
  • 网络The network propaganda;Network promotion
  1. 为了适应信息时代的发展,通过网络宣传沈阳,沈阳市丌发和研制了web-T和GIS-T。

    In order to adapt the development of information period , propagandizing Shenyang through the network , Shenyang Web-T and GIS-T also had the corresponding research and the development .

  2. 您会用网络宣传的渠道去寻找商品吗?

    Do you use the promotion to find product in Internet ?

  3. 您会在浏览网页的时候去看网络宣传吗?

    Do you watch the promotion when you browsing the web ?

  4. 高校网络宣传文化的构建

    Construction of Network Publicity Culture in Colleges and Universities

  5. 需要建设一支高素质网络宣传队伍,加强对综合性人才的培养。

    It needs build a high-quality professional team with polytechnic talents . 7 .

  6. 网络宣传:浪费金钱还是正确的商业判断?

    Philanthropy or sound business judgment ?

  7. 谷歌计划经过平常用于卖掉网络宣传位的在线拍卖系统来销售广播宣传。

    Google plans to sell radio ads through the online auction system it uses to sell Internet ads.

  8. 为参展企业提供免费网络宣传,组织和邀请相关人士参观展会;

    Provide free publicity for exhibitors through internet to schedule and invite related personnel to visit the Exhibition ;

  9. 加大体育场馆的宣传力度,借用社区、师生等做推广宣传,充分利用低廉的网络宣传。

    Increase the propaganda of the stadiums among the community , students and teachers , particularly the low-cost network .

  10. 出席各种会议并发表演讲;发表大量博客;利用社交网络宣传;打造品牌。

    Show and talk at conferences , be on lots of blogs , use social networks and build a brand .

  11. 很多时候,设计师太专注于网络宣传推销,却忘记了那些更传统的营销手段。

    Many times designers get so focused on online promotion and marketing that they tend to forget more traditional methods .

  12. 中小企业由于自身规模小,知名度不高,应当采取网络宣传自身品牌。

    Due to their small sizes and low recognition , small and medium enterprises should utilize network marketing to advertise their brands .

  13. 我们也在寻找具备一定技能的贡献者,以及对我们这个社区的帮助&帮助在整个网络宣传这个新闻!

    We 're still looking for skilled contributors and some help to give us-the community-a hand to spread this news around the web !

  14. 在一轮网络宣传过后,斯蒂芬100万英镑的筹款目标没能实现,但是他的病情缓慢有所好转并且被允许回家了。

    After an internet campaign saw his fundraising target of £ 1million smashed , he made a mild recovery and was allowed home .

  15. 事实上我们从一开始就一直与中国进行这各种战争,像什么空间争夺战,网络宣传战,网络威胁战和贸易掠夺战略等。

    We are basically in the beginnings of a war with China , with expected militarization of space , cyber-warfare , threats of cyber-sabotage , and predatory trade policies .

  16. 1972年成立之时到现在,欧洲化学工业理事会已经在欧洲与世界的工业贸易组织中成为最有效的网络宣传方式。

    Since its creation in1972 , Cefic has grown to become one of the largest and most efficient advocacy network amongst the industry trade organizations in Europe and in the world .

  17. 同时两类市场游客景点选择皆符合长尾理论,这一现状为旅游地的网络宣传提供了一个良好基础。

    The behaviors of tourism spots choosing of these two kinds of tourists were accord with the theory of long tail . A good basis was provided for tourism promotion on internet .

  18. ②电视广告,杂志、报纸和书刊等传媒是大学生了解葡萄酒的主要渠道,网络宣传也发挥着一定的作用;

    TV commercials , magazines , newspapers and books as well as other media are the main channels for students to know wine . Besides , network also plays an advocacy role ;

  19. 要创立网上名牌应从图书馆域名、网页制作与设计、网络宣传特别是服务质量等方面着手。

    The foundation of famous brand should begin with the library web site applying , web page making and designing , propagation of web site and especially the quality of service and so on .

  20. 应该关注几方面内容,主要有:加强国际文化交往、通过网络宣传中国良好形象、借鉴他国经验、搞好国内文化建设等。

    Attention should be given to these aspects : to promote the international culture communication , to advertise the good image of China through Internet , to learn from the foreign countries , to improve our culture construction , etc.

  21. 今年的国家网络安全宣传周9月14日拉开帷幕,将重点关注个人信息保护。

    This year 's Cybersecurity Week , a nationwide event , kicked off on Sept 14 with emphasis on personal information protection .

  22. BOC是一个网络品牌宣传公司,我们将为您的公司提供完整的定制解决方案,包括以下内容。

    BOC is a Network brand awareness company , we make it simple for your company by providing complete customized solutions including the following .

  23. 穆巴拉克政府随后借其网络展开宣传。

    The Mubarak government then used it to send out propaganda .

  24. 利用网络加强宣传教育工作的探讨

    Probe into Strengthening Propagandist Education by Using the Internet

  25. 您认为在网络上宣传会带给产品好的影响吗?

    Do you think the promotion have a good effect of goods in Internet ?

  26. 沃达丰的服务曾一度恢复,但埃及政府随即借助该网络发送宣传消息。

    Once service was restored , the regime used the network to send out propaganda messages .

  27. 这个台阶为消费者创造了一种快乐的体验,随后这种快乐体验被融入到网络广告宣传活动里去了。

    The stairs created a fun experience for consumers that was then translated into an online campaign .

  28. 另外,电视节目的专题栏目、报纸、网络的宣传等等,也都是很好的传播途径。

    In addition , the special column in TV and newspaper and network is also the useful spread approach .

  29. 里恩意识到,搜索广告商没有可用的软件来管理网络广告宣传,尤其是那些大的广告商。

    Lien realized that search advertisers had no viable software for managing their online campaigns , especially larger advertisers .

  30. 这包括在从一个村庄到另一个村庄的“ShodhYatra”旅行中交换知识,到通过多语言出版物和网络数据库宣传当地创新。

    This ranges from exchanging knowledge during village-to-village'Shodh Yatra'journeys to highlighting local innovations through multilingual publications and an online database .