
hé lǐ xìnɡ yuán zé
  • Rationality principle;principle of reasonableness
  1. 中国行政法合理性原则质疑

    Challenge to the Principle of Reasonableness of Chinese Administrative Law

  2. 合理性原则是英国行政法的标志性原则。

    The principle of reasonableness is a symbolic principle of English administrative law .

  3. 对于这个问题人们提出了各种各样解的形式,其中包括核心,韦伯集(Weber),Shapley值等,每种都满足一定的理性行为和合理性原则。

    Various solution concepts have been proposed to handle these problems , including core , Weber sets , Shapley value and so on , each kind of which satisfies a certain rational behavior and reasonable principle .

  4. 基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

    The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene .

  5. 本文作者曾提出两条合理性原则。

    I advanced two principles of rationality in the book .

  6. 行政比例与合理性原则的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Principle of Proportionality and Principle of Rationality

  7. 论行政合理性原则在司法审查中的运用

    The Application of Administrative Rationality Principle to Judicial Review

  8. 合理性原则是产生在自由裁量权之上的。

    In principle is a reasonable discretion based .

  9. 行政机关滥用行政自由裁量权,则背离行政合理性原则。

    The abuse of them by administrative organs violates the principles of administrative justice .

  10. 论行政合理性原则对出入境边防检查行政自由裁量权的控制

    On the Control of Administrative Rational Principle over Administrative Discretion of Exit-and-entry Border Inspection

  11. 试论科研系统的合理性原则

    On the Reasonable of Scientific Researches System

  12. 行政诉讼法应建立合理性原则

    Principle of Reasonableness in Administrative Procedure Law

  13. 金融行政执法必须遵循合法性原则与合理性原则。

    Financial administrative enforcement of law should . obey the principle of legality and rationality .

  14. 应遵循的原则是科学性、合理性原则,思想性、教育性原则,可操作性原则和开放性原则。

    Follow the principle of scientific and rationality , ideological and educational , operability and openness .

  15. 在适用范围和位阶方面,比例原则较合理性原则的适用范围更广、位阶更高。

    Third , the scope of application of principle of proportionality is broader than principle of rationality .

  16. 此外,在判断银行监管者是否承担责任时,应遵循合理性原则。

    Otherwise , the principle of rationality should been observed in judging whether the bank supervisor is liable .

  17. 论证了行政合理性原则是行使行政自由裁量权应遵循的基本原则。

    It proves that rational administrative principle is the basic principle of performance of the power of administrative discretion .

  18. 对于生命科学技术的发展,审美意识指向的伦理准则是:人性原则,明辨义利原则和公平、公正与效益合理性原则;

    The ethic principles of aesthetic consciousness are personalty , prudential justice and benefit , fair and rational benefit .

  19. 结果国境口岸传染病监测点的疫置原则是合理性原则、有效性原则和意愿配合原则;

    Results The principle for communicable disease surveillance sentinel at frontier port should be rationality , validity and desirability .

  20. 介绍了国际通行的三大原则,即刑事扣押的令状主义原则、比例原则以及合理性原则。

    Three principles are introduced : the principle of writ , the principle of proportionality and the principle of rationality .

  21. 司法调解要坚持正义原则、合法性原则、以及合理性原则。

    Judicial mediation should adhere to the principles of justice , the principle of legality , the principle of rationality .

  22. 其次,搜查程序改革的原则应定位为合法性原则、合理性原则和适度性原则;

    The principles of search include the principle of legal doctrine , the principle of rationality and the principle of moderation .

  23. 教育公平包含教育资源配置的三种合理性原则,即平等原则、差异原则和补偿原则。

    Educational equity contains three rational principles of educational resources allocation , namely equality principle , difference principle and compensation principle .

  24. 行政自由裁量权的公正行使必须符合合法性原则、合理性原则、比例原则及公众参与的原则。

    The justice exercise of administrative discretion must comply with the principle of legality , rationality , proportion and public participation .

  25. 其次,分析了我国建立和完善该制度的迫切性,并提出了我国建立该制度应遵循的原则:确定性原则、合理性原则、可预测性原则和本土化原则。

    Secondly the author discusses the urgency of establishing the system in our country and presents the principles we should abide by .

  26. 其次,分析了比例原则在行政处罚中适用的必要性与可行性,在必要性分析中分别从合理性原则的不足、保持处罚案件的稳定性、控制自由裁量权方三方面进行分析。

    The necessity concludes the lack of the principle of rationality , maintaining the stability of the penalty cases and free discretion .

  27. 第三章探讨了行政合法性原则和行政合理性原则对税收行政自由裁量权的规制问题。

    The second chapter expounds discusses the administration discretion ontology . 3 . Taxation administrative discretion is a limited power to choose .

  28. 该部分首先阐述了罪行法定原则在刑事立法中的缺陷,例如罪刑设置不完整、确定性原则贯彻不足、立法合理性原则贯彻之不足等等。

    This part points out the defects and the amendments of the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime .

  29. 需要的合理尺度,节约资源,以人为本是当代人类建构资源活动三个极其重要的终极合理性原则。

    The rational yardstick for needs , saving resources and taking men as fundamental , are three very important ultimately rational principles .

  30. 英美法的合理性原则和大陆法的比例原则是对行政自由裁量权进行控制的主要标准。

    The rule of reasonableness of common law and the principle of proportionality of civil law are the principal standards to control administrative discretion .