
  • 网络Secondary epilepsy;treatment;symptomatic epilepsy
  1. 结论:CT对继发性癫痫的诊断很有价值。

    Conclusion : CT is a very valuable method for secondary epilepsy diagnosis .

  2. 对我院1992~1994年22名继发性癫痫患者的皮层电图(ECoG)与普通脑电图(EEG)的关系,结合CT及病理所见作了对比。

    Electrocorticography ( ECoG ) and EEG in 22 cases of secondary epilepsy togather with the results of CT and histopathological findings were studied .

  3. 作者指出CT扫描对癫痫,特别是对继发性癫痫的病因诊断是一种重要的辅助手段。

    The authors point out that CT scan is an important supplementary method in the diagnosis of epilepsy especially for the etiology of secondary major epilepsy .

  4. 目的探讨X刀治疗继发性癫痫(SEp)和原发性颞叶癫痫(ITLEp)的方法。

    Objective To investigate the curative effect of X knife treatment method for secondary epilepsy ( SEp ) and idiopathic temporal lobe epilepsy ( ITLEp ) .

  5. 方法选择癫痫患者86例,其中65例为原发性癫痫,21例为继发性癫痫进行棘波分析地形图(S-BEAM)、EEG、BEAM检查。

    Methods S-BEAM , EEG , BEAM and brain CT were examined at the same time . In 86 patients with epilepsy , the patients with primary epilepsy were 65 cases and the patients with secondary epilepsy were 21 cases .

  6. 60例继发性癫痫病因的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of the Causes of 60 Cases of Secondary Epilepsy

  7. 皮层脑电图监测下手术治疗继发性癫痫

    Surgical Management for Secondary Epilepsy under the Monitoring of Electrocorticography

  8. 儿童继发性癫痫86例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 86 cases of secondary epilepsy in children

  9. 中风后继发性癫痫126例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on 126 Cases of Secondary Epilepsy after Stroke

  10. 病毒性脑炎后继发性癫痫的临床特点及药物疗效分析

    The clinical features and drug effects of secondary epilepsy after viral encephalitis

  11. 不同丙戊酸钠制剂治疗继发性癫痫的疗效评价

    The curative effect evaluation of two formulations of valproic acid to secondary epilepsy

  12. 急性硫化氢中毒后继发性癫痫样发作2例报告

    Reports on two cases of acute hydrogen sulfide poisoning combined with epileptic paroxysm

  13. 目的探讨功能区病变继发性癫痫手术治疗的原则及方法。

    Objective To study the function of secondary lesions epilepsy surgery principles and methods .

  14. 具有已知病因的癫痫称作继发性癫痫或者称作症状性癫痫。

    Epilepsy with a known cause is called secondary epilepsy , or symptomatic epilepsy .

  15. 颅脑外科手术前后继发性癫痫186例临床分析

    The relationship of secondary epilepsy and craniocerebral operations : a clinical analysis of 186 cases

  16. 动脉硬化性脑梗死继发性癫痫

    Secondary Epileptic Seizures to Atherosclerotic Cerebral Infarction

  17. 然而,可对继发性癫痫的已知病因采取预防性措施。

    However , preventive measures can be applied to the known causes of secondary epilepsy .

  18. 皮层脑电图监测下多种术式联合治疗脑软化灶所致的继发性癫痫

    Management of combined multiform operations for epilepsy caused by encephalomalacia under the monitoring of electrocorticography

  19. 头部外伤、中枢神经系统感染和肿瘤与继发性癫痫有关。

    Head trauma , central nervous system infections and tumors are associated with secondary epilepsy .

  20. 目的总结颅内结构性病变与继发性癫痫的关系并提出手术方法。

    Objective To summarize the relations between intracranial structural lesions and secondary epilepsy and suggest a new surgical method .

  21. 目的探讨颞叶继发性癫痫的原因并总结手术治疗经验。

    Objectives To explore the cause of secondary temporal lobe epilepsies and to sum up the experiences in surgically treating it .

  22. 目的了解颅脑手术前后继发性癫痫的动态脑电图表现特点及其与手术的关系。

    Objective To study the dynamic EEG features of secondary epilepsy before and after intracranial surgery and the relationship between it and operation .

  23. 目的:脑梗塞并发癫痫的病人为数不少,观察针灸醒脑开窍法,并配合中药化疾通络治疗继发性癫痫病人的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe Xingnao Kaiqiao of acupuncture combined with Chinese medicine of Huatantouluo to60 patients of epilepsies after infarct of brain .

  24. 结果:颅咽管瘤患者的药物治疗以继发性癫痫、应激性溃疡、下丘脑损伤为主。

    Result : For the treatment on craniopharyngioma patients , drugs were mainly used for secondary epilepsy , stress ulcer , and hypothalamus injury .

  25. 目的探讨偶极子分析定位系统对颅内肿物继发性癫痫患者致痫灶定位指导手术治疗的特点及长期效果。

    Objective To assess the value of dipole localization in the surgical treatment of epileptic foci arising from intracranial mass lesions and observe the long-term effect of this technique .

  26. 脑肿瘤相关性癫痫及脑动静脉畸形相关性癫痫是癫痫的一个类型,即症状性癫痫、继发性癫痫或获得性癫痫等,癫痫只是脑肿瘤或脑动静脉畸形的一个临床症状;

    Tumor related epilepsy and AVM related epilepsy are types of epilepsy , that is symptomatic epilepsy 、 secondery epilepsy or obtained epilepsy . Epilepsy is only a symptom of brain tumours and brain AVM .

  27. 结论偶极子三维颅内癫痫病灶定位系统可准确指导颅内肿物继发性癫痫的外科手术,明显提高疗效,减少并发症的产生。

    Conclusion Dipole localization is capable of accurate localization of the secondary epileptic foci to provide precise guidance for their surgical treatment , with which improvement of the therapeutic effect and reduction of the complications can be achieved .

  28. 本文对214例小儿癫痫的病因及类型进行分析,其中继发性癫痫88例,占41%,以高热惊厥为首,脑外伤、产伤、宫内感染也是发病的重要因素。

    The cause and type in 214 cases of epilepsy were analysed . Among them 88 cases were secondary epilepsy ( 41 . 1 % ), most of which was febrile convulsion and the remain was cerebral injury , brain injury in birth and infections in uters .

  29. 颞叶低级别胶质瘤继发顽固性癫痫的外科治疗

    Neurosurgery for Intractable Epilepsy Secondary to Temporal Low-grade Gliomas

  30. 局限性脑皮质发育不良继发顽固性癫痫的手术治疗

    Surgery for intractable epilepsy due to focal cortical dysplasia