
  1. 良好的兄弟姐妹关系的作用似乎特别强大:65岁时生活健康幸福的男人中93%有一个关系密切的姐妹或兄弟。

    Good sibling relationships seem especially powerful : 93 percent of the men who were thriving at age65 had been close to a brother or sister when younger .

  2. 我与iPhone6的关系比我与一些兄弟姐妹的关系还亲密——从来不给他们打电话、发短信,或是分享东西,六个月里连张自拍都没有。

    I 'm closer to my iPhone 6 than to some of my siblings - you never call , you never text , you never share , not a selfie in six months .

  3. 与兄弟姐妹的关系会受到考验。

    Relations with siblings might be testy .

  4. 京晶:那与兄弟姐妹有何关系?

    What does it have to do with brothers and sisters ?

  5. 民间文学中的兄弟、姐妹矛盾关系解读

    An Explanation to Brother-sister Contradiction in Folklore

  6. 这样一来也是梅格·瑞安和兄弟姐妹们的关系更加亲密,也培养了她独立的性格。

    This brought Meg closer to her brothers and sisters , while also teaching her independence .

  7. 54个受访者中只有4个人与兄弟姐妹断绝了关系,

    Only four out of the 54 people interviewed had completely broken with their sisters and brothers

  8. 你们的友谊就像是兄弟姐妹般的关系吗?有的时候男人和女人并不很容易建立友情。

    Akik Your friendship is like a sibling relationship ? Sometimes it 's difficult for men and women to have a friendship .

  9. 《手足效应:兄弟姐妹间的关系告诉了我们什么》的作者杰弗里•克鲁杰表示,长子长女倾向于成为更加关注家庭忠诚和传统成就的人。

    According to Jeffrey Kluger , author of The Sibling Effect : What the Bonds Among Brothers and Sisters Reveal About Us , eldest siblings tend to be the ones that focus the most on family loyalty and traditional achievement .

  10. 南茜:因此其中根本就没有兄弟姐妹间的那种关系。

    Nancy : So , there 's no loving bond between the siblings .

  11. 他采访的大多数老年人都表示,他们与兄弟姐妹之间互相支持,关系友好,相处融洽,有的甚至十分亲密。只有4%的受访老年人与兄弟姐妹的关系非常糟糕。

    Most of the elderly people he interviewed said they had supportive and friendly dealing and got along well or very well with their sisters and brothers . Only 4 % got along poorly .

  12. 本法所说的兄弟姐妹,包括同父母的兄弟姐妹、同父异母或者同母异父的兄弟姐妹、养兄弟姐妹、有扶养关系的继兄弟姐妹。

    The " brothers and sisters " referred to in this Law include blood brothers and sisters , brothers and sisters of half blood , adopted brothers and sisters , as well as step-brothers and step-sisters who supported or were supported by the decedent .