of a good mastery of relevant policy , law ; based on the truth of events , the content of report should be objective and true .

  3. 消费者的科学消费和媒体的正面宣传引导;

    Scientific consuming and right leading of media ;

  4. 要及时做好新闻媒体的工作,引导舆论对企业作正面宣传。

    We should gain help from news media to guide public voice speaking for the enterprise .

  5. 最后该两则短片停播了,政府更承诺加强向公众正面宣传综援。

    Eventually the ads were pulled , and the government promised to be more positive in their publicity .

  6. 灌输式教育本质是思想政治理论的系统教育和正面宣传,是一种显性的教育方法;

    The essence of inculcation education lies in its systematical education and propaganda about ideological and political theory .

  7. 面对危机,肯德鸡通过官方的文件证明和官员试吃,消除公众疑问,起到积极的正面宣传和带动作用。

    Facing the emergency KFC eliminated the public 's doubts by official certificates and showing tasting , that made positive publicity and drive impacts .

  8. 因此,要正确处理办报中搞活舆论与把握导向的关系,正面宣传与批评报道的关系,经济效益与社会效益的关系。

    Thus in running the newspaper properly , relations should be mastered well such as between a variety of public opinions and correct guide , positive dissemination and critical report , economic benefit and social benefit .

  9. 媒体的评价表明,一致对支援计划持肯定的态度,并进行了大量的正面宣传,基本没有负面的报道,但深度报道较少。

    Evaluation of the media shows that , they consistently gave the high praise on the program and made a great deal of positive publicity reports , basically no negative reports , but less depth of coverage .

  10. 加强正面宣传,构建与新闻媒体的良性互动关系;第二是文化心理因素,优秀的文化传统尤其是自强不息的文化传统对先进人物宣传的正面作用;

    To enhance positive publicity work for setting up a good mutual relationship between police and media ; The second is cultural psychological factors , particularly the fine cultural traditions of the cultural heritage of progressive figures make positive publicity ;

  11. 优化大学生社会心理环境,应丰富校园文化生活,建立校园网过滤系统,开设形势政策选修课,提高其认知能力,充分利用媒体的正面宣传,发挥其教育导向作用。

    To optimize social psychological environment for them , we should enrich campus culture , establish campus network filtering system , offer optional course of situational policy , promote their cognitive ability , take advantage of multi-media positive propaganda and give full play to its educational role .

  12. 社会转型时期正面人物宣传报道的变革取向

    The Value Orientation of News Report of Positive Characters in Social Transformation

  13. 中国人太善良了,法国在中国一直有很好的、很正面的宣传。

    Chinese people are too kind , France in China has been very good , very positive publicity .

  14. 积极搞好期货市场正面舆论宣传,提高客户素质,倡导理性运作。

    To do a positive propaganda to the futures market , improve the customers ' quality and advocate the rational operation .

  15. 此外,维护婚姻忠实除了必要的法律途径和道德手段外,也可以通过社会舆论和正面的宣传工作。

    In addition , the maintenance of marriage and faithful addition to the necessary legal and moral means , but also by public opinion and positive publicity .

  16. 他们只对其进行正面的宣传,“这显示了您的购买力”,我觉得这种做法很大一部分是在煽动民众。

    They emphasize the positive , by saying , " This shows your purchasing power . " I think that 's been one side of it-to stroke people 's emotions .

  17. 经典作家认为灌输就是对广大群众进行正面的宣传、教育、启发和引导,使革命的理论、先进的政治意识,为他们所掌握,并以此作为行为的规范和依据。

    According to their points , " imbuement " means positive propaganda , education , enlightenment and direction , through all of which revolutionary theory and advanced political consciousness will be grasped and regarded as basis and rules of behaviors by the vast mass .

  18. 正面的公共宣传有哪些益处?

    What are the advantages of positive publicity ?

  19. 而主流文化则使戏剧小品走上了正面歌颂、政治宣传的道路。

    Contrastively , the artery culture leads its way to tribute and political propaganda .