
  1. 然后结合医疗卫生服务行业的特点,基于ACSI模型并利用PLS建模方法构建了医院顾客满意度指数模型。

    Then according to the characteristics of the health services career , based on the ACSI model and PLS model method to build the Hospital Customer Satisfaction Degree Index Model .

  2. 本文基于对SCSB、ACSI、ECSI等顾客满意度指数模型的分析,提出了一个新的顾客满意度指数(CSI)模型。

    This paper proposes a new CSI model based on the analysis of SCSB , ACSI and ECSI for further discnssion .

  3. 研究结果1.构建了基于ASCI模型的医院顾客满意度指数模型,并形成了可以用来进行满意度测量的指标体系。

    Hospital Customer Satisfaction Degree Index Model was constructed based on the ASCI model , and the index system which can be used to measure the satisfaction degree was made .

  4. 运用结构方程模型(SEM),通过对现有国际主流顾客满意度指数模型的改进,从多学科角度构建了饭店顾客满意度测评模型(HCS),并进行实证研究。

    Based on Structure Equation Models and the improvement of current international major customer satisfaction index models , the paper puts forward a model of Hotel Customer Satisfaction ( HCS ) by observing from multi-disciplines . Furthermore , an empirical study is conducted .

  5. 商业银行顾客满意度指数模型变量设置研究

    Model Parameter Design on Customer Satisfaction Index for Commercial Banks

  6. 电子政务顾客满意度指数模型实证研究

    An Empirical Study on E-government Customer Satisfaction Index Model

  7. 大型超市的顾客满意度指数模型实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction of Supermarket

  8. 服务业顾客满意度指数模型

    Customer Satisfaction Index Model Used in Service Sectors

  9. 文章通过借鉴美国顾客满意度指数模型的组织绩效测量方法及其在公共部门的应用模式,结合我国公共部门的特点,设计出了适合我国公共部门的公众满意度测评模型与指标体系。

    Based on ACSI and its application to public organizations , this paper offers a design of public satisfaction test model and index system which is appropriate for public organizations in our country .

  10. 在欧美顾客满意度指数模型的基础上,提出了一种简化的能在不同的服务行业中广泛使用的比较服务质量的顾客满意度指数模型。

    Based on European and American CSI ( Customer Satisfaction Index ) models , this paper puts forward a simple CIS model , which could be used in different service sectors to compare service quality according to customers ' view .

  11. 并采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)对模型进行参数估计,构筑物流企业顾客满意度指数测评模型,实现了对物流企业顾客满意度指数测评的研究。

    By use of Partial Least-Squares Regression for the parameters estimate of the CSI model , we complete the study on measurement of customer satisfaction index in logistics enterprises .

  12. 服务业顾客满意度指数融合模型的构建

    The Construction on Customer Satisfaction Index Integration Model of Service Industry

  13. 一种新的顾客满意度指数测评模型

    A New Measurement Model of Customer Satisfaction Index

  14. 旅游景区顾客的满意度指数模型

    Tourist Attraction Customer Satisfaction Index Model

  15. 组织顾客满意度测评指数模型的研究

    Research on Model of OCSI

  16. 在评价指标体系的基础上,构建了城市轨道交通客运服务质量测评模型,通过与美国顾客满意度指数(ACSI)模型对比,全面分析本文所建模型的特点与优势。

    Based on the evaluation system , this article establishes evaluation model of urban rail transit service quality . By Comparing with American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) model , it analyzes the characteristics and superiority of the model comprehensively .

  17. 本文主要研究如何建立组织顾客满意度指数(OCSI)模型,包括:OCSI模型的结构和结构变量、测量变量及它们的数学表达式,同时简要地讨论了设计OCSI的指标体系和调查表的一些事宜。

    Now I design a model of OCSI , CSI of Organization , in this paper . And include the structure , variable , expression of OCSI . This paper discusses the index system and the questionnaire of OCSI , too .

  18. 主要内容如下:(1)以顾客认知结构理论为基础,借用美国顾客满意度指数模型,探讨顾客个人价值对顾客忠诚的作用机理。

    The major contents are including : ( 1 ) Based on the theory of customer cognitive structure , the study researches the mechanism of customer personal value influencing on customer loyalty under American Customer Satisfaction Index model .

  19. 接着以顾客满意理论为指导,借鉴美国顾客满意度指数(ACSI)模型,结合开发区投资环境各因素及投资者行为特征分析,构建出投资者满意度指数模型。

    Secondly taking American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) model for reference , investor satisfaction index model is designed based on the analysis of investor behavior features and factors of investment environment .