
  1. 从实证结果来看,GDP增长率、一年期存贷款利率差、房屋销售价格指数、企业景气指数、货币供应量增长率是影响我国商业银行不良贷款率的显著因素。

    From the empirical results , GDP growth rate , one-year deposit and lending interest rate differentials , housing sales price index , the business climate index , money supply growth is the significant factor impact of non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks .

  2. 选取从1998年第3季度至2011年第2季度的存贷款利率I、土地交易价格指数LPL、房屋销售价格指数LPH数据作为实证检验的样本数据。

    We choose the interest rates I , the housing price indices ( LPH ) and the land exchange price indices ( LPL ) from the third quarter of 1998 to the second quarter of 2011 as the sample data .

  3. 中国房屋销售价格、土地价格和房屋租赁价格关系的计量分析

    The Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship among Selling Price of House , Land Price and Rental Price in China

  4. 同时,金融机构本外币贷款增长的正向冲击在短期内导致房屋销售价格增长率的正向变化。

    Meanwhile , financial institutions and foreign currency loan growth in the short term the positive impact of home sales price growth leads to positive changes .

  5. 房屋销售价格的加速上升会导致房地产供给的增加以及投机需求的增加,进而产生商业银行信贷需求的增加。

    The acceleration of home sales price increases will lead to real estate supply increase and speculative demand increases , commercial bank credit can cause increased demand .

  6. 政府建议主要包括:稳定房屋销售价格;优化房屋供需结构、完善住房保障;加强市场监管,健全法制建设;完善房地产投资的信贷政策、预防金融风险等等。

    Government advice mainly include ; home sales price stability , adjust supply and demand imbalance , improve the housing safeguard , perfect real estate investment credit policy and preventing financial risks .

  7. 国家发改委的数据显示,5月份全国70个城市的房屋销售价格同比下降0.6%,低于4月份的1.1%。

    According to the national development and Reform Commission , property prices in 70 cities fell 0.6 per cent in May from a year earlier , compared with a 1.1 per cent decline in April .

  8. 通过脉冲响应函数实证分析结果的显示,房屋销售价格增长的正向冲击会导致金融机构本外币贷款增长的正向增加,这和理论与经验事实是一致的。

    Through the impulse response function empirical analysis results of home sales price growth , according to the positive impact will lead to financial institutions and foreign currency loan growth increases , and positive theoretical and empirical facts are consistent .

  9. 向量误差修正模型的实证分析结果表明,金融机构本外币贷款的增长率指标对七十个大中城市房屋销售价格指标的增长率有促进作用,这和前文的理论分析相吻合。

    Vector error correction model , the empirical analysis indicates that , financial institutions and foreign currency loan growth index of home sales of 70 cities the growth rate of price index , and declination of theoretical analysis of the above are the same .

  10. 随着房地产业的兴起,商品房屋的销售价格较高,从而导致商品房屋的积压。

    Higher sale price of commodity houses cause commercial house overstock along with the development of real estate .

  11. 随着房屋销售,价格和建筑商的信心继续显示进步,在10月经济增加了171000个的工作岗位。

    The economy added 171 '000 jobs in October as home sales , prices and builder confidence continue to show gains .

  12. 在本例中指的就是房屋的销售价格,因为那正是我们想要的。

    We know this should be the selling price , since that 's what we 're trying to determine for my house .

  13. 在70个大型和中型城市房屋销售的价格在四月份创纪录上升百分之12.8,在星期二国家统计局数字显示。

    Housing sale prices in70 large-and medium-sized cities climbed at a record pace of12.8 percent in April , figures from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday .

  14. 面板协整检验结果显示,城市化率,房地产开发企业完成投资额和商品房屋平均销售价格三者之间存在协整关系。

    Panel co-integration test results illustrate that urbanization rate , real estate development companies and investment in housing amount and average selling price of goods with a co-integration relationship between them .

  15. 例如,一个冻结财产所有人可能会要求雇主在支付部分赤字的的抵押贷款和房屋的销售价格以保持平衡,也许各支付一半。

    For example , an underwater property owner might ask the employer to chip in to cover part of the deficit between the mortgage balance and the home 's sale price , perhaps splitting it fifty-fifty .

  16. 本文认为物业税的开征,有利于抑制房地产市场中的投机行为,规范房地产市场;物业税的开征,将会降低购房者的准入门槛,使房屋的销售价格大幅下降。

    This paper argues that the property tax levy , there is help to curb speculation in the real estate market , regulate the real estate market ; property tax levy will reduce the access threshold for buyers to make housing sales price has dropped significantly .

  17. 而房屋销售的中间价格为137.9万美元(约合人民币847.2万元),比去年同期上涨了大约3%。

    The median sales price was up about 3 percent over the same period last year , at $ 1.379 million .

  18. 美国房地产市场还在继续拖累经济,房屋销售和房屋价格在3月份继续下滑,房主在偿还抵押贷款方面违约,越来越多的房屋抵押赎回权被银行收走。

    The U.S. housing market also continues to drag down the economy . Home sales and prices fell again last month with banks repossessing more and more homes as owners default on their mortgages .