
é wài lì rùn
  • Additional profit;surplus profit
  1. 在区域生态认证体系中,REC标志使用权具有“似商标权”的经济学属性,其经济价值在于能带来额外利润。

    In the system of Region Ecosystem Certification , the right to use the eco-label " REC " has the economic attributes of " similar trademark right ", and its economic value is to make supplementary profits .

  2. 这些额外利润不包括欧洲央行通常从市场操作中所获得的利润。

    The extra profits are on top of the sums the ECB normally makes on its market operations .

  3. 方法:大多数人使用广告赚取额外利润,这点没错,但是也不要太过分了。

    Solution : a lot of people are using advertisements to earn extra money . that 's fine , just don 't overdo it .

  4. 刘锡康表示:获得那份额外利润并不容易,如果不够聪明,你就会亏钱。

    It 's not easy to make that extra margin , and if you 're not smart enough you 'll lose money , Mr Lau says .

  5. 如果经济不能实现强劲增长,那么欧洲银行业就无法创造出冲销不良资产所必需的额外利润。

    In the absence of strong growth , the European banking sector will not be able to generate the excess profits needed to write off the bad assets .

  6. 相比之下,如果员工的工作效率高,为企业带来额外利润,当然,企业会给工资、地位的提升。

    By contrast , if the employee 's work efficiency high , will be for enterprise to bring extra profits , of course , enterprise will give wages , the promotion of the position of .

  7. 再利用需求函数,分析供应链间独立与合作关系,可得出零售商、制造商和供应链总体利润,合理分配额外利润。

    Then , after analysing the independence and partnerships among the members of supply chain by using demand function , the total profit of retailer , manufacturer and the whole of supply chain can be calculated . Therefore , the excess profit can be assigned rationally .

  8. 地主们想设法独占这些额外的利润。

    The landlords try to monopolize the extra profits .

  9. 此外,零售商还可以将消费者的退货作为二手货再次出售来获取额外的利润。

    Besides , the retailer can resell the returned goods as second-hand goods and gain extra profit .

  10. 甚至如果你有自己的产品,联属计划是一个伟大的方式,以赚取额外的利润。

    Even if you have your own products , affiliate programs are a great way to earn extra profits .

  11. 酿酒厂开除了酒店的老板,因为他总是短斤缺两,以获取额外的利润。

    The brewery sacked the pub 's landlord because he was giving short measures on spirit drinks and pocketing the extra profit .

  12. 如果这股趋势保持下去,铁矿石价格反弹可能会为全球大型矿企带来数十亿美元额外的利润。

    If sustained , the rebound in prices could add billions of dollars to the bottom line of the world 's largest mining companies .

  13. 研究表明,航空联盟能够带来额外的利润,在产品差异化较大的情形下,消费者剩余和社会福利是增加的,政府需要对产品差异化较小市场中的航空联盟行为进行必要的规制。

    The results show that airline alliance can bring about additional profits and the consumer surplus and social welfare are also improved in the condition of big product differentiated degree .

  14. 进口避税的价格效应使进口商获得了额外的利润。

    As the price effect of import tax evasion brings extra profits , importers often evade the tax by utilizing the complexity of determining the duty-paid value and the discrepancies between import tariff rates .

  15. 《纽约时报》这篇报道认为,这个规定的出发点比较可疑,因为伦敦金属交易所也可以因此从铝材仓储业务中获得额外增长的利润。

    The rule states that no matter who owns the aluminum , 3,000 tons of it have to be moved out of warehouses every day .

  16. 技术扩散能力有利于公司将研究成果出售给其他可以将其利用于自身的业务体系的公司,并从中获得额外收入和利润。

    Technology diffusion capacity is advantageous to generate additional revenues and profits from selling research outputs to other forms for use in their own systems .

  17. 随着市场竞争的加剧,维修售后服务成为企业的重要竞争能力之一并且伴随着额外的维修服务利润。

    With the keen competition , after market service became one of the key competencies accompanying with additional service profit .