
  • 网络Average hourly earnings
  1. 有初步迹象表明,近几个月工资水平正在上升,但平均时薪的增速仍远远低于上一个十年末期接近3.5%的同比增速。

    There have been tentative signs of rising wages in recent months , but average hourly earnings growth still remains well below the year-on-year rates of close to 3.5 per cent seen at the tail-end of the last decade .

  2. 失业率触及6年来新低,私营部门劳动者的平均时薪也提高了。

    The unemployment rate hit a six-year low , and average hourly earnings for private sector workers rose .

  3. 据美国左倾智库经济政策研究所(EconomicPolicyInstitute)的数据显示,在2011年,受过大学教育、从事初级工作的23岁至29岁男性的平均时薪为21.68美元,经通胀因素调整后比2000年降低了7.6%;

    According to the Economic Policy Institute , a left-leaning think tank , entry-level , college-educated men age 23-29 earned an average $ 21.68 an hour in 2011 , an inflation-adjust drop of 7.6 % from 2000 .

  4. 就业人数最多的10种职业中,有9种的收入水平低于平均时薪。

    Nine of the 10 largest occupations earn less than the mean hourly wage .

  5. 为了满足自己对超人的迷恋,他花费了大约30万比索(约4400英镑)鉴于菲律宾的平均时薪为90比索,这算得上是一笔巨大的财产了。

    He has splashed around 300,000 Pesos ( 4,400 ) on his obsession - a fortune compared to the average 90p hourly wage in the Philippines .

  6. 相比之下,自2005年1月以来,没有工会组织的沃尔玛美国店平均时薪上涨12%,从9.68美元涨至10.86美元。

    By comparison the average hourly wage in Wal-Mart 's US stores , which are not unionised , has risen 12 per cent since January 2005 , from $ 9.68 to $ 10.86 .

  7. 他们目前坚持得还不错在英国,公共部门员工去年的平均时薪上涨了6%,幅度是私人部门的3倍以上。

    They are still doing relatively well in the UK , the mean hourly wage for a public sector worker rose 6 per cent last year , three times more than the private sector equivalent .

  8. 麦当劳近期决定将餐厅员工的平均时薪提高至9.90美元,并为工作时间满一年的员工提供带薪假期。该项决定对趋紧的劳动力市场,以及为低收入人群提供基本生活工资运动的影响,引起了媒体的关注。

    McDonald 's recent decision to raise the pay for workers at company-owned restaurants to an average of $ 9.90 an hour and provide employees , once they have worked a year , some paid time off made news for what that action says about the tightening labor market and the campaign to get low-paid people a living wage .

  9. 平均每周工作时间保持在34.4小时,而平均时薪微幅升至24.21美元。

    The average work week held steady at 34.4 hours , while average hourly earnings edged up to $ 24.21 .