
  1. 文章首先对Agent技术、网上拍卖的基本理论、网上拍卖交易业务流程进行了系统的分析,然后结合Agent的技术特点和顾客购买行为特性,给出了基于Agent的网上拍卖流程设计。

    And then , proposes the process of agent-based online auction according to the characteristic of Agent and customer behavior model .

  2. 渠道设计要以顾客购买行为为出发点;

    Places design should start from the customer 's buying action ;

  3. 金融危机对零售企业顾客购买行为的影响研究

    The Effects of Financial Crisis on Consumer Purchase Behavior in Retailing

  4. 顾客购买行为倾向的测量及其管理意涵

    The Measurement of Customer Purchasing Behavior Tendency and Its Managing Signification

  5. 顾客购买行为指顾客满意和顾客忠诚。

    Customer purchasing behavior includes customer loyalty and customer satisfaction .

  6. 垄断对顾客购买行为的影响分析

    The Influence of Monopoly on Customer Purchasing Behavior

  7. 企业社会责任已经与品牌、顾客购买行为、战略、绩效等关键词联系在一起。

    Corporate social responsibility has been associated with strategy , customer buying behavior , brand , performance and so on .

  8. 要使零售集聚实现更好的经营业绩、保持长期竞争优势,基础工作就是对其中的顾客购买行为展开分析。

    For a retail agglomeration , investigating consumer purchase behavior is the basis to pursue profits and gain competitive advantages , which are not deeply explored until now .

  9. 结果同时还表明当顾客购买行为的变化程度高时,采用双重渠道是高成本而不明智的决策。

    At the same time , the result shows when the customer buying behavior is changing , it is expensive and unwise to adopt the dual channels model .

  10. 然而目前还没有关于网上品牌社区全面、系统的理论描述,对网上品牌社区是如何影响顾客购买行为的过程的研究也比较缺乏。

    However , there are not enough general and systematic studies about the online brand community , and the study about the relationship between BC ( online brand community characters ) and CPT ( customer purchasing tendency ) .

  11. 因此,完善网上品牌社区对顾客购买行为倾向的研究对于扩展现有网上品牌社区理论具有重要的意义,同时也为企业通过网上品牌社区来获取竞争优势提供了有效指导。

    Therefore , research on online brand community and the relationship between BC and CPT will of great significance to existing research extension , and it will offer a new efficient way for enterprises to have marketing advantage .

  12. 顾客重复购买行为的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of Customer Repurchase Behavior

  13. 它考虑一个大型交易数据库中项目集之间的关系,用来研究顾客的购买行为,有助于制定销售策略、分类设计等。

    Its task is to discover the relations between item sets from a large transaction database .

  14. 研究表明,情绪型劳动确实可以增加顾客的购买行为以及对服务的积极评价;

    The research shows that emotional labor can help the customers to buy more and make a positive evaluation on the service .

  15. 本文通过对顾客购买住宅行为影响因素的分析,根据消费者购买行为分析的有关理论,建立起消费者住宅购买行为影响因素模型。

    By analyzing customer purchase residence influence factor , making use of the relevant theories of purchasing behavior , the author of the article establish the model of influence factor of customer purchase residence .

  16. 本文以顾客购买决策行为的理性假定为出发点,提出了顾客购买决策行为的本质特征,即是要以最小的付出寻求最大的收益,并将付出与收益具体化为顾客价值与顾客成本。

    This paper is starting at the assuming of customer 's rational purchasing activity , pointing out the essential character of customer purchasing decision-making , namely seeking for maximum customer value by minimum customer cost .

  17. 文章中通过划分凝聚子网,分析不同商品特性极其之间的关联关系,并进行顾客的购买行为推测,以期发现顾客的购买习惯。

    In the article , with the division of the subnet , the features of different products and the relationships between them are analyzed . Then customers ' buying behaviors are inferred , and buying habits are excavated .

  18. 发现频繁项目集所关联的事务集是十分有意义的,它能使人们了解频繁项目集是由哪些顾客的购买行为所引起的。

    Traditional algorithms mining association rules can not find the Transaction Set ( TS ) in which Frequent Item Set ( FIS ) appears . However , a FIS only caused by one or few customers is meaningless .

  19. 本文以顾客在线购买行为为研究对象,在提出和验证影响消费者在线购买行为因素的基础之上,系统地研究了相关因素对顾客在线购买行为的影响。

    This dissertation aims to customer online buying behavior for study , First , I put forward and verify that influence consumer online purchase behavior factors , then systematic study of the correlation factor to influence of customers online purchase behavior .

  20. 因此,本文将顾客的购买行为,按发生的时间顺序整理为购买行为序列,再对其进行关联规则的提取,进而预测出目标顾客的当前或未来偏好,有效提高了预测的准确性。

    So this dissertation sorts the purchase of customer behavior as purchase behavior sequence , according to the time order , and then extracts the association rule , and predicts target customer 's current or future preferences , which has raised the accuracy of the forecast .

  21. 在网上拍卖的实践中,拍卖机制的好坏将直接影响网上拍卖物品的有效分配,进而影响拍卖商和拍卖网站的收益,最终影响顾客的购买行为。

    In the practice of online auctions , the character of auction mechanisms will directly affect the efficiency of online auction items ' allocation , which then makes influence on the revenues of the sellers and auction websites , and determines the customers ' purchase behavior eventually .

  22. 行为忠诚是指所有可能原因所导致的顾客在实际购买行为上的持续性。

    Behavior loyalty is the actual purchase of sustainability resulted from all the possible reasons .

  23. 摘要零售店顾客冲动性购买行为目前正在被越来越多的零售商所重视。

    Retailers are paying more attention to customer 's compulsive purchase behavior in retail shops .

  24. 顾客满意度对顾客购买行为模式的影响

    The influence of Customer Satisfaction on customer s purchasing behaviors

  25. 工业品市场是面向组织购买者的市场。工业品市场的组织、产品、顾客和购买决策、行为相对于消费品市场有很大的不同,这导致了工业品市场营销策略的特殊性。

    Industrial product market is mainly for organization buyers and has great difference from consumable market in sense of organizing , product , customer , purchase decision and purchase action , which shapes particularity of marketing strategy for industrial product market .

  26. 通过研究发现,顾客感知价值的三个方面对顾客冲动性购买行为倾向有不同程度的影响。

    The research shows that three aspects of customer perceived value have different effects to customer impulse buying behavior tend .

  27. 房地产营销渠道的选择要以顾客的需求为核心,考虑渠道定位、顾客购买行为、产品的特性,与渠道成员的信息沟通及渠道的赢利能力,以保证销售渠道有效运转。

    The core of real estate channel choice for marketing is the needs of customers , and channel position 、 consumer behavior 、 product characteristic 、 communication with channel broker and the capability of making profit are considered in order to ensure sales channel operate effectively .

  28. 理论界和实践界都对企业在各种营销行为中要多考虑顾客方面的因素达成了共识,这也是研究顾客购买行为的一种趋势。

    Both scholars and practioners have reached a consensus that in marketing enterprises should take more serious about customers . It is also a tendency in researching customers ' shopping behavior .

  29. 第一种是顾客价值通过顾客忠诚或顾客满意等中介变量间接影响顾客购买行为,第二种观点是顾客价值对顾客购买行为产生直接的影响。

    There are two views in the academic session . The first one is that the customer value affects customer buying behavior via an intermediary variable , the other one is that the customer value directly influences customer buying behavior .

  30. 顾客的重复购买意向(RepurchaseIntention,简称RI)是顾客重复购买行为的一个比较可靠的心理测量指标,是顾客忠诚的主要测量指标之一。

    The Repurchase Intention , or RI , is a reliable indicator of psychological measurement of customers repurchase behavior , also is one of the main measurement indicators of customer loyalty .