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  • 网络pingjiang county
  1. 湖南省平江县573例肿瘤性疾病流行病学调查报告

    Epidemiological investigation report on 573 tumor cases in Pingjiang county Hunan province

  2. 湖南省平江县1950~2005年疟疾防治工作

    Report on malaria control in Pingjiang County , Hunan province from 1950 to 2005

  3. 平江县烟草公司职业生涯规划的实施存在一些障碍,本文提出了一些解决措施,使职业生涯规划实施取得了一些良好的效果。

    This paper proposed some solutions to enable the implementation of career planning to make some good results .

  4. 结论:平江县存在莱姆病的自然疫源地,人群中有莱姆病的发生和流行。

    Conclusion : The results showed that there is a nature focus of Lyme disease in Pingjiang county .

  5. 方法:采用间接免疫荧光抗体法和直接荧光抗体染色法,于1999~2000年在平江县选点调查。

    Methods : By means of IFA and DFA from 1999 to 2000 serological and epidemiological investigations were conducted .

  6. 油茶在平江县退耕还林项目中的应用与成效分析

    The application and effective analysis of planting Camellia oleifera in the Returning Land for Farming to Forestry Project of Pingjiang County

  7. 笔者深入湖南省平江县,对平江的初中历史教育情况进行了实地调研。

    I went down to Pingjiang County , Hunan Province , investigated and studied the current situation of history education in junior middle school in Pingjiang .

  8. 但同时也应该看到平江县烟草公司在人力资源管理和职业生涯管理上存在需要进一步加强和改进之处。

    But it also should be noted that the human resources management and career management of the Pingjiang tobacco company are in need of further strengthening and improvement .

  9. 昌江河又名梅仙水,源出平江县西北部幕阜山西麓傅家洞,于杨梅港入汨罗江,长84公里,流域面积670平方公里。

    Chang also known as Mei Xianshui rivers , source to screen Fu Ping Jiangxian northwest Shanxi Lu Jia-dong , in Yangmei in Hong Kong to Miluo River , 84 km long , the valley area of670 square kilometers .

  10. 从资源调查、开发规划、保护工程规划、实施战略、影响评价几方面概括了城市森林公园游憩规划的内容,并编制了平江县大仙山城市森林公园游憩规划。

    From the aspects of resource survey , development planning , protection of project planning , implementation strategies , impact assessment , the article outlines the content of urban forest park recreation planning , and compiles urban forest park recreation planning of Daxian Mountain in Pingjiang .