
  • 网络ISAAC
  1. 因著信德,依撒格也关于未来的事祝福了雅各伯和厄撒乌。

    By faith also of things to come , Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau .

  2. 弟兄们!你们像依撒格一样,是恩许的子女。

    Now we , brethren , as Isaac was , are the children of promise .

  3. 依撒格说:「看,这里有火有柴,但是那里有作全燔祭的羔羊?

    Behold , saith he , fire and wood : where is the victim for the holocaust ?

  4. 依撒格回答说:「因为我怕我可能因她而被杀害。

    " Isaac said to him ," Because I thought that they might kill me on her account .

  5. 在自己活着时,就叫他们离开自己的儿子依撒格,打发他们向东去,住在东方。

    He sent them away from Isaac his son , while he yet lived , eastward , to the East country .

  6. 愿天主主记念他与自己的忠仆亚巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯所立的盟约,赐你们满享幸福!

    May God fill you with every good and remember his covenant with Abraham , Isaac and Jacob , his faithful servants .

  7. 亚巴郎死后,天主祝福了他的儿子依撒格。依撒格定居在拉海洛依井附近。

    And after his death , God blessed Isaac his son , who dwelt by the well named Of the living and seeing .

  8. 我将赐给了亚巴郎和依撒格的土地赐给你;我也将这土地赐给你未来的后裔。

    And the land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac , I will give to thee , and to thy seed after thee .

  9. 依撒格四十岁时娶了帕丹阿兰地阿兰人贝突耳的女儿,阿兰人拉班的妹妹黎贝加为妻。

    Who when he was forty years old , took to wife Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel the Syrian of Mesopotamia , sister to Laban .