
  • 网络Additional expenses;extra expenses;extraordinary expenditure
  1. 而且,影院也要承担防疫用品的额外支出。

    Besides , they have extra costs for pandemic-prevention items .

  2. 而此类项目一般占gdp的比重为2%,因此额外支出使计划规模扩大了四分之一。

    Such programmes typically account for 2 % of GDP , so the extra spending increases the size of the schemes by a quarter .

  3. 不包括像你做的那些一样的额外支出

    That 's without going above and beyond like you do .

  4. 你把额外支出考虑进去了吗?

    Did you take into account the extra payment ?

  5. 短期内,英国政府还会在基建和社会住房方面进行额外支出。

    In the short-term there would also be extra spending on infrastructure and social housing .

  6. 将政府额外支出货币化,或许是一种更为有效的工具。

    A decision to monetise additional government spending might be an even more effective tool .

  7. 所以我们并不把海运保险、关税和双语标签这些额外支出算在内。

    And we don 't factor in additional costs such as shipping insurance , tariffs , and bilingual labels .

  8. 但是首次购买平板电脑的客户可能难以接受为此额外支出费用。

    Customers just buying a tablet for the first time , though , may have trouble justifying the extra cost .

  9. 这也意味着在额外支出发挥作用之前,中国有更大的可能迎来二个糟糕的季度。

    It also increases the odds of an ugly quarter or two before the effects of that extra spending kick in .

  10. 当意识到一项预算已经花完或需要额外支出时,你需要学做下面的三项事情。

    After you realize that you have overspent in a category or need extra money , there are three things you should do .

  11. 未预期的添置物或者办公区位置的改变,以及有可能会调整的灯源或者电话线路等都会为室内装修带来不便以及一些额外支出。

    The unexpected addition or change of position of a workstation , or also the repositioning of a light source or a telephone used to cause discomfort and extra costs .

  12. 在2005年到2006年期间,布朗以额外支出津贴的名义总共报销了18680.52英镑。这项津贴用于议员们报销他们在自己选区以外工作所产生的费用。

    In 2005-06 , Mr Brown claimed a total of 18, 680.52 under the additional cost allowance , which pays back MPs for the expense of working away from their constituencies .

  13. 解决赤字问题的任何严肃的计划都要求我们把所有问题都拿出来讨论,承担预算中存在的任何额外支出。

    Any serious plan to tackle our deficit were ( to ) require us to put everything on the table and take on excess spending wherever it exists in the budget .

  14. 所以,如果你认为现在的额外支出创造了就业机会,这种支出导致的额外的税收也将毁坏另外一些就业机会。所以,这充其量是牺牲将来的一些就业机会换取现在的就业机会。

    So if you think that the extra spending now pay is creating jobs now , the extra taxes later to pay for that are of course going to destroy some jobs .

  15. 该机构在报告中称,上调的原因在于伊拉克和阿富汗战争的追加开支,以及用于存款保险和失业救济的额外支出。

    The agency 's report said the increase came as a result of supplemental spending for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , as well as additional funding for deposit insurance and unemployment payments .

  16. 需特别关注的是这个项目的创新性怎么样,它是如何强化“内部顾客”理念的,在没有额外支出的情况下,它是如何提高对服务对象的服务质量的。

    Special weight is given to how innovative the project is , how well it reinforces the concept of " internal customer ", at no additional expense and how it improves service to its clientele .

  17. 在2010年中期选举后进入众议院的共和党人,永远不会在不相应削减预算的情况下,投票赞成去年1000亿美元的额外支出(为延长工资税削减法案融资)。

    The Republicans who entered Congress in droves after the 2010 poll would never have voted for $ 100bn in extra spending last year ( to fund the payroll extension ) without matching budget cuts .

  18. 采用内视镜的方式來取得股薄肌皮瓣有下列五项优点:减少总切口长度、手术时间较短、相同的成功率、并发症较少以及在费用上并无额外支出。

    There were five merits for endoscopic harvest of the gracilis muscle flap as followings : reduced total incision length , less time required , equal success rate , less morbidity , and of cost equivalency .

  19. 这项决定在2011-12年度将使英国财政额外支出19亿英镑,但向北欧石油生产商调高的增税预期会取得更多收益。

    That change will cost the Treasury ?? 1.9 billion in2011-12 , but will be more than paid for by an increased levy on North Sea oil producers , to capture the windfall gains from high crude prices .

  20. 经济是选民们的首要担忧;尽管他们批评奥巴马对就业关注不够,但民调显示,选民们也对看上去像是第二轮刺激措施的额外支出计划感到犹豫。

    The economy is chief among voters ' concerns and , while they criticise Mr Obama for failing to focus sufficiently on jobs , polls show voters also balk at extra spending that resembles a second stimulus package .

  21. 货物的超限等级越高,运输组织工作越复杂,运输安全方面的隐患就越大,货主的额外支出也越多。

    The higher the off-gauge grade of goods is , the more complex the traffic organization , the larger of the hidden danger in safety in transportation , the more of the extra freight from the owner of goods .

  22. 因为购买新设备f要额外的支出,今年的预算略微超出了最初的计划。

    This year 's budget is slightly over our original projection because of additional expenditures on the purchase of new equipment .

  23. 2007年惠誉推断,只需花费1.28元人民币的额外金融支出就能实现GDP的增长。

    In 2007 , Fitch reckons , it took 1.28 yuan of extra financing to produce an additional yuan of GDP .

  24. 他还表示,奥巴马政府将很快向国会提交动用imf黄金的法案,以帮助弥补额外的支出。

    He also said the Obama administration would soon submit legislation to Congress to mobilise IMF gold to help cover additional expenses .

  25. Anderson先生把居民在住房上的投资以及2005年GDP修正后发现的众多额外服务支出加入到消费统计之中。

    Mr Anderson adds investment in homes to the consumption tally , along with much of the extra spending on services discovered in the2005 GDP revision .

  26. 为了用户沟通,我们会承担一些额外的支出。

    We will incur some additional expenses for user communication .

  27. 除了基本费用外还有额外的支出。

    There will be additional expenses over and above the basic outlay .

  28. 总统说他将否决这种额外的支出法案。

    The president said he will veto excessive spending .

  29. 我们当时应避免任何可自由支配的额外公共支出,而眼下则应该取消。

    Any additional discretionary public expenditures should have been avoided and should now be withdrawn .

  30. 住小一点的房子,你可以节省很多额外的支出。

    By living in a small home , you can save a lot of extra cash .