
pínɡ mín bǎi xìnɡ
  • rank and file;grass roots;Joe Public
  1. 其附带的观点是,我们应该相信工程师能成为上流社会中的一员,而不是降为平民百姓。

    The sticking point is , we should believe that engineer could be a member of rank and fashion , instead of down with the rank and file !

  2. 莎士比亚的作品在他那个年代很受平民百姓的欢迎。

    Shakespeare 's work was popular among the common people in his day .

  3. 恐怖分子故意要同平民百姓做死亡游戏。

    The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population .

  4. 从政者通常不理解平民百姓的观点。

    Politicians often don 't understand the views of the man in the street .

  5. 不可否认,这是一场平民百姓反抗领导人的起义。

    It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders

  6. 平民百姓闯进了大楼,显然他们误以为里面有食物。

    Civilians had broken into the building , apparently in the belief that it contained food .

  7. 帕纳姆和瑟森斯翻译过来就是“面包和马戏”,写这个词语的人是说,平民百姓为了获得温饱和娱乐,放弃了他们的政治责任,也就放弃了他们的权力。

    Panem Et Circenses translates into " bread and circuses " . The writer was saying that in return for full bellies8 and entertainment , his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power .

  8. 住在北京西郊香山LeAmor退休公寓里的住户都不是平民百姓。

    THE CLIENTELE OF the Le Amor retirement home in the Fragrant Hills of western Beijing are no ordinary folk .

  9. 近期一个允许国会议庭内母乳喂奶的提议被下院议员SimonBurns谴责,他认为这会使平民百姓耻笑。

    The recent suggestion that breastfeeding should be allowed in the chambers of Parliament has been denounced by MP Simon Burns , who thinks it will open the Commons to ridicule .

  10. 这些网站本质上是“百万富翁的MySpace”,它们承诺为富人提供安全的避风港,在那里他们可以搭讪、交换看法、计划派对或找到新朋友,而无需和平民百姓混在一起。

    The sites essentially MySpace for millionaires promise safe havens for the affluent where they can flirt , swap advice , plan parties and find new pals without mixing with hoi polloi .

  11. 它意指一个建立在平民百姓舆论基础上的社会。

    It means a society based upon the opinion of civilians .

  12. 本报力图反映平民百姓的意见。

    Our newspaper aims to mirror the opinions of ordinary people .

  13. 火灾的直接受害者主要是平民百姓和宗教人士。

    Civilians and clergymen were main victims of the fire .

  14. 他说,平民百姓的处境已经到了不能容忍的地步。

    He said the situation for civilians has become intolerable .

  15. 一般官宦以及平民百姓是不准用的。

    Junior officials or ordinary people were not allowed to use them .

  16. 王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。

    The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt .

  17. 她是第一个获得此项殊荣的平民百姓。

    She was the first civilian to receive the honor .

  18. 我不会下令对平民百姓实施核打击

    I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population .

  19. 我不会让平民百姓弄乱犯罪现场的。

    I 'm not gonna have civilians messing up the crime scene .

  20. 有多少平民百姓能够支付得起这样昂贵的“面圣”费?

    How many common people could afford such expensive fees ?

  21. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。

    Army personnel is often forbid to fraternize with the civilian population .

  22. 你不是平民百姓,要记住

    You 're not just another civvy , you know .

  23. 你会杀死成百上千无辜的平民百姓的。

    You 're going to kill thousands of innocent people .

  24. 但是布隆迪政府也计划把炭炉卖给平民百姓。

    But the country plans to sell peat stoves to civilians , too .

  25. 他的作品是很受平民百姓的欢迎。

    His work is popular among the common people .

  26. 他们发动这些攻击是因为他们自己的平民百姓遭到攻击而实施报复。

    They staged these attacks in retaliation for attacks on their own civilians .

  27. 轰炸炸死了大部分的平民百姓。

    The bombing murdered most of the civilian population .

  28. 普通市民,平民百姓老百姓只是祈求月亮给予好收成。

    The common citizens just prayed to the moon for a good harvest .

  29. 然而,大部分的资金都流入军方手中,平民百姓什么都没有得到。

    Most of it had gone to the army ; ordinary people received nothing .

  30. 不管是平民百姓还是达官贵族;

    Either civilians or the Sheriff 's nobility ;