
  1. 本文介绍了城市道路立交工程征地拆迁评估系统。

    This paper introduces the land expropriation assessment system of urban interchange .

  2. 征地拆迁评估系统的建立,完善了整个城市道路立交工程评估系统。

    The system perfects the assessment of urban interchange .

  3. 拆迁评估中存在的问题及解决途径

    Problems and countermeasures in appraisal of urban house dismantlement

  4. 本公司另具有上海市房屋动拆迁评估资质。

    Besides , the corporation possesses qualification to evaluate movement of houses in Shanghai .

  5. 城市房屋拆迁评估机制存在的问题。

    The demolition of urban housing assessment mechanism .

  6. 城市房屋拆迁评估探讨

    Discussions on Appraisal for Urban House Backout

  7. 提出了必须建立市场化的评估机制和独立的评估机构,并提出了构建科学的房屋拆迁评估机制需要把握的关键点。

    Finally the need to establish market-oriented mechanisms and the assessment of an independent assessment of institutions , and put forward the construction of housing demolition scientific evaluation mechanism of the key points .

  8. 作者希望通过定量处理法方法的应用对于目前加快旧城改造,提高拆迁评估的可信度和说服力做出一点贡献。

    Author the hope passes the application that fixed amount handles method to reforms now to the quickly old city , increasing the credibility that dismantle move the valuation to do a some contribution with the conviction .

  9. 与此同时,一系列问题与矛盾也不断引发。当前我国城市房屋拆迁评估方法不够完善且城市拆迁补偿标准不够统一,给拆迁工作带来了极大障碍。

    At the same time , a series of problems and contradictions have been raised : the current assessment of house demolition is not perfect and not enough of a unified urban demolition compensation , to the demolition work to bring a great obstacle .

  10. 只有建立房屋拆迁价格评估制度,完善我国城镇房屋拆迁工作,才能从根本上保护被拆迁人的合法权益。

    So , the house owners'legal rights can be protected thoroughly only by constructing price estimate system for house dismantlement and perfecting urban house dismantlement work in our country .

  11. 房屋拆迁补偿价格评估方法的研究

    Appraisal Approach to Compensation for Removal

  12. 意愿调查法在房屋拆迁补偿价格评估中的运用&以武汉市为例

    Application of the Contingent Value Method in Appraisal of the Compensation Price for Removal & A case study of Wuhan city

  13. 所有城镇拆迁均采取市场评估确定补偿价格。

    Determination of compensation price for removal of towns employs the method of market evaluation .

  14. 补偿安置的标准和数额是城市房屋拆迁的核心问题,而被拆迁房屋的评估是问题的关键。

    The standard and amount of compensation in allocation is the core in the house remove in cities .

  15. 在围绕拆迁补偿款项的问题上,被拆迁房屋的评估制度中存在着市场化运行机制不完善、土地使用权补偿不明确等问题。

    Concerning the compensation money , some questions are existing in the valuation methods , such as the mechanism of market working are not perfect and the compensation for land usufruct is not specific .

  16. 本文以新修订的《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》为依据,对城市房屋拆迁补偿评估的具体方法进行了分析,并对评估中涉及的土地权益评估进行了较为深入的探讨。

    Starting with the newly revised Regulation on Urban Houses Backout , the author studied the appraisal for house compensation . He continued to discuss the land equity in detail .

  17. 在城市房屋拆迁中,利益主体呈现多元化格局,包括地方政府、开发商、被拆迁人、拆迁(承办)单位、拆迁评估机构等等,各类主体的利益矛盾混杂、动迁难度明显增大。

    In the urban housing demolition , interest roles are diversified , including local government , developers , the dismantleds , relocation ( host ) units , demolition assessment bodies and so on . The main types of conflicts of interests are mixed and the difficulty of mobilization clearly increased .