- 网络the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren

The Relationship between Stepparents and Stepchildren in a Comparative Context
On the nature of the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren . it is focused on debate and differences of stepparents and stepchildren in the nature found .
In Chapter One , the writer defines the concept , type and characteristics of the relationship among the step-parents and step-children .
Explicitly stipulate that the relation of the step parents and the step children forming maintenance relation between them is the legal fiction blood relative relations .
The legislative experience of some foreign countries on Chinese legislative amendment and perfect has a very large reference , and after sorting out the trend of national legislation .
The third part is the thinking about the inheriting legal issues sparked by the case . 1.The inheritance legislation in the future should continue to retain the regulation that the step parents and children forming maintenance relation between them have the right of inheritance with each other .
It is believed that in the future promotion of Civil Code amendments , stepparents and stepchildren relation problems will certainly get more improvement and attention .
Determine whether the step parents or the step children should have the right of inheritance , according to the different specific situations that the step parents and children form maintenance relationship between them .