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  1. 佛教依正不二的思想对于人类与环境的认识极为深刻,是佛教生态自然观的主体,对于当前的环境保护实践具有根本性的指导意义。

    The Buddhist idea of " Yizhengbuer ", the main Buddhist ecological view of nature , is very profound in the understanding of the relationship between human and environment . It has a fundamental significance for the current practice of environmental protection .

  2. 佛教依正不二论与道家、儒家等中国传统的自然观&天人合一,有着某种共通点,都把人与自然看作一个整体。

    There is some common ground between the Buddhist idea of " Yizhengbuer ", Taoism , Confucianism and other traditional Chinese view of nature , the harmony between the heaven and human . They all regarded man and nature as a whole .