
zōnɡ hé yònɡ dì
  • use of land for comprehensive utilization
  1. 城镇综合用地宗地地价评估方法研究

    Study on the method of Urban Synthetic land price assessment

  2. 应用基准地价评估城镇综合用地地价的方法

    Approach to Valuing Comprehensive Land Price in Urban Areas with Basic Land Price

  3. 城市综合用地变电站的一个接地问题分析

    Substation grounding analysis in integrative land utilized area

  4. 商住综合用地评估的加价模型

    Added Price Model of Commercial-Residential Land Valuation

  5. 估价实务中接触最多最为广泛的也恰恰是综合用地地价的评估,因此对综合用地宗地地价评估方法的研究就显得尤为重要。

    In land appraisal operation , the appraisal of land integrative use is used widely .

  6. 城市综合用地市场化运作机制下项目开发前期建筑概念设计研究

    In the Market-oriented Operation System , Studies of Conceptual Design at the Earlier Stage of Projects Development for the Mixed Use Land in City

  7. 近年来,综合用地在城镇土地利用中的比例增长迅速,地位也愈显重要,对其价格的评估已成为目前土地评估市场的主旋律。

    In recent years , the comprehensive land proportion was growing rapidly in city land use , and its position was more and more important also .

  8. 为了对比研究地价空间系数分配法得出的立体综合用地地价,提出了加价模型来对地价空间系数分配法得出的地价进行验证分析。

    To compare the coefficient of land distribution method to get the space three-dimensional integrated land price , proposed price " model " distribution coefficient of land price verification method to get the land .

  9. 文章在分析商住用地价格特征的基础上,以浙江省乐清市为例,探讨采用“商业用地基准价格与住宅用地基准价格相复合的方法”来评估商住综合用地的价格。

    The paper takes Leqing city as an example to put forward a new method , which is based on the basic prices of urban commercial land and basic prices of urban residential land .

  10. 综合用地估价方法的研究在我国起步较晚,估价方法有很多不足之处,需要进一步改进,本文就是在这样的一个背景下开展研究的,以期能在改进的道路上往前更进一步。

    But in appraisal of land integrative use there are not feasible ways . The research of integrative-use land appraisal started late in China , and there have been much shortage , which need to be improved .

  11. 在此基础上,提出了适合综合用地价格评估的一些特殊方法:基准地价分类修正综合法、假设开发修正系数法和灰色预测法。

    In this foundation , it put forward some special methods which were suited for appraising price of comprehensive use land : classify modificative integration method of benchmark land price , hypothetical development with modified modulus and gray forecast method .

  12. 结合最近七年来郑州市工业地价的出让数据,从时间上分析工业地价与商业、住宅、综合用地的变化特征。

    The change of industrial land price index in Zhengzhou is unclearly . 2 . Using the data of industrial land price sold in the last five years in Zhengzhou ; analyze the features of change compare with the commercial land , residential land and comprehensive land .

  13. 对承租土地使用权、划拨土地使用权、空间权、综合用地以及附设有他项权利的特殊土地使用权估价进行了创新和更新。

    We make discussion and innovation on evaluation methods for some special land-use rights , such as tenanted land-use right , allocated land-use right , air space right , comprehensive use land and other rights lease land right , land right of Mortgage , land neighboring right over land .

  14. 该处一幅综合发展用地现正兴建住宅、酒店式住宅、社会福利设施和公众休憩用地。

    On the site of a Comprehensive Development Area , construction of residential / service apartments with social welfare facilities and public open space is in progress .

  15. 土地利用总体规划既是在社会各生产部门之间合理分配土地资源,保证可持续性发展的综合性用地规划之一,也是控制和监督各业用地的基本依据。

    The Land Use Comprehensive Planning ( LUCP ) not only distributes land resource of the production departments in society and guarantees the sustainable development of integrated land use planning , but also is the basic of controlling and supervising industrial land use .

  16. 土地利用规划中综合协调各业用地数学模型的建立

    Creation of mathematical model of synthesis coordination in land using and planning

  17. 综合或者其他用地五十年。

    50 years for comprehensive utilization or other purposes .

  18. 优化土地利用结构,综合协调各业用地之间的矛盾,是土地利用规划的核心工作。

    Optimizing land using structure and synthesis coordination of every sort of land using is the core work in land using and planning .

  19. 都市出让地价,按用途可分为住宅、商业、综合和工业用地出让地价,具有较强的空间特征。

    Remisee land prices of metropolises can be divided into residential , commercial , industrial and complex remise land prices according to the purposes of land use .

  20. 提出以土地自然评价为基础,以农用土地经济评价为依据,综合测算农业用地的客观收益的技术思路;

    A technical path of the land income calculation is raised , which founded on the physical evaluation and economy evaluation of agricultural land , calculate synthetically the objective income of agricultural land .

  21. 城镇化水平综合测评与城镇用地分析

    Index System of Urbanization Composite Evaluation and Urban Land Use

  22. 用预测的武汉保税货物量初步测算了武汉综合保税区的用地规模。

    The paper estimated the scale of Wuhan comprehensive bonded zone using the forecasting bonded cargo quantity .

  23. 通过指标因子网格(Grid)空间模拟,采用综合指数法求取网格综合城镇建设用地适宜性指数;

    The integrated feasible grid index of construction land was extracted by the model of synthesized index .