
jì xù fàn zuì
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  1. 如果你继续犯罪,你就不会有好下场。

    If you don 't give up crime , you 'll come to a bad end .

  2. 神说如果你继续犯罪,你将永远地离开他和他那完美的天堂。

    God says if you continue on in your sin , you will be separated from Him and His perfect Heaven forever .

  3. 现年59岁的詹姆斯称自己将在法庭上自我辩护,并扬言如果自己的刑期不够长的话,“将继续犯罪”。

    The59-year-old has said he will defend himself in court and threatens that " the crime will happen again " if he does not receive a long enough prison sentence .

  4. 如果明知,非但不设想解决,反而变本加厉,扩大这一贫富差别,这里已非别有用心,而是在继续犯罪,侵犯人类平等罪。

    Knowing that if , not only not imagine resolved , but more insidious , expand the disparity between the , here has the grind , but continue to crime , infringe upon human equality of sin .

  5. 羁押性强制措施的理论依据在于让渡一部分公民的人身自由权利以保障社会公共利益的实现,其实践依据在于避免嫌疑人、被告人继续犯罪,防止其逃跑、毁灭、伪造证据以逃避法律制裁。

    The theoretical basis of custodial coercive measures is that the citizens transferred some right to personal freedom in order to protect the public interest . Its practical basis is to prevent criminal suspects and defendants from continued crimes , evading or obstructing the investigation , prosecution and trial .

  6. 罗马书3章10节告诉我们“没有义人,连一个也没有。”每个人生来是罪人,然而那些骄傲的,继续犯罪的,不肯信耶稣的人将要承受可怕的刑罚。

    Romans 3 : 10 says , " There is none righteous , no , not one . " Everyone is born a sinner , but there is a terrible punishment for those who continue in their sin and are too proud to admit their sin and believe in Jesus .

  7. 他甚至在监狱里还继续从事犯罪活动。

    Even in prison , he continued to engage in criminal activities .

  8. 这样应该可以阻止嫌疑犯继续实施犯罪计划。

    This should discourage suspected shoplifters from going ahead with their plans .

  9. 在这种交流中,种族优越感和种族主义仍将继续引发犯罪、战争等问题。

    It is within the context of that interaction that ethnocentricity and racism would continue to cause such problems as crime and war .

  10. 社会危害性作为一个内涵不清、外延不明的政治性的概念,继续作为犯罪的本质而存在于刑法学之中是不合适的。

    It is not appropriate for social harmfulness , being a vague political concept , to proceed to be included in the criminal law as nature of crime .

  11. 共同犯罪中止的认定,应以行为人自动停止犯罪并有效地阻止其他共犯利用其先前行为继续实施犯罪或防止危害结果的发生为标准。

    The determination standard of desistance of crime of complicity should be that the actor has stopped criminal acts with the previous acts or the emerging of harmful consequences .

  12. 社会危害性是不是犯罪的本质特征,有没有必要继续在犯罪概念中继续存在下去,受到许多学者的质疑。

    S : Many scholars have doubts about whether social harmfulness is the essential characteristic of crime , whether it is necessary to go on existing in the concept of criminal .

  13. 警方将继续严厉打击犯罪活动。

    The police will not relent in their fight against crime .

  14. 对继续犯在犯罪论中的位置思考

    A Consideration of the Position of Continued Offence in Crime Theory

  15. 他们能够监听到从狱中打进打出的电话,比如是否有黑帮头目想在狱中继续从事他的犯罪活动。

    listen to mobile phones from prison , if a gang leader tries to continue his crimes from inside .

  16. 我们将继续同组织的犯罪活动作斗争。

    We will continue to wage war on organized crime .

  17. 现在,他们不但要继续防范传统的犯罪行为,还要同恐怖主义活动作斗争。

    Now they are expected to fight terrorism in addition to tradition crime .

  18. 声明还在继续,这些恐怖犯罪应遭到巴勒斯坦人民和他们的孩子最严厉的措辞谴责。

    The statement continues , these terrorist crime is condemned in the strongest terms by the Palestinian people and their children .