
yī fù
  • Attachment;depend on;clinging;cling to;latch on;attach oneself to;become an appendage to;adjoin
依附 [yī fù]
  • [become an appendage to;depend on;attach oneself to] 附着;依赖;从属

  • 依附权贵

依附[yī fù]
  1. 若再把企业家成长所依附的资本分为政治资本和异质型人力资本,则不同资本类型与不同制度环境的耦合,决定着现实中企业家成长的基本模式。

    Moreover , if we divide the capital the entrepreneurs depend on for their development into political capital and discrete human resource , it is clear that the combination of the different types of capital and system determines the basic pattern for the entrepreneur 's development .

  2. 其次,从系统框架中分析得出:产品识别系统的建立主要依附于企业定位和市场研究,前者确认PIS的基因,后者概括可建立识别的要素,两者共同辅助设计工作。

    Second , in the framework of the system analyzed : The establishment of product identification systems mainly depend on corporate positioning and market research , former confirm PIS gene , the latter outlines can establish identify the elements , the two co-aided design work .

  3. 萨拉在母亲去世后比以往任何时候都更依附于她的姨妈。

    After her mother 's death , Sara clung to her aunt more than ever .

  4. 它将脱离长期依附的国家,实现独立自主。

    It 's about to be cut loose from the state on which it has so long depended .

  5. 只要我能够自食其力,不依附于自己的丈夫,嫁给谁我父亲倒是并不介意。

    My father didn 't mind whom I married , so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn 't dependent on my husband .

  6. 中国不依附任何大国。

    China will not attach itself to any big power .

  7. 这种植物喜欢依附在别的树上生长。

    The plant tends to grow attached to other trees .

  8. 多数人都依附于父母的教会。

    Most people adhere to the church of their parents .

  9. 这时候,门神出来劝解说:“我们都是因为没有什么本事,才依附在别人的门下,还争什么强,斗什么气呢?”

    At this moment , the deity3 of the door came to mediate4 : " It is only because we have no ability that we have to attach ourselves to the door of others . What 's the point of quarrelling with each other ? "

  10. Internet最让人惊异的地方就是发展速度,我国报纸上网不过短短四、五年,却已从依附者的角色报纸网络版转向了拥有独立意识的报纸网站实体。

    Developing speed comes out to be the most astonishing point of Internet .

  11. SIP不依附于任何一种特定的会议控制协议。

    SIP is not attached to and particular conference control protocol .

  12. 记住依附Purify将迫使AppPool进行回收。

    Keep in mind that attaching Purify will force the App Pool to recycle .

  13. 可能是全世界最有名的编译器了,GCC,is,probably,the,most,popular,compiler,因为它历史悠久,而且很多软件都依附在GCC上。

    GCC in the world these days'cause it 's been around so long and a lot of tools are based on it .

  14. 共晶及过共晶Al-Si合金中易出现α(Al)依附于初生硅析出的晕圈组织。

    Halos in which α( Al ) tend to grow and attach at primary Si are easily found in near eutectic and hypereutectic Al-Si alloy .

  15. Fillmore提出的格语法理论认为:一个句子由动词或具有动词性质的形容词或名词(verbalforces)以及动词的格构成,且动词与其格的关系是相互依附、相互制约的。

    Fillmore , who holds that a sentence is composed of verbs or verbal forces and their cases which condition each other .

  16. 研究了带部分偏好依附的EBA模型。

    The extended model with partial preferential attachment is studied .

  17. iPad已经成为继电视之后的新保姆,但对它的依附可能对孩子的健康成长不利。

    IPad has become the new babysitter after TV but the attachment to it may not be healthy for a child 's growth .

  18. 在执行您的应用程序的过程中,PurifyPlus将依附在进程上。

    Your application will be executed with PurifyPlus attached to the process .

  19. 惠誉评级(fitchratings)日前表示,依附于“不成熟”的技术是中国移动需要“致力解决”的一个“障碍”。

    Attachment to the " less mature " technology was an " obstacle " the operator would need to " focus on resolving " , Fitch Ratings said yesterday .

  20. decorator目前并不允许您修改类实例化本身,但是它们可以修改依附于类的方法。

    Decorators do not currently let you modify class instantiation per se , but they can massage the methods that are attached to the class .

  21. 结果:经SEM发现,靛蓝依附于某种白色固体的表面,而XRD证明了吸附靛蓝的白色固体是CaCO3。

    RESULTS : Through the SEM , it is clear that Indigo attached to the surface of some white substance , and the XRD proves that the white substance in Indigo Naturals is calcium carbonate ( CaCO 3 ) .

  22. 当卡拉•布鲁尼在《Vogue》上宣布女性不需要女权主义时,她是作为将自己依附于世界上最有权势男人之一并享受着优越物质条件的女人在发言。

    When Carla Bruni-Sarkozy announces in Vogue that women don 't need feminism , she 's speaking as a woman who 's experienced the material advantages of attaching herself to one of the world 's most powerful men .

  23. 例如,利用SpringLayout您可以让一个按钮依附于右边框来进行显示,而不管用户将屏幕宽度设为多大。

    For instance , with SpringLayout , you can say that a button appears attached to the right border , no matter what size a user makes the screen .

  24. 依附论与拉美国际关系研究

    Dependency Theory and the Studies of Latin America 's International Relations

  25. 每当有了麻烦,他们老是依附咱们。

    They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble .

  26. 他依附在他们身旁,不肯离去。

    He froze on to them and wouldn 't go away .

  27. 对比较教育中的依附问题的反思穿越依附性教育实践

    Reflections on Dependency in Comparative Education Go Beyond Dependent Educational Practice

  28. 我们激烈地辩论,同样也热烈地依附在一起。

    We argued vehemently , and just as vehemently stuck together .

  29. 它们将爱你当你依附于它们时!

    They love u when u 're on all the covers .

  30. 那个吸血鬼依附于他人希望获得钱财。

    The leech hangs about other people hoping to obtain money .