
  1. 房地产抵押价值由抵押当事人协商议定,或者由房地产估价机构进行评估。

    The real estate mortgage value shall be agreed upon by the parties to the mortgage through negotiations , or be assessed by a real estate appraisal institution .

  2. 然后探讨了在此案例评估过程中遇到的一些问题,例如如何准确、全面地认识估价对象;如何进行市场背景的分析;在评估过程中怎样考虑在建工程房地产抵押价值评估的特殊性等问题。

    Then it discusses some of the problems encountered in the case of the assessment process , such as how to understand the evaluation object accurately and roundly , how to analyze the market background and how to consider the particularity in the process of appraisal .

  3. 研究表明,由于信贷约束的存在,如果房地产商的贷款抵押价值比(LTV)过高就会面临巨大的风险。

    Studies show that if the Loan to Value ( LTV ) of the developers is too high , risk would arise due to borrowing constraints .

  4. 在此基础上,论述了房地产抵押权的概念、法律特征,并从整个制度的角度出发分析了房地产抵押制度的效率价值与安全价值的平衡。

    Then outlines the concept of real estate mortgage and it 's legal characteristics , analyses the balance between value of efficiency and value of safety related . To the real estate mortgage legal systems from the angle of the whole systems .