
  • 网络network literacy;net literacy
  1. 专业性、发展性、层次性与融合性是教师网络素养的特征。

    The characteristic of the teachers ' network literacy is profession , development , level and merging .

  2. 教师网络素养主要由网络意识、技术、信息、交往和教学素养等内涵构成。

    The teacher 's network literacy is composed by network awareness , technology , information , communication and teaching literacy .

  3. 网络素养教育应在具体课程设计上,做到统筹规划,形成体系。

    We should accomplish overall planning and forms the system in specific course design .

  4. 因此,网络素养教育日益引起人们的关注。

    Under such a circumstance net literacy education has gained more and more attentions .

  5. 台湾地区新闻从业人员网络素养与网络新闻识读能力之研究

    A Study of Journalists Internet Literacy and Media Literacy on Internet News in Taiwan of China

  6. 论文共分三部分:第一部分对教师网络素养的概念进行界定。

    The thesis divides into three parts : The first part has defined the concept of the teachers ' network literacy .

  7. 在学校监护层面上,学校应加强对未成年人的网络素养教育,使学生能够正确认识网络和利用网络。

    In the views of the school guardianship , the schools should strengthen the education of minors ' network accomplishment , thus students can understand and use the network correctly .

  8. 从理论层面上讲,深入研究教师网络素养可以丰富教师信息素养的研究理论,为培养与提高教师信息素养提供更多的理论依据。

    Speaking from the theory aspect , further investigation of the teachers ' network literacy can enrich teachers ' information literacy and offer more theoretical foundations for training and improving teachers ' information literacy .

  9. 本文在对教师网络素养的概念进行界定的基础上,结合问卷调查和访谈,对中小学教师网络素养的现状与培养策略进行研究。

    On the basis of the concept of the teachers ' network literacy combined questionnaire investigation and practice of interview , the thesis carries on the research of the current teachers ' network of literacy situation and cultivation tactics .

  10. 因而,网络素养这一话题受到社会各界的广泛关注。虽然现在网络素养研究正在起步,但由于参考样本的局限和理论基础的滞后,网络素养研究仍处于萌芽阶段。

    Thus , the topic about net literacy is widespread concerned by the community , but due to the limitation of the reference samples and the delay of the theoretical basis , the network literacy research is still in its infancy .

  11. 从实践层面上讲,深入研究教师网络素养以培养和提高教师的网络素养,不但对培养信息化人才、实现国家信息化具有重大意义,而且对促进教学模式改革、实现网络教学也具有实践价值。

    The teacher 's network literacy is composed by network awareness , technology , information , communication and teaching literacy . In the aspect of the practice , it is good for realizing the national informationization and for promoting the teaching mode reform .

  12. 在此基础上,从三个方面提出了职业学校学生网络素养教育的相应对策:一、转变观念,高度重视,科学规划课程。

    On this basis of above , four corresponding countermeasures were proposed innovatively on vocational college students ' network accomplishment education : First , we must change the idea , pay highly attention to the network accomplishment education , and plan scientifically the course .

  13. 由于宣传不力、师生网络素养及学生上网习惯有待改善等方面因素,导致主题网站传播的效果与目标效果存在差距。

    However , due to the weak influence in publicity , the shortage of quality for using network and the failings of the students in surfing online , there is wide margin between the communicative effect of the main theme website and the target effect .

  14. 本研究正是以此为目的,在对网络素养相关概念进行界定的基础上,采用调查研究法和文献研究法,对中职学生的网络素养现状进行了调查分析。

    This study is used for the purpose . Based on defining the concepts of the involved literacy network , it conducts a survey analysis about the literacy network situation of the secondary vocational education students with the use of survey research and literature research .

  15. 教师网络素养是随着网络与网络技术在教育教学领域中的广泛应用而被提出的新概念,它是教师信息素养的重要组成部分,对教师网络素养的研究具有十分重大的理论及实践意义。

    The teachers ' network literacy is the new concept getting out of wide application of the network technology , and it is an important component of teachers ' information literacy , which is very significant in both theory and practice for the study on teachers ' network literacy .

  16. 近年来,虽然中等职业教育发展迅速,但在对学生的网络素养教育方面存在重大缺位,所以,积极探讨中职学生网络素养教育问题,对于培养合格的高级职业人才具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    The secondary vocational education develops quickly in recent years , but it still has a long way to go . Therefore , actively discussing the education of literacy network to the secondary vocational education students for high-level professional training of qualified personnel is of important theoretical and practical significance .

  17. 图书馆与未成年人网络信息素养教育研究

    Research on Library and Network Information Literacy Education of Minor

  18. 网络媒介素养是当代大学生必须具备的媒介素质。

    Contemporary college students must have the quality of network media literacy .

  19. 大学生网络信息素养的培养机制与方法

    Cultivation Mechanism and Cultivation Methods of Web Information Literacy for the Undergraduate

  20. 网络媒介素养研究方兴未艾;

    Internet media literacy research is on the rise ;

  21. 高校学生网络媒介素养个案实证研究

    An Empirical Case Study of Network Media Literacy Based on the College Students

  22. 大学生网络信息素养能力量表设计研究

    Design of the Table to Measure the Network Information Literacy and Competency of College Students

  23. 从恶搞现象探究青少年的网络媒介素养教育

    The Thinking of Teenagers ' Network Media Literacy Education in the Perspective of Spoof Phenomenon

  24. 网络媒介素养教育是大学生素质教育的重要组成部分。

    Network media literacy education is an important part of quality education of college students .

  25. 可以说我国社会未来发展的总体状况在相当大的程度上是由他们的网络媒介素养决定的。

    Their network media literacy levels will largely determine the overall situation of social development in our country in the future .

  26. 随着高校图书馆现代化、信息化程度的提高,网络信息素养在高等教育中的作用将更加突出。

    With higher degree of modernization and informatization of university library , information quality education plays more remarkable roles in high education .

  27. 在信息社会中人们所具备的网络信息素养,直接影响到他们是否可以对网络信息进行有效的获取、处理和再创造。

    People 's web information literacy will affect their information obtaining , information - disposing and information - recreating directly in information society .

  28. 要加强教育工作者自身的网络媒介素养,强化青少年媒介素养教育的价值性与艺术性的有机结合。

    Educators to strengthen its network of media literacy , media literacy education to strengthen the value of youth and art of organic synthesis .

  29. 社会结构力量是强大的:同代中传统媒介素养水平存在的差距会在他们的网络媒介素养水平中重现。

    The society constructive power is strong : The differences of traditional media literacy inside the generation will find their way into the internet media literacy .

  30. 因此,对大学生进行网络媒介素养的培养将是媒介素养教育的重点,具有深远的现实意义。

    So training on network media Literacy for College students will be the focus of media literacy education , which is of very far-reaching significance in today 's life .