
bìng cún
  • coexist;coexistence of;exist side by side;compatibility;coincidence;simultaneous existence of;compresence
并存 [bìng cún]
  • [coexist] 同时存在

  • 新旧体制并存

并存[bìng cún]
  1. 涤丝市场上经销商与涤丝厂家价格倒挂,纺丝厂家库存压力、销售压力并存。

    Polyester silk dealer and polyester manufacturer in the market prices hang upside down , spinning factory sales inventory pressures , pressures exist side by side .

  2. 在任何一个国家政治发展中,公民的政治参与都存在着参与和不参与并存的局面。

    In the course of any country 's political development , citizens ' political participation and nonparticipation exist side by side .

  3. 这本书事实和虚构并存。

    The book intermingles fact with fiction .

  4. 这本书事实和虚构并存。

    The book intermingles fact and fiction .

  5. 这是个真实的世界,与我们的世界并存。

    This is a real world , running parallel to our own .

  6. 善与恶可能并存于一体。

    Good and evil may co-exist within one family .

  7. 这种残忍的现实和浪漫美好事物的并存始终贯穿于帕克的短篇小说中。

    This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park 's stories .

  8. 少数富裕地区与贫困地区并存。

    Pockets of affluence coexist with poverty

  9. 爱与恨是不能并存的。

    Love does not consist with hate .

  10. 他们争论说,心胸狭窄和自我封闭是并存的。

    Insularity and self-containment , it is argued , go hand in hand .

  11. 同靠杂婚制来使自己的生活更美好的丈夫并存的还有一个被遗弃的妻子

    At the side of the husband who embellishes his existence with hetaerism stands the neglected wife .

  12. 随着Internet的不断发展,计算环境向多种操作系统并存和交互方向发展的趋势日益明显。

    With the expansion of Internet , computing environment is developing towards multi-OS and inter-operation .

  13. H公司作为发展中的房地产企业,正面临日益激烈的市场竞争,机遇与挑战并存。

    H company as a developing real estate company is facing challenges and opportunities .

  14. 加入WTO对中国证券市场国际化无疑是机遇与挑战并存。

    Entering into WTO we have both opportunities and challenges for the internationalization of China 's securities market .

  15. 该算法用抗体表示函数优化解的可能模式,通过构造克隆选择算子完成全局和局部最优解的搜索,利用B细胞网络保持多种抗体并存。

    In this algorithm , antibodies represented the possible optimization solutions of functions . Cloning operator was used to search the local optima and the global optimum .

  16. 尽管IP将是未来宽带网络的核心,近期内多种组网技术仍将并存。

    The various networking technologies will coexist in the near term even though IP will be the core of the future broadband network .

  17. 加入WTO,将更大程度地引入外国企业的竞争,对中国石油化工业可谓机遇和挑战并存。

    The competition from overseas enterprises will become fiercer after the WTO entry . There are both opportunities and challenges to China 's petroleum and chemical industry .

  18. 强迫症(obsessive-compulsivedisorder,OCD),是一种以强迫思维和强迫行为主要特征的一类神经性障碍疾病,其主要特点为有意识的自我强迫和反强迫并存。

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD ) is a mental disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions .

  19. 由于技术和成本问题,传统电路交换网络与基于IMS的分组交换网络还将会在很长时间内并存。

    Traditional circuit-switched network will coexist with packet-switched network based On IMS for a long period because of technology and cost .

  20. 最优货币区内生性假说争议探析FR内生性假说和Krugman专业化假说的对立与并存

    An Analysis of the Controversial Hypothesis on the Endogenous Money Supply of the Optimal Currency Area Co-existence and Antithesis of F R Hypothesis and Krugman Hypothesis

  21. PSTN、H.323IP电话网、SIP网络等网络的并存是目前的现状,多种网络的融合则是大势所趋。

    The coexisting of PSTN , H.323 IP telephony network , SIP network is the real circumstance and the interworking between them is important .

  22. 提出了基于J2EE平台和XML技术的四层并存体系结构,它综合利用了目前各项技术的长处,充分利用了原有的数据库资源,平滑地将原系统更新为基于Web的新系统。

    This paper gives a four-tier architecture based on J2EE platform specification and XML , which used fully the existed data resources , and smoothly changed the old system to the new based on Web one .

  23. 认为造成溶血的原因,除G6PD缺乏外,还应考虑酶本身的变异与蚕豆以外的其他并存诱因。

    The cause of hemolysis is considered not only as a lack of G-6-PD in erythrocytes but also as the other inducements including fava beans , such as the variation of enzyme and soon .

  24. 结论HBVdna阴性患者HBV复制和感染仍有并存,四项指标联合检测更能客观反映HBV复制与感染程度。

    Con clu sion Infection and replication of hepatitis B virus in patients with negative HBV DNA still coexist , and combined determination of the four parameters can reflect objectively the degree of replication and infection .

  25. 应用结果表明,在多种控制网络并存的工业企业中,采用OPC技术开发企业内部监控网络是一种很有推广价值的实用方法。

    The results indicate that it is the universal and practical method to adopt OPC technique in internal monitoring network of a modern enterprise which exists several control networks .

  26. 通过SWOT分析可以看出:我国铅锌冶炼行业的发展,机会与威胁并存,优势与劣势并存。节电器在有色冶炼行业的应用

    After analyzing its SWOT , it can be found that the opportunities and threats coexist , the strengths and weaknesses coexist . The Application of Power Saver in Nonferrous Metallurgical Trade

  27. 目前在MSNs中,QoS保障技术还很不成熟,多种服务的并存,使得QoS问题比传统传感器网络更难解决。

    At present , the technologies of QoS guarantee in MSNs are immature . The coexistence of all kinds of services makes QoS in MSNs difficult to handle .

  28. 结果:65例患者中的48例(73.9%)伴有系统或局部疾病。在治疗CA同时积极治疗并存疾病,治愈率达86.2%,显效率12.3%,总有效率98.5%。

    Results : Of the 65 cases , 48 with systemic / local diseases received treatments both for CA and complications , their cure rate being 86.2 % , effective rate 12.3 % and total effective rate 98.5 % .

  29. 随着通信业改革重组的深入,3G业务的正式商用化推广,国内拥有全业务的三家运营商迎来了一个机遇与挑战并存的竞争环境。

    Along with the deepening of reform and reorganization of the communications industry , 3G business in the formal business of promotion , domestically owned full-service carrier ushered in three opportunities and challenges of a competitive environment .

  30. 结论介入治疗是该类BCS的首选方法,其并存的局限性上腔静脉病变可不预处理。

    Conclusion The interventional treatment is a first choice to the patients with BCS , and it is unnecessary to treat the lession of SVC for the patients .