
pínɡ jūn jià ɡé
  • average price;middle price
  1. 据私人数据提供商中国房地产指数系统(ChinaRealEstateIndexSystem)的数据,9月份中国100个城市(新建)住宅平均价格同比上涨9.5%。

    The average price of housing in 100 cities in September was up 9.5 % from a year earlier , according to private data provider China Real Estate Index System .

  2. 今年莱坊黄金地段国际住宅指数(PrimeInternationalResidentialIndex)平均价格涨幅最高的10个城市里面,有六个都位于亚太地区。

    Six of the 10 cities with the biggest average price gains in Knight Frank 's Prime International Residential Index were in the Asian-Pacific region this year .

  3. MAC的平均价格多年来一直介于1200至1300美元之间。

    Average Mac prices have been between $ 1,200 and $ 1,300 for years now .

  4. 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(TheDowJonesIndustrialAverage)创单月最大跌幅,下跌115.30点,至13057.46点。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its biggest drop in a month , sliding 115.30 points to 13057.46 .

  5. 这一假说认为,生产率较高(如人均国内生产总值(gdp)较高)的国家,其平均价格水平也应更高。

    This hypothesis stipulates that average prices should be higher in countries with higher productivity ( ie higher gross domestic product per head ) .

  6. 她采用了石油负担的概念&石油消耗量乘以平均价格,再除以名义国内生产总值(GDP)。

    She uses the concept of the oil burden – the volume of oil consumed multiplied by the average price and divided by nominal gross domestic product .

  7. 接受彭博(bloomberg)调查的分析师们预计,明年基准美国原油的平均价格将达到每桶87美元。

    Analysts polled by Bloomberg expect benchmark US crude to average $ 87 a barrel next year .

  8. 在加入WTO后这种价格优势进一步突显,我国苹果、梨、柑橘的市场价格均不同程度地低于世界平均价格。

    After joining the World Trade Organization , the price advantage further underscoring , such as apples , pears , oranges , market prices are lower than the world average price in various degree .

  9. 咨询公司tipsontripsandcamps与300个营地进行合作,这些营地的平均价格在每周1000美元至1500美元之间。

    Tips on trips and camps , a consultancy , works with 300 camps with an average price range of $ 1000 - $ 1500 a week .

  10. 根据收集到的资料,对HVDC和FACTS装置的价格进行了分析和归纳,得出了关于HVDC和FACTS装置比较清晰的平均价格水平。

    Based on data collected , the costs of HVDC and FACTS were analyzed and summarized , the more precise average cost level of these equipment was obtained in this paper .

  11. 这九个月中,IBM回购这批股票的平均价格约为167美元&根据巴菲特刚刚宣布的数据,他在3月份至11月之间建仓的平均成本与此恰好一样。

    IBM 's cost-per-share for the stock it repurchased in those nine months was about $ 167 & just what Berkshire 's cost is on the facts that Buffett has announced for the March-into-November period .

  12. 美林(MerrillLynch)预计,铜市场在2007年将继续走弱,今年的平均价格将为每吨5292美元。

    Merrill Lynch expects further weakness for the copper market in 2007 with the price expected to average $ 5,292 a tonne this year .

  13. 随着道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)从2007年10月9日到2009年3月6日下跌53%,很多婴儿潮一代在即将退休的时候看到自己的投资组合大幅缩水。

    Many of them , just on the cusp of retirement , saw their investment portfolios pounded , as the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 53 % from Oct. 9 , 2007 , to March 6 , 2009 .

  14. 与上证综指从未升至2007年高位附近不同,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)和标普500指数(S&P500)距各自高点均只有约10%的距离。

    As opposed to the Shanghai , which never got within spitting distance of its 2007 highs , the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S & P 500 are both only about 10 % off those former highs .

  15. 另外值得一提的:所有付费应用中,完全兼容iPad的平均价格为3.61美元,兼容iPhone的为3.55美元。

    Also worth noting : the average price of all paid applications that are solely compatible with the iPad is $ 3.61 , compared to $ 3.55 for applications compatible with the iPhone .

  16. 在适当时,斯坦迪什(Standish)会按照经综合的订单平均价格对批量订单进行分配。

    Where appropriate , Standish will allocate block trades at the average price of the aggregated order .

  17. 纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)的管理人士说,他们正在检查数十只证券的交易中可能存在的问题,这些证券包括道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数的成分股。

    Officials at NYSE Euronext said they were examining potentially erroneous trading in dozens of securities , including members of the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average .

  18. 股价与经理人的贡献弱相关是我国企业引入ESO激励机制的一个难题,ESO这一低效率问题的有效解决方法是引入平均价格参数、股票指数价格参数和行业股票价格参数。

    So an effective solution to the lower efficiency is the introduction of average price parameter , share index price parameter and industrial share price index through a positive analysis .

  19. 在消息宣布之前,BEA股票的平均价格为13美元,但现在已经接近18美元。

    Shares in BEA were trading at an avg of $ 13 before the announcement and are now trading at nearly $ 18 ( as of10:20am ET ) .

  20. CheeryMa表示,更复杂的技术参数、更高的分辨率和更完美的音质,对供应商而言意味着更高的平均价格,还可以增加销量。

    Higher resolution and sound quality , added to more complicated specifications , means higher average prices for suppliers as well as boosting quantity , says Ms Ma .

  21. 汽油、柴油、燃料油、石脑油、煤油、LPG的产量比2002年均会有一定幅度增长。预计汽柴油年平均价格将与2002年水平接近,市场运行相对平稳。

    Output of gasoline , diesel , fuel oil , naphtha , kerosene and LPG will grow compared to 2002 . The annual average prices of gasoline and diesel are predicted to approach 2002 levels with the market largely stable .

  22. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)香港分析师杜劲松表示:目前就全国而言,一套房子的平均价格是家庭平均年收入的7倍,但在北京和上海,这个比率超过了17倍。

    Du Jinsong , an analyst at Credit Suisse in Hong Kong , said : Nationwide , the average price for a flat is now seven times the average annual household income , but in Beijing and Shanghai it is more than 17 times .

  23. 服务业生产者价格指数(SPPI)反映的是服务业企业所提供服务的平均价格变动情况。

    The Services Producer Price Index ( SPPI ) provides information on price change for service businesses services .

  24. 例如,台湾公司华硕(Asus)近期发布了一款新平板电脑,零售价仅为129美元,远低于平板电脑的平均价格&461美元。

    Taiwanese brand Asus , for example , recently launched a new tablet that retails for only $ 129 , far below the average $ 461 price for tablets .

  25. 同时,AckerMerrall所售葡萄酒的平均价格在2011至2013年间下降了大约一半。

    The average price of bottles sold by Acker Merrall fell by about half from 2011 to 2013 .

  26. 据中国社科院统计,中国5A级景区的平均价格为109元,约18美元。

    According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , the average price of admission to 5A scenic spots , those officially classed as the best , stands at 109 yuan , or 18 dollars .

  27. 根据中原地产代理公司(Centaline)的数据,近十年来香港房地产市场平均价格已经翻了一倍以上。

    Hong Kong 's property market has seen average prices more than double in the past decade , according to Centaline , a property agent .

  28. 智利矿商Antofagasta首席执行官马塞洛阿沃德(MarceloAwad)预测,未来3年,铜价每年的平均价格都在8800美元以上。

    Marcelo Awad , chief executive of miner Antofagasta , predicts copper prices will average over $ 8,800 in each of the next three years .

  29. 这还不到中国国家统计局(NBS)汇编的中国50个城市猪五花肉的平均价格——在截至4月15日的那周创下每公斤32.12元人民币的高点。

    Even that was short of the average price for pork belly meat in 50 Chinese cities compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics , which had hit a record Rmb32.12 as of the week of April 15 .

  30. 休·德夫林(HughDevlin)是伦敦的一位律师,曾参与路威酩轩集团和开云集团的一些收购谈判,他说这种年轻小品牌的平均价格只有“几百万”。

    Hugh Devlin , a lawyer based in London who has negotiated a variety of sales to LVMH and Kering , said the average price for such a house is merely " in the seven figures . "