
  • 网络Blend Coffee;Blended Coffee;Coffee Blends
  1. 店内有手拉式espresso咖啡机、特调烘焙单品爱思巴苏和调配牛奶咖啡专用的香醇意式综合咖啡豆,Tong对所有的基本元素都掌握得相当好。

    With a hand-operated espresso machine , house-roasted single-origin espresso and a delicious Italian blend used for milk coffees , Tong has got all of the basics right .

  2. 彼得琼斯百货公司马利欧·撒迦利亚:麝香猫咖啡豆本身就综合了蓝山咖啡以及某种与麝香猫有关的东南亚咖啡豆。

    MARIO ZACHARIA , PETER JONES STORE : The beans themselves are a Blue Mountain blend and a blend from Southeast Asia that 's linked to a civet cat .

  3. 其中更有咖啡店只销售信息烘焙、即磨的咖啡豆、特调综合和单品咖啡,向咖啡之上最高敬意。

    The best of them pay serious respect to coffee by serving only fresh-roasted and freshly ground beans , distinct blends and single-origin roasts .