
  • 网络RE loans;Real Estate Lending;real estate loan
  1. 第四个表现在于,房地产贷款量增长过度。

    The fourth representation is that real estate loans grow excessively .

  2. 金融机构房地产贷款的压力测试:以江苏省为例

    Stress Test of Financial Institute 's Real Estate Loans : In the Case of Jiangsu Province

  3. 房地产贷款已经成了美国银行业增长最快的业务领域。

    Real estate lending has become the biggest growth area for American banks .

  4. 香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)以通过干预削减房地产贷款而闻名。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is known for intervening to curtail property lending .

  5. 标准普尔评级服务公司(Standard&Poor'sRatingsServices)说,由于一批短期房地产贷款将在今年到期,中国超过8万家房地产开发商可能面临一场生死存亡的考验。

    Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services says China 's more than 80000 developers could face a battle for survival as a wave of short-term property loans fall due this year .

  6. 盖特纳指出,政府改组了房地产贷款巨头房利美和房地美以及保险公司美国国际集团(AIG)的董事会。

    Geithner noted the government overhauled the boards of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and insurance company AIG .

  7. 考虑到房地产贷款引发的全球金融危机,以及中国主要股指今年已跌去一半,Chow对花费数百万美元购买一架飞机表现出的乐观态度令人吃惊。

    Given a global crisis triggered by property lending and a halving of China 's main stock market index this year , Mr Chow was surprisingly sanguine about spending millions of dollars on an aircraft .

  8. caixabank将不良房地产贷款的拨备覆盖率几乎翻了一番,增至62%。

    Caixabank almost doubled provision coverage of bad property loans to 62 per cent .

  9. Synovus财务公司在经济繁荣时期卷入商业房地产贷款,估计大约三分之二都已亏损,亚特兰大区尤其严重。

    About two-thirds of the estimated losses are from commercial real-estate loans , which Synovus barreled into when the economy was booming , especially in the Atlanta area .

  10. 尽管银行不可避免诸如CMBSs交易债券的损失,但银行很可能慢慢减记商业房地产贷款。

    Although they have had to take the hit on traded securities , like CMBSs , banks are usually slow to write down property-related loans .

  11. 银行比较懒惰,在经济繁荣期间,发放房地产贷款似乎很轻松。

    Banks were lazy and property lending seemed easy during the boom .

  12. 房地产贷款项目可行性评估初探

    On the Loan Project Evaluation of Real Estate

  13. 房地产贷款是香港银行业的主要盈利来源。

    Real estate loan is the main profit source for Hong Kong banking industry .

  14. 商业银行房地产贷款风险本质成因和危害分析

    The Essence Causes and Harm Analysis of Real Estate Loan Risk of Commercial Bank

  15. 房地产贷款投资渠道住房抵押后余值贷款

    Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit home equity loan

  16. 商业银行房地产贷款业务是商业银行资产业务的重要组成部分。

    The real estate loan is a vital component of asset business in commercial bank .

  17. 它们能够从事投资银行、房地产贷款甚至私募股权交易。

    They can engage in investment banking , property lending and even private equity deals .

  18. 房地产贷款在你们银行投资中占多大比例?

    What percentage of your bank 's money was tied up in real estate development ?

  19. 但是,发生次贷危机时,房地产贷款占大量比例的投资公式成为灾难的导火索。

    But when the subprime crisis hit , the real estate-heavy formula for success turned into a

  20. 房地产贷款投资渠道

    Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit

  21. 它在保障那些背负有毒房地产贷款和政府信贷的银行的生存。

    It is guaranteeing the survival of banks loaded with toxic real estate loans and government credit .

  22. 此外银行也向想购买住房或土地的个人提供房地产贷款

    In addition , banks make real estate loans to individuals for the purchase of houses or land

  23. 对房地产贷款进行敏感性分析后发现,贷款在险价值受利率变化影响幅度大。

    We find there are the great changes of VaR by Sensitivity analysis of real estate loans .

  24. 西班牙各银行的资产负债表上仍有约1800亿欧元的问题房地产贷款。

    Spanish banks still have an estimated € 180bn in questionable property loans on their balance sheets .

  25. 另外,房地产贷款额占商业银行的贷款的比重越来越大,这使得商业银行不得不面对房地产信贷风险这个问题,而本文正是针对这个问题展开了相应的分析和研究。

    In addition , the proportion of real estate loans accounted for the loans of commercial bank is increasing .

  26. 当时认为,合并产生的协同效应可用于弥补那些不良的房地产贷款造成的损失。

    It was believed that Merger Synergies could then be used to cover any losses resulting from the sour property loans .

  27. 目前有6700家资产不足10亿美元的银行将三分之二以上的资金发放了房地产贷款。

    There are 6,700 banks with less than $ 1bn of assets which have more than two-thirds of their funds in property loans .

  28. 有关过度行为的消息层出不穷,爱尔兰尤为突出,该国银行不负责任发放房地产贷款的行为遭到曝光。

    Stories of excess continued to emerge , especially in Ireland where the banks ' irresponsible lending on real estate was laid bare .

  29. 房地产贷款占到商业银行贷款的五分之一左右,但在商业银行的贷款总额中,至少五分之二是以房地产作为担保的。

    It accounts for about a fifth of commercial bank loans but is used as collateral in at least two-fifths of total lending .

  30. 从此,商业银行房地产贷款在推动我国房地产市场的发展上起到了越来越重要的作用。

    Since then , bank real estate credit has taken a great important role in promoting the development of our real estate market .