
zōnɡ hé bǎo xiǎn
  • comprehensive insurance
  1. 上海市外来从业人员参加综合保险意愿调查

    Survey on Floating Employees ' Wills to Participate in Comprehensive Insurance in Shanghai

  2. 笔者建议推行工程保修保险和工程质量综合保险。

    The author suggests to promote the engineering maintenance insurance and engineering quality comprehensive insurance .

  3. 一份综合保险单保所有的险,是不是啊?平安险所承保的风险是哪些?

    What risk is covered by a fpa policy ?

  4. 你最好签一份综合保险协议。

    It would be better for you to sign up for blanket insurance coverage .

  5. 如果你是一位经验不足的年轻司机的话,则值得参加综合保险。

    If you are a young , inexperienced driver , it is worth having comprehensive insurance .

  6. 当前试点的城保模式、双低模式和综合保险模式各有优缺点。

    The current city model ," double low " mode and comprehensive insurance model have their advantages and disadvantages .

  7. 内控机制不完善。为保证寿险公司的正常经营,必须加强团体人身综合保险承保风险管理建设。

    We must strengthen underwriting risks management for group personal comprehensive insurance in order to guarantee normal operation of life insurance companies .

  8. 目前住房按揭贷款保险主要指的是住房按揭贷款综合保险,既包括房屋财产险又包括抵押保证保险。

    At present , our mortgage insurance is mainly housing mortgage compositive insurance , including Housing property insurance and Mortgage gurantee insurance .

  9. 我们代理各中外保险公司提供综合保险、运输保险、仓储保险等系列非人寿保险方案。

    We provide comprehensive insurance , transportation insurance , warehousing insurance , and other non-life insurances from both Chinese and foreign insurance companies .

  10. 一张综合保险单担保汽车一切意外事件。一切海洋运输货物险比一切险所承保的责任范围更为有限。

    A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents . All marine risk provide more limited cover than all risk .

  11. 经过了8年多的实践,综合保险已经无法满足广大农民工的医疗和养老保障需求了。

    The comprehensive insurance has not been able to satisfy the medical and old-age security needs of the majority migrant workers after eight years .

  12. 商业综合保险乃为办公室及商铺雇主而设之全面保险计划,以保障公司财物及法律责任等。

    Business package insurance provides comprehensive protection for office and shop owners and covers property contents as well as legal liabilities in one simple policy .

  13. Jackie:好吧,我想要那个保险的报价。Agent:你也会想要“综合保险”,如果你的车受到了损坏会受到赔偿。

    Jackie : Okay , sure , I want that . Agent : You 'll also want comprehensive insurance . It pays for damage to your car .

  14. Agent:“综合保险”赔偿那些不是由于车祸导致的损失,比如车被偷,车受到天气损害或是车被恶意破坏。Jackie:好的,我也想那个报价。

    Agent : Well , it pays for damage to your car that 's not a result of an accident , like in the case of theft , weather damage , or vandalism Jackie : Okay , I want that , too .

  15. 为此,本文建立了随机利率下的综合人寿保险模型。

    Establish an optimization model based on aggregate model of life with stochastic interest .

  16. 随机利率下综合人寿保险模型

    Aggregate life insurance model based on interest randomness

  17. 凡学习时间在一学期以上(含一学期)的学生均须参加综合医疗保险。保险费在新生入学时一次性缴交。

    You are required to join the Health Insurance if you study for more than six months at SCUT .

  18. 经用人单位申请,非本市户籍的在职人员也可以参加综合医疗保险。

    The person in-service without residence registration of the municipality may participate in the comprehensive medical insurance after the employing unit applies .

  19. 经济可保利益外延的判定应当综合运用保险补偿规则和披露规则。

    We should apply the rules of indemnification and the rules of utmost good faith comprehensively to judge the extent of the economic interest .

  20. 新西兰作为最早实行社会福利的国家之一,为老年人、残疾人、病人和失业者制订了综合社会保险计划。

    A pioneer in social welfare , New Zealand has a comprehensive social security scheme for the aged , disabled , sick and unemployed .

  21. 通常情况下,在标准综合责任保险政策中,人身损害的赔偿范围要远远大于财产损失的赔偿范围。

    In general , under standard Commercial General Liability ( CGL ) policies , coverage for bodily injury claims is far broader than for property damage claims .

  22. 建立了一个综合人寿保险模型,把几种保险产品统一在其中,并且考虑利息力函数是一个随机过程。

    Considering the function of force of the interest is a Wiener process and putting several insurance products together , this paper established an aggregate life insurance model with interest randomness .

  23. 本文发现,中国保险市场上的中小保险企业比大型保险企业更具有效率,综合性保险企业比专业性保险企业更具有效率。

    We find that the behavior of large insurance companies ( mainly state owned enterprises ) was not fully competitive as compared to the behavior of small insurance companies , and composite insurance companies showed much more competitiveness than specialized insurance companies in China .

  24. 本文详尽介绍了开发企业员工综合阳光保险综合绩效考核系统的全过程,是按软件工程的思想设计的,包括问题定义、可行性研究、需求分析、系统总体设计、系统详细设计等。

    This paper describes the development of employees detailed comprehensive insurance , comprehensive performance appraisal system , the sun the whole process of thinking is based on the design of software engineering , including problem definition , feasibility studies , requirements analysis , system design , detailed system design .

  25. 同时,通过对综合农业保险经营模式的优势、制约因素等方面的分析,又提出了如何进行完善的相关政策和建议,为我国综合农业保险经营模式的顺利实施打下了良好的基础。

    At the same time , through we Analysis the advantages , constraints and other aspects of the comprehensive agricultural insurance business model , we proposed how to improve the relevant policies and proposals , and laid a good foundation for the comprehensive agricultural insurance business model can implement smoothly .

  26. 综合性金融保险集团交叉销售战略探讨

    An Exploration on the Cross-selling Strategy of Comprehensive

  27. 建立综合的养老保险制度

    Establishing Compositive Endowment Insurance System

  28. 未来发展趋势是走强制性医疗责任保险和自愿性综合医疗责任保险相结合的道路。

    It is a future tendency to combine the compulsive medical responsibility insurance and voluntary medical responsibility insurance together .

  29. 为迎接人口老龄化、完善社会保障体制,就必须建立综合的养老保险制度和综合的社会保障体系。

    It is necessary to establish compositive endowment insurance system and social guarantee system to solve the problems of population aging .

  30. 中国平安保险集团是我国第一家综合性金融保险集团,1988年在深圳成立。

    Born in 1988 at Shenzhen , Guangdong Province , China Ping An Insurance Group is the first comprehensive financial insurance group of China .