
  • 网络average revenue;ARPU;RevPAR
  1. 通信服务提供商面临着增加每位用户平均收益(ARPU)以及降低用户流失的严峻挑战。

    Communication service providers are facing stiff competition to increase average revenue per user ( ARPU ) and to reduce churn .

  2. 在相同风险下,投资组合的平均收益要远远高于单一持有美元的投资收益。

    The portfolio average revenue is far higher than the investment revenue of only holding US dollar asset .

  3. 杠杆(leverage)-利用高财务杠杆公司的股票平均收益比低财务杠杆公司股票的高;

    Leverage - the stock with high leverage displays better than the stock with low leverage ;

  4. 对于IPO申购的平均收益,多因素模型可以解释35.3%的偏差。

    For IPO average return , the multifactor model can explain 35.3 % deviation at best .

  5. 同时,根据中国银行(bankofchina)的数据,点心债券平均收益率(与价格走势相反)从去年2月的4.75%跳升至6月的5.6%。

    Meanwhile , average dim sum bond yields , which move inversely to prices , jumped from 4.75 per cent in February last year to 5.6 per cent in June , according to Bank of China .

  6. 在财务评价中使用了新的评价指标体系,增加了平均收益率(R)来更精确的对建设项目进行财务评估。

    Has used the new evaluating indicator system in the financial appraisal , increased the average returns ratio ( R ) to carry on the financial appraisal precisely .

  7. 为了提高ARPU值(AverageRevenuePerUser,即对每个用户的平均收益),各移动运营商纷纷致力于提供更多的增值服务,以此来诱导用户消费。

    In order to improve the ARPU ( Average Revenue Per User ), each provider of mobile communication offeres more service of increment revenue to induce consumers .

  8. 中国银行(BankofCHina)编制的数据显示,二级市场也出现大幅抛售,平均收益率从4.35%,升至5月底的5.71%。

    There has also been a steep sell-off on the secondary market , with average yields rising from 4.35 per cent to 5.71 per cent at the end of May , according to data compiled by Bank of China .

  9. 结果显示,目前我国的IPO询价制度并未使IPO效率获得大幅提升,IPO的首日与首周平均收益率仍处于较高水平。

    Studies reveal that IPOs efficiency is not markedly improved with the implementation of the new system as reflected in the high first-day and first-week return .

  10. 从而得出结论,即通过利用VaR约束下的资产组合模型,航运公司的风险得到可以有效控制,并且能够获得较高的平均收益。

    And the conclusion is that by using the VaR Constrained Portfolio Model , shipping companies can get the freight risks controlled , and can also make favorable profits .

  11. 它给出了资产超额收益率和它与市场收益beta值的线性关系,具有较高Beta值的股票应该得到较高的平均收益。

    It presents that the relationship between the excess return of assets and beta of market return is linear . As regards CAPM , stocks with higher beta should own higher average returns .

  12. 有些州的市政债利率更高。举例而言,纽约州发行的市政债目前平均收益率为3.23%,其在标普的投资等级为AA级。

    Some states are even more generous : The average bond issued by New York state , for example , now yields 3.23 % . New York is rated double-A by S & P.

  13. 周内效应(day-of-the-weekeffect)指股票市场在一周内的某一天的平均收益率比一周内其他任何一天的平均收益率高或者低,且在统计上有显著性。

    The day of the week effect means that in the stock markets , the yield rate on one day is significant higher or lower than the rest other day during a week .

  14. 核心语音业务每用户平均收益(ARPU)的不断下降促进运营商纷纷开始寻求新的收入增长来源。

    Telecom operators are pushed to seek new revenue resources due to the increasingly declining of ARPU for the core voice services .

  15. 另外,杠杆收购(LBO)基金的平均收益率(除去管理费)低于标准普尔500指数。

    In addition , on average LBO ( leveraged buy-out ) funds returns net of fees are lower than those of the S & P 500 .

  16. 根据晨星(morningstar)的数据,在截止6月30日的3年中,该基金组别的累积平均收益率为80.1%。

    Over three years on a cumulative basis to June 30 the average return was 80.1 per cent , according to Morningstar .

  17. 以经过周期性调整的“席勒市盈率”(ShillerPE,使用了10年平均收益)衡量,即便是现在,中国股市也几乎与1929年的美国股市一样昂贵。

    On the cyclically adjusted " Shiller PE "– which uses a10-ye a r average of earnings – the China market is even now almost as expensive as the US stock market was in1929 .

  18. 最后,利用MATLAB仿真工具将本文提出的算法和固定预留信道机制算法、传统优先级机制算法进行了对比分析,验证了该算法确实在保证用户使用满意度的前提下,增大了系统的平均收益值。

    Finally , it used MATLAB simulation tool to comparatively analyze the algorithm proposed in this thesis , algorithm of fixed reserved channel mechanism and the traditional priority mechanism . It approved that the new algorithm indeed increased the system average earnings under the condition of user-satisfaction .

  19. “安邦共赢3号”之所以受到欢迎,是因为它保证3年后给付5.1%——CNBenefit的数据显示,这一收益率高于2.75%的3年期银行存款基准利率,也高于去年12月银行直接发行的理财产品3.99%的平均收益率。

    The popularity of Win-Win \# 3 is due to its guaranteed payout of 5.1 per cent after three years - higher than the benchmark three-year bank deposit rate of 2.75 per cent and the average 3.99 per cent yield on WMPs issued directly by banks in December , according to data from CN Benefit .

  20. Friesen等(2007)认为,通过将基金持有人的现金流加权收益率与基金资产组合平均收益率进行对比分析,可以判断研究基金持有人的选时能力。

    Friesen et al . ( 2007 ) suggested that the timing ability of fund shareholder can be judged by comparing the dollar weighted return with portfolio average return .

  21. 然而,经过调整的格雷厄姆-多德(Graham-and-Dodds)市盈率一种使用10年平均收益计算、经受住了时间考验的估值指标仍然达到令人目眩的50倍。

    However , the adjusted Graham-and-Dodds price-to-earnings ratio a time-tested indicator of value which uses an average of 10 years ' earnings remains at a dizzying 50 times .

  22. 点心债券平均收益率仍远远高于2011年的低点。

    Average yields are still far off the lows of 2011 .

  23. 我们旨在整个业务周期中创造高于平均收益的经济价值。

    We aim to create above-average economic value over the business cycle .

  24. 因此平均收益率为25%。

    The average return is therefore 25 per cent .

  25. 这意味着年化平均收益率为18.1%。

    That 's an annual return of 18.1 % .

  26. 但3年期美国国债的平均收益率目前为0.375%。

    But the average yield on a 3-year treasury bond is currently 0.375 % .

  27. 提高人工林的集约经营程度是追求林地平均收益最大化的有效手段。

    It was an effective means to enhance intensive management to optimize the use of woodlands .

  28. 对于申购新股的实际收益,平均收益与超额收益分别使用模型。

    Models for IPO real return , IPO average return and IPO excess return are used .

  29. 我认为定期储蓄的平均收益率将会和基金的差不多。

    I think the Interest rate of the fixed deposit is very close to that of funds .

  30. 是指计算平均收益的一种方法,平均收益等于持有期间年收益率的总和除以年数。

    Simple average , equal to the sum of all values divided by the number of values .