
  • 网络administration by law
  1. 论依法治校的内涵和途径

    On the content and approach for running schools according to law

  2. 论依法治校规范高校学生管理

    Administer College by Law and Regularize the Management of College Students

  3. 依法治校的基本内涵及其模糊认识剖析

    The Main Connotation of Law-based School Management and Its Blurred Understanding

  4. 依法治校背景下的高校学生管理

    University Students Management under the Background of Managing University by Law

  5. 依法治校是学校管理的必然选择

    Running School by Law : an Inevitable Choice of Administration

  6. 坚持依法治校抵制宗教渗透筑起反分裂斗争的钢铁长城

    Building a Steel Great Wall of Anti - splittism Struggle

  7. 依法治校与以德治校的思考

    Some Thoughts on Ruling Colleges by Law and by Virtue

  8. 高校依法治校工作的新探索

    New Exploration into Managing University Affairs according to the Law

  9. 依法治校:现代大学的制度化形态

    School-running by Law : Institutionalized Ideology of the Modern University

  10. 大学校规与依法治校

    Rules for a University and Running a School by Law

  11. 高等学校依法治校若干问题的思考

    Pondering upon the Problems of Governing Colleges and Universities according to the Law

  12. 我国高等学校依法治校研究

    Research on Managing the University by Law in China

  13. 在依法治校视角下推进和谐校园建设

    Construction of Harmonious Campus in Perspective of Legal Management

  14. 确立依法治校理念,提高高校管理水平

    Fostering the idea of running colleges and universities by law and improving the administration

  15. 实现教育现代化,必须依法治校。

    To realize the modernization of education , schools must be administrated by laws .

  16. 依法治校是构建高校和谐校园的基石

    Governing Schools According to Law Is the Basis of Building Harmonious Universities and Colleges

  17. 谈民办高校的依法治校和以德治校

    On Private College Administration with Law and Moral

  18. 高校管理者应树立依法治校的观念;

    University 's administrator should establish the idea of managing the university by law ;

  19. 依法治校中的法制瑕疵

    Law blemish of running a school by law

  20. “依法治校”是高校学生管理的必由之路。

    Administer college by law is the only way for management of college students .

  21. 依法治校与高校安全管理法制化建设

    University Administration in Accordance with Law and the Legal System Building in University Safety Administration

  22. 高等学校依法治校的客观要求与必然趋势探析

    On the Objective Demand and the Inevitable Trend of the Management by laws in Colleges

  23. 依法治校是构建大学和谐校园的必然要求。

    Administering University by law is a necessary demand of constructing a harmonious university campus .

  24. 依法治校是高校教育、管理的永恒主题

    Running Colleges According to the Law : An Eternal Theme in College Education and Management

  25. 实施依法治校提高民办学校的信誉度高校后勤管理中的德治与法治

    Carrying out Managing the School According to Law and Enhancing the Credibility of Civilian-run Schools

  26. 依法治校与高校领导体制的改革完善

    The University Administration in Accordance with Law & the Reform on the Higher Education Leadership Mechanism

  27. 积极推进高校依法治校的思考

    On Managing the University by Law

  28. 第二部分概括阐述了依法治校的基本知识。

    The second part summarized expounds the basic knowledge of the higher education management by law .

  29. 论依法治校

    On Running School by Law

  30. 中国的法治化进程要求我国高等学校管理必然选择依法治校。

    The process of legalization of china inevitably requires that manage the college and university by law .