
  1. 浅谈平衡心理在学校管理中的作用

    The Function of Balanced Psychology in School Management

  2. 信息平衡心理疗法认为人的心理问题是由于接收的信息过于片面而导致的。

    Information balance psychotherapy think the reason why people have psychological problems is because their reception of information is too one-sided .

  3. 信息平衡心理疗法是在认知疗法、阅读疗法等基础上发展起来的一种心理成长与辅导方法。

    The information balance psychotherapy developed a kind of psychological growth based on cognitive therapy , reading therapy and counseling methods .

  4. 目的研究探讨青年士兵不平衡心理的特点及其规律,为加强青年士兵心理疏导和行为引导提供参考。

    Objective To investigate characteristics and regulations of youth soldier unbalance mental state , for providing the reference to enhance their mental state and behavior .

  5. 信息平衡心理疗法认为个体的精神障碍是由自身所持有的非适应观念所造成的,这些观念具有与客观现实不匹配等特点。

    The information balanced psychotherapy proposes that the individual mental disorders are produced owing to the unadaptable idea , which is not match to the actuality .

  6. 学生需求是指学生在课堂教学中由于对知识、人际交往、学业成就、情感归属等的期望而产生的一种不平衡心理状态。

    The student need is an unbalanced state of which refers to students ' expectations for knowledge , interpersonal relationship , academic achievement , ownership in the classroom .

  7. 从资源模块、用户模块、管理模块、帮助模块四个方面,运用计算机技术建立信息平衡心理疗法资源库。

    From the resource module , the user module , management module , help modules in four areas , the use of computer technology to establish a balance of information resource library of psychological therapy .

  8. 同时运用实证研究的方法,设计问卷调查,分别将平衡型心理契约、关系型心理契约和交易型心理契约对隐性知识共享意愿的情况进行统计,通过SPSS软件对数据进行分析。

    The methods of empirical , and questionnaires are used to collect statistics date of balanced psychological contract , relational psychological contract , transactional psychological and tacit knowledge sharing , and the SPSS software is also used to analyze the date mentioned above .

  9. 心理平衡:心理,人的思维、内心活动。

    Psychological balance : Psychology is the thinking activities of human beings .

  10. 影响语言输入与输出不平衡的心理因素

    Psychological Factors Influenced Un-balance Between Language Input and Output

  11. 体操运动员的平衡木心理训练

    Psychological Training of Gymnastics Performers in Balance Beam

  12. 结果在青年士兵中几乎每个人都不同程度有过不平衡的心理体验及反应。

    Results Almost every youth soldier once had the unbalance mental experience and reaction to some extent .

  13. 与重点班学生比较,普通班学生更容易在学校产生适应不良、抑郁、情绪不平衡等心理健康问题。

    Comparing with students in key class , students in general class are related to psychological problem such as maladjustment , depression and emotional balance . 3 .

  14. 尤其在面对日益严峻的就业形势、考研压力、爱情分合等人生抉择时,极易打乱内心的平衡,心理压力都比较大。

    Especially in the face of increasingly severe employment situation . Graduate Record Examination pressure , love and other life choices , easily break the inner balance .

  15. 听力障碍者听阈水平双耳响度平衡变异的心理因素分析

    An analysis of psychological factors on hearing threshold and its variation of alternate binaural loudness balance

  16. 节奏美或不关,是由人的生理平衡机制、心理愉快机制决定的;

    Whether the rhythm is beautiful or not depends on peoples physiological balance system and psychological happy mechanism ;

  17. 两千多年前老子的哲学思想中包含了调节心理平衡、化解心理问题的心理自卫理论,体现在效法天道、自我意识、节制物欲、人格培养四个方面。

    The philosophical ideology advanced by Lao Zi over 2000 years ago contains the theory of psychological self-defence and this theory is of the function of adjusting individuals ' psychological balance and settling psychological problems .

  18. 心理契约的失衡及管理以及心理契约的强化是心理契约变化管理的基本内容,也是心理契约管理过程的基本环节之一,而知识型员工心理契约的动态平衡则是心理契约管理的根本目标。

    The imbalance of psychological contract , its management and stimulation of psychological contract are the basic contents of change management of psychological contract , and also one of the basic links of management process of it .

  19. 现代社会的物质进步和科学技术的发展在给当代大学生带来极大方便与舒适的同时,也带来了消极的影响,心理上的不平衡和各种心理障碍现象也越来越明显。

    Modern social material progress and the development of science and technology in the contemporary university students to bring great convenience and comfortable , but also brings negative effect , psychological unbalance , and all the mental obstacle phenomenon is more and more obvious .

  20. 体操平衡木教学中心理障碍的消除

    The dispelling of psychological hindrances in balance beam Teaching

  21. 由于教师的职业期望过高,现实使他们心理产生不平衡,为了消解心理压力他们就选择了流动。

    The Second , the vocational teachers expect too much of reality they have a psychological imbalance , in order to eliminate the psychological pressure they chose flows .

  22. 目的调查青少年锻炼行为,揭示不同锻炼阶段自我效能、决策平衡的特点以及心理变量与锻炼行为的关系。

    Objective To examine the exercise behavior of adolescents ; to reveal the differences in self-efficacy and decision balance by the stages of exercise behavior , and to identify the relationship between exercise behavior and psychological variables .

  23. 结论眩晕患者的站立平衡训练、头动平衡训练、视物平衡训练和心理咨询等训练方法有利于其康复。

    Conclusion Standing , head-moving , visual balance training and psychological counseling are effective in rehabilitation for vertigo patients .

  24. 方法将225例眩晕患者分为两组,实验组(117例)在医护人员指导下采用长时间站立平衡训练、头动平衡训练、视物平衡训练和心理咨询等康复训练;

    Methods Two hundred and twenty-five vertigo patients were divided into two groups . The 117 patients in the experimental group were treated with rehabilitation training of standing balance , head-moving balance and visual balance and psychological counseling .